Trump Shares Posts Pitching Himself as Speaker and Calling Kevin McCarthy a Traitor

Flying to politics – 335 points –
Trump Shares Posts Pitching Himself as Speaker and Calling Kevin McCarthy a Traitor

I know we're living in the crapsack timeline, but I didn't realize it was a crapsack made of little shit people that the Republicans sculpted like they were Play-Doh and then threw them in the sack and made screaming noises, pretending the little shit people were screaming, before declaring that sack to be their new second-in-command after Trump.


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If there is something dumb to be done it's guaranteed the MAGA Trumpers are gonna do it.

"Let's make President Drink-Bleach our speaker!"

What could possibly go wrong?

President Drink-Bleach

That would have saved us all so much trouble.

Sadly our timeline doesn't get democracy on easymode, we get to deal with the problem the hard way.

Of all the things to peg him for, this is what you choose?

What stupid, idiotic, dumb, ignorant thing would you pick to demonstrate the same thing?