
1 Post – 109 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Dear corporations,

Your current higher profit margins were my former lunch money. You kept all my raises for yourself, and then gave yourself some nice bonuses for fucking me over.

Quit blaming ME for ruining the economy.

Sincerely, The (former) middle class

6 more...

This guy is the whiniest fucking baby. How is it that so many "tough guys" in the States are such big fans of this weakass soft boy. He's pathetic.

It's really easy to avoid sentencing, I've done it all my life by following one simple rule: Don't Do Crimes.

18 more...

Texting on a WiFi iPod, amazing

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Bunch of loser crybabies wondering why they've been excluded when everyone hates their stupid asses for being objectively awful humans.

Eat shit, TERFs. Go die in a ditch, Nazis.

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The point is that Bill Ackman made a big public whiny piss and moan about Claudine Gay's plagiarism, which as it turns out is pretty much identical to the type of plagiarism his wife has now been found guilty of performing.

It's all very dumb, but now it's funny because he's made a valid case why his own wife should immediately be fired and her PhD dissertation put under review.

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So a child groomer, huh. Projection yet again.

Hedge funds have been disproportionate buyers of single-family homes over the last few years.

Traditionally, real estate investment funds didn't own single family homes to rent. Most companies with single family home exposure were builders.

There's still a ton of other multi-family and apartment REITs out there, but I believe they're not being targetting both because they've existed for a long while and also because usually a person looking for a family home doesn't buy the entire apartment building.

Here's a source with some more info: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/21/how-wall-street-bought-single-family-homes-and-put-them-up-for-rent.html

I see this as a win-win.

Presidents have full immunity? Biden takes a shotgun to Trump and immediately resigns before impeachment. Maybe even a murder-suicide for funsies.

Presidents don't have full immunity? Trump goes to jail for the rest of his miserable life.

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Oh, by all means, go nuts

Ahh, Business Insider, the most eager place in the world to let managers talk their book and frame it as news.

Boy, South Dakota really challenging Tennessee and Texas for shittiest State in the Union eh? Haven't even heard about Florida in months because of these bozos.

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So, now that he's an employee of the Kremlin, he gets to stay there permanently, right?

Did we all forget about this literal golden idol that Republicans had been worshipping at CPAC?

Fuck Trump

Goddamn these southern state politicians are truly vile.

If the stupid motherfucker brushes his teeth twice daily, he's already introducing loads more fluoride to his body than any of the trace amounts they add into the public water system, which is still standards of deviation less than anything that would introduce fluorosis of childrens' teeth (since that's not possible for adults with developed teeth), let alone get to a level of toxicity for an adult.

Now, if he regularly consumes full tubes of toothpaste as a health supplement, then maybe that's a reason to be concerned about fluoride.

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To be fair, this was the pre-existing model for GoFundMe. That kid could've been a millionaire if he dreamed bigger.

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Gotta keep that unskilled nepo-baby train a-rollin'! Chooo chooooo

LMFAO, easy answer - because those countries are demonstrably better than the shit hole that is the United States.

God this fuckin turd just doesn't shut up and the rest of us are forced to hear about it. Enough already.

I'm okay with him bankrupting his supporters too

That's because every day is torture in this late stage capitalist hellscape

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Bill Ackman is a hypocritical coward.

Please stop calling the idiot a murderer.

Who, Kyle Rittenhouse the scared little boy who murdered two people? Nah, I think I'll keep calling him what he is, but you keep on living in your fantasy world down there in the States where gunning down people in the streets and schools is a normal every day thing.

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LOL, helping Texans is against everything Abbott stands for.

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Can't let the disproportionately-PoC, vote-stripped, prison slave population drop after all.

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Step Two: Harvest giant ice cube from a comet and drop it in the ocean every few years

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Mug shots please!

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So he's a pervert and a racist typical Conservative? Cool.

All I need are good alternatives to:

  • find or coordinate local events
  • post used things for sale

and Facebook is totally irrelevant to me. The way people switched from Kijiji to Marketplace absolutely screwed me over for leaving Meta.

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It's fatty jello that we electrified and tricked into believing in itself!

Genuinely don't comprehend why anyone uses anything other than Firefox. FF + uBlock makes the internet so much better

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Sounds like these legal arguments are a win-win for anyone who isn't Trump then

Titanfall 2 might fit that scenario the best. Great story but easily payable, lots of quick action, not crazy long and pretty much on rails unless you're a collectible completionist.

Yeeaaahh buddy, do your thing!

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Nobody said anything about trusting the cops, lol

Don't Talk to the Police

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Designed in Wales

Nah, I mean don't do crimes.

Don't get caught doing crimes is, by definition, infinitely more risky.

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The information in the hallucinogenic section about acid flashbacks is incorrect. This was a false rumour spread in the 70s to demonize the political opponents of Nixon.

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David Rosenberg is a perma-bear. He is trotted out like a circus pony every time a news organization wants to print a scary headline about the markets. His analysis offers nothing of distinct value because he does not change his opinion.

David Rosenberg has successfully called 86 of the last 3 recessions.

This is a useless article, written via the opinion of one of the most useless economists.

The cynical-but-statistically-true answer is that this law targets the people that they want to put in jail / don't want to vote. It's a historical, systemically racist piece of law that benefits the incumbents and status quo.

Otherwise they'd have to consider putting people like themselves in prison, or prosecute white collar crime, and that just won't stand for the GOP.

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