3 Post – 418 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Male 18-year-old FOSS and GNU/Linux activist and user

I don't know about the "traitor" thing. Edward Snowden would definitely make a better president than Trump.

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Okay? Oddly specific

The one on Greenland, for example

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Not a single real language 😈

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lmao this is too good, I would laugh but I'll be too busy (because I'll be meeting a girl, not that you are really going to understand)

Logging into a non-indexible proprietary service just to be able to read the documentation definitely does not contribute to accessibility.

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People did talk about that though. There were so many allusions to Clippy when Copilot was launched, and even before that.

This is so stupid. He's not a pedo, the things he said were taken out of context (they were bad, but not that bad), and he has long apologised for his comments. People like you that are trying to smear his reputation without any regard for facts, cautiousness and ambivalence are so irrational that it almost appears as if you are getting paid for it.

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Because O is not naturally accuring and only exists under extremely special conditions, so virtually all pure oxygen appears as molecular oxygen O2.

I hope that this demonstrates to people that the oppressive reddit behaviour is not confined to special individuals (such running major social media sites), but is a systematic occurance in online forums. Simply switching from one toxically moderated space to another is not a solution. But this is where the strength of ActivityPub/fediverse lies: we are able to leave for another server while still using the same fundamental service and being able to interact with the same content as before. I would recommend as a new or second home for those who wish to migrate.

What you are getting wrong is that they ARE "glassing" the entirety of Gaza, with almost no restraint. That is not excusable, no matter which enemy you are fighting. The thing is, they won't be able to kill Hamas either way, it's only a choice between less Palestinian civilian casualties and more of them

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As long as this digital infrastructure is developed by the administration itself, I find the idea of a digital bureaucracy great. But relying on proprietary products would undermine its purpose, imho.

I'd call that a win

They knew of the product, but were not informed when it was released. The title of the article is a little misleading.

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Incorporating parts from a free and open-source Unix-like operating system does not make your OS FOSS. Apple would be the last company to contribute their MacOS source code.

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They already have that proprietary and opaque GPU that has full memory access akin to the Intel ME, and its programming is very difficult to audit. There has been something quite fishy about them ever since they left their educational mission behind after the Pi 1 and went for-profit.

Well I watched his Linux videos and to any mildly experienced GNU/Linux user he was laughable in that video, but not in a funny way, I pitied him for his lack of understanding combined with his usual stubbornness.

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Too little, too late. Military intervention or nothing, Israel and Gaza need to be taken in by UN peacekeeping forces and a new dialogue needs to be started about how to find a permanent solution for the coexistence of Palestinians and Israelis. If the need exists, maybe even deconstruct the current Israel to make way for a more tolerant and democratic nation that respects people of all origin.

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This is called Geoengineering, and we don't need volcanoes for that. Current approaches mostly consider injecting sulfates or other reflective aerosols directly into the atmosphere to influence how much solar radiation reaches the Earth. The principle is the same as behind volcanoes. This method is in fact already being employed and has been used in the past, albeit only for regional climate engineering.

Why don't we do this to stop climate change? As you yourself kinda noticed, the consequences could be very unpredictable and dangerous because the effects are difficult to model. However, maybe after everything else has failed Geoengineering could be a viable option.

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The article LITERALLY says the opposite

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I agree completely. Blocked the instance only now despite them becoming more and more annoying each month.

Yep. I don't get why it is so hard for people to understand that non-profits CAN sustain themselves from donations. There's so much brainwashing and gaslighting by corporations going on that people start to question everything outside of the ultra-capitalist system, even the most basic and genuinely nice human interactions are doubted

Ngl, I genuinely find the Windows 11 wallpaper (which is not what this article is about) very beautiful.

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As your own quote says, we can at least hope that if it passes, it will be found illegal by the courts and get rescinded.

So who are they going to vote for then? I cannot believe that they would imagine Trump to be more sympathetic to their cause, if anything, Israel would receive even stronger backing were he the President

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Maybe we should really think about a unification. But one originating from Taiwan that brings democracy and liberty to enslaved mainland China.

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A real aerospace engineer would do it, c'mon Elon, you are one of those, aren't you?

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A lab work group, like that one on Reddit. I cannot remember the name and I sure as hell will not go to that damned site, but it was basically full of graduate students and technicians that shared stories from their labs.

I don't get why some people just refuse to use ad-blockers. They work absolutely flawlessly and I have not encountered an experience such as this in almost a decade.

This election brightens the world for me a little

What you are not considering is that silicon crystallisation and the PV panel manufacturing process in its entirety are very resource-intensive and energy-intensive. The longevity of solar panels is one of their core properties that contribute to their high degree of sustainability.

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I think we should be thankful for having users contribute long-form thought-out content like this, instead of ridiculing them.

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I'm not opposed at all to using LLMs for such purposes, however, please consider a solution that aligns with the values of GNU/Linux and the Free Software Movement. If you have sufficient RAM and a somewhat modern CPU, you can do inference on your very own machine, locally, with no connection to any external servers. And at very respectable speed.

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Who says that Meta is not already harvesting our data? Lemmy really is about moving control out of corporate hands and decentralisation advantages, but profiling is insanely easy on the Fediverse, and it really cannot be different because of its inherent interconnectedness. It makes no sense to migrate from conventional social media to Fediverse equivalents if all one cares about is privacy.

The problem is that such open hardware projects can mostly only work with the components on the market, and eInk displays (or advanced displays in general) are principally only sold by their manufacturers to the OEMs they have contracts with. We are lucky to have any eInk display available to us at all for these kinds of endeavours!

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I mean, that kinda already happened

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You cannot simply block crawlers lol

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I think that there is more than enough justification for the Arab League to launch a retaliation at this point. I for my part would support it.

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I love GIMP and I will die on that hill

Thank you for saying that out loud. I always find the GIMP hate to be phenomenally ridiculous. I love GIMP too.

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