US Supreme Court sets April 25 Trump criminal immunity argument to – 196 points –

The U.S. Supreme Court has set April 25 as the date it will hear Donald Trump's claim of presidential immunity from prosecution on charges related to his efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss - the last day of oral arguments of its current term.

The court released its updated argument calendar a week after it agreed to take up the case and gave the former president a boost by putting on hold the criminal prosecution being pursued by Special Counsel Jack Smith. It previously had disclosed which week it would hear the matter but had not given the precise date.

The justices will review a lower court's rejection of Trump's claim of immunity from prosecution because he was president when he took actions aimed at reversing President Joe Biden's election victory over him.


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I see this as a win-win.

Presidents have full immunity? Biden takes a shotgun to Trump and immediately resigns before impeachment. Maybe even a murder-suicide for funsies.

Presidents don't have full immunity? Trump goes to jail for the rest of his miserable life.

That would imply Biden/democrats have any fucking balls. I would actually love it if Biden's team just went "Full immunity? Fuck it, we ball." and just go full hog wild and just push for wild things to actually help people and punish the literal fucking nazis.

But it would be cool.

"Oh, the president has immunity?" Asks the reaper drone as it prepared for takeoff

Then head to the court, just to make sure they don't reverse themselves.

If the president has total immunity, couldn't Biden just pack the court without any process? Why not just say he is the court now?

This is exactly my read of the circumstances: Trump's bought and paid for SCOTUS says he WAS and WILL BE immune to all crimes committed while President. That automatically gives the sitting President until Jan 20 2025 to assassinate Trump. With impunity.
"Hello, Seal Team Six? I have a job for you..."

They will just narrowly craft it so it doesn't apply to Biden and there is nothing stopping them from overruling what they already did if it came down to it.

You can't shame the shameless and as long as the Pope is calling the shots the court will do what he says to.

That's exactly the problem. We want a definitive answer. Instead what we're getting is a hearing in April... and then June... August comes around... Suddenly there won't be a trial before the election and we risk electing an Autocrat.

This definitely won’t be an either or outcome. The SCOTUS rarely gives opinions that black and white (that’s why it’s there in the first place).