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If a real world pentester tries to hack something out of scope, they also get banned. From society. To a prison cell.

That assumes he's going to drop out, which frankly isn't going to happen.

The primaries have already happened and Biden soundly won them. How exactly do you see a replacement being selected?

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Was it supposed to be funny? I thought the joke was that he was a terrible hackneyed comedian.

The problem with any scoring style system is that there is no answer for when a person gives 2 finalists the same score. They want to vote, but the system did not gather enough information to know where to allocate it.

It has difficulty options. They're just not in a menu. If you want to play on hard mode, use fist weapons and never summon. If you want easy mode, be a mage carrying a great shield and summon every fight.

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Murderer. The proper way to refer to him, mainstream news, is "the murderer Derek Chauvin". He was convicted of murdering George Floyd.

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The guy playing him didn't own the copyright, since it was originally from an 80s TV show. Once he made the character famous, the TV show copyright owner fucked him over and he had to come up with his own character, thus Count Binface.

And thank you Microsoft.

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It's also the hypocrisy of banning drag while walking around in high heels every day.

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This isn't states choosing. It's the US constitution rightly preventing those who tried to destroy the country from ever holding office.

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The worst part is that it worked fine on Windows 7. You could hit start > type the first 3-4 letters > enter and be able to open any program or OS setting in under a second. They somehow fucked it up with 8 and still haven't fixed it over a decade later.

The Galaxy store app on my phone says otherwise.

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They're working on a final solution to the ad blocker problem. If they're successful in pushing their Web Environment Integrity API, there's nothing Firefox or ublock will be able to do.

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Because only Congress can change the minimum wage. You know, the one half controlled by Republicans.

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In a similar vein, there's a game done in this art style about going on a rampage through a tech startup office.

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2023 is the year the free money stopped flowing. Without limitless 0% interest money, tech companies that have been losing money for their entire existence have to start making a profit or go bankrupt.

It's embezzlement. Money laundering is taking illegally acquired money and making it appear to be legitimate.

It gets worse. Many of the felony disenfranchisement laws originate from the civil war era. Combine that with the 13th amendment still allowing slavery as a punishment for crime and you can take a guess who was overwhelmingly targeted.

The simple retort to this is that every renter is paying for a mortgage: their landlord's.

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Congrats, this is the dumbest comment I've seen in at least a week.

I've been the one identifying the people who use jigglers. Usually it was a manager coming to us to look for a reason to fire a poor employee or a contractor trying to bill a suspiciously large number of hours for the work produced. If it was just poor performance, HR would make us do a PIP and waste 3 months on them. Violating security procedures and falsifying time sheets was an immediate termination. And for the contractors, you need evidence in order to refuse payment.

Btw, if you want to get away with it, don't use a software or USB one. Get one that interfaces with a regular mouse. Modern cybersecurity software logs every process executed and device connected.

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What part of the government has the power of impeachment and which party is in control of it?

Jill Stein is a Russian agent. She deserves far worse for working for Putin.

The current rebirth would be stillborn if it had to go up against a hostile NLRB.

Some of them aren't. The corrupt judge he installed in Florida succeeded in delaying the espionage case.

Sure, but the 757 is a 40 year old design that has been out of production for 20 years.

No. He's the biggest shareholder, but only has a 13% share.

It's mostly because of Cubans in Florida. If Florida wasn't a swing state, no one would give a shit.

It's more that both languages are agglutanative, which means they can make new words by mashing together existing ones. A concept that would be two words in English, like "day drinking", would be one in an agglutanative language.

Better savor that vote. If Trump wins, it'll be the last one you cast.

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Making a better product is the least efficient way to make a profit in capitalism. You'd make far more by forming a cartel and price fixing, partnering with a capital management fund to undercut the market until you drive your competition out of business and become a monopoly or simply selling a shit product for a premium and using the extra revenue to suppress bad reviews and fabricate good social media buzz.

Also, your mortgage payments don't go up every year, assuming you're not a moron and got a fixed rate mortgage. And eventually they stop altogether.

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And will they reward Biden for listening or reinforce the idea that there's no point trying to please the progressive left by finding some other reason to get upset and not vote?

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Jokes are supposed to be funny.

Starsector: It's an Elite style open world space game. What makes it special is that it's been in constant development for over a decade and has a crazy number of ships, weapons, lore and features. And a vibrant modding scene.

Also the devs are vehemently against DRM, so the only place you can buy the game is their own website. Or not buy. They put the full version up for anyone to download.

I don't know why you've been downvoted because you're absolutely right.

The Wayback Machine is too important for them to jeopardize it on a stunt with a 0% chance of success. They should have spun off a separate legal entity if they wanted to try something like that.

It won't be much longer if Trump and the Republicans win in 2024.

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Trans fats. Every processed food was full of the things until the mid 2000s, when it was discovered they were a leading cause of heart disease.

There is no BIOS anymore. It's all UEFI, which is massively fatter and more complex. Being fat and complex, they have plenty of security vulnerabilities that need to be patched.