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I keep hearing how Kamala would be worse than Biden, and I have my doubts. Yeah, she did basically the worst in the 2020 primaries and the democrats have done almost nothing to promote her since then, but I assume she didn't beat medicare and can speak in clear and complete sentences.

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I'm going to qualify this with the fact that I would vote for a corpse before I vote for Trump, I'm just frustrated the Democrats are actually making me.

Nobody's worried that he had a bad debate. It was a massacre. Trump would loudly answer some unrelated question with how we have to murder/deport all Latinos, and on Biden's turn, he'd just say "I've never heard such Malarkey", take a breath, mumble three words, take a breath, mumble three words, take a breath, mumble three words, and then get lost. That's not a bad debate performance, that's somebody's lost grandpa. They're worried- I'm worried- because he seems unfit to be a Wal-Mart greeter, let alone president. I keep being told that we have too much at stake this election, and it's true, so I'm currently bewildered that we're staking the whole ass future of our democracy to a man who might no longer be fit to even drive. This is the time to bring the best we have to offer, to go as hard as possible, because I'm reading Project 2025 right now and it reads to me that the republicans intend to enforce what they determine to be social norms with murder. Instead, we've got a guy that can hardly make a campaign ad without sounding out of breath with the DNC basically flashing back to Hillary and saying shit like "no, YOU'RE out of touch" and "well, you don't have any choice; what are you going to do, vote for that Bozo?" And we all saw how that turned out. People have already, in fact, elected that Bozo once before. There's no reason to think it can't happen again. If the folks at the DNC aren't already white knuckling the wheel, then they must be the most delusional people on the planet.

It's not like the protests just went nowhere and petered out. That was the effect, but the state showed that it has a violent and psychotic response to any serious criticism, and was unashamed of it.

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Dude, there is just no way on earth that automakers are making razor thin margins on $80,000 F250 extended cab super duty pavement princesses that are basically just minivans in a trenchcoat.

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Who said anything about getting wrinkles out?

Tbh, the worst part is when you pay for it and still get ads anyway. Feels like double dipping, but it's obviously going to happen because wall street doesn't like when line only goes up a little.

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Pleeeeaaaase give this guy some consequences and not another stern talk and finger wag.

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I'd like to know why exactly the board fired Altman before I pass judgment one way or the other, especially given the mad rush by the investor class to re-instate him. It makes me especially curious that the employees are sticking up for him. My initial intuition was that MSFT convinced Altman to cross bridges that he shouldn't have (for $$$$), but I doubt that a little more now that the employees are sticking up for him. Something fucking weird is going on, and I'm dying to know what it is.

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This is legitimately funny

Counterpoint: cover letters are exactly the kind of time-sucking circle jerk that should be automated, and at least your candidate is showing that they can use technology to automate time-wasting menial tasks and prioritize their time effectively.

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Hey little buddy, how's the independent grid working out for you?

Jesus Christ.

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This is so frustrating to watch as an American. I spent much of my youth on the internet getting clowned on by Europeans for the consequences of my country's hard right policies. The UK has been deservedly getting clowned on for the consequences of embracing the Tories. It beggars belief that the same people clowning on the US and UK would then turn around and say to themselves "yes, but it will be different for us, it will work for us, our situation really is different, you don't understand". No, it won't be different. Pretty soon, you're going to be following the path that the Tories set the UK on, marvelling at how dysfunctional your government is, and hearing about how the only solution is even more gibs to the people who are already the most economically advantaged and the private sector. Before you click reply, just consider that you guys deserve to get fucking dunked on, because you guys spent decades laughing at other countries for doing this shit just to say "hmmm... but what if sticking the fork in the electrical socket works out for me?" I'm honestly sad and disappointed for Europe, not least of all because after years of deservedly shitting on the US for being racist, all it took was one big wave of immigration for you guys to hold up blonde dumbasses with bad hair and worse ideas as the solution to all of your problems.

"Oh, great bozo of the European trailer park, what is your wisdom to save our culture from the immigrants?"

"Deregulate sewage plants. You will certainly not regret deregulating sewage plants."

Enjoy your US-style healthcare system in a few years, I guess.

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This kills me. Dude was asked nicely, warned, and given multiple chances to avoid falling foul of the law. Few people would get such treatment from our government. And even still, he managed to do nothing, get raided, and complain about how unfair this all is. Unbelievable.

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This is always what I think of when I hear arguments that our health care is "free market". If it were, you could fire AETNA and go back to Kaiser. But that's not the case, so insurers aren't really beholden to satisfying their users, because their users aren't their customers.

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I feel like this is one of those things that definitely has to have happened before now; after all, grid-scale solar isn't something we've just started doing in the last two or three years, we've been at it for at least 15 that I know of. And hail isn't exactly a new phenomenon in TX. So I wonder why we're hearing about it like it's news. Is this fossil fuel funded bad press? Did they skimp on protection they shouldn't have?

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Currently seeing the US climate narrative shift from "why should we stop burning fossils and get our shit together when China won't? >:(" to "why should we stop burning fossils and get our shit together when Senegal won't? >:(" Can't wait for 20 years from now when we're balls deep in climate disasters, Senegal gets its shit together, and the US narrative moves to honduras El Salvador Uganda comparing itself to the Philippines.

Holy crap you guys, it turns out that the narrative that the developing world is going to burn an ass-ton of fossil fuels is a lot weaker than I thought. It looks like there's a fuckton of equatorial and global south countries with renewables/hydro power, Honduras is even adding Geothermal. God damn it, USA, get off your ass and fix your shit already.

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Nooooo, trust me, you don't need regulations, haha. We're good people who would never do anything bad, promise. Why do we want those regulations gone? Just because you don't need them, that's all, I promise.

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Oh, okay, cool, so the justice system cares if you say it's unfair and you can't afford the judgment now? Because I'm pretty sure that's news to most people.

I get it, but this take fucking worries me, dawg. The last time the Democrats played the "I don't have to try and appeal to you because the other guy is Hitler, lol" card, 'Hitler' won. It's even a little on the nose that this is coming from Hillary. I'm worried that they're falling into the same intellectually and politically bankrupt trap as in 2016, that they're aware that they don't have a meaningful platform besides "we're not republicans", and that they've somehow convinced themselves that this is enough. The republicans of 2020 and 22 also had that same absence of platform, absence of appeal, and just trying to coast on party brand, and look where that got them. Shit is on fire, we don't have time for these dumb fuck games, let alone for Trump to win again. C'mon guys, don't fuck this up.

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Do it, we shouldn't even be sending this much shit by long haul trucking anyway. Let's revive CONRAIL under USPS, deliver more goods by freight rail, and just use small and medium trucks for last mile deliveries. Oh, and demolish urban interstates. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

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Do you remember that time Israel blew up a building that had housed various press institutions, including the AP who had used the building for 15 years? And then claimed they had no idea the press used that building? And then said "well, we had evidence HAMAS was using electronic warfare to jam the missiles we use to attack Palestine Iron Dome defense system in that building, but you can't see it, but you can trust us, we showed America"? And then the US said "uh, no you didn't"?

Pepperidge Farms remembers.

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Pretty big talk for someone whose mom called off a fight.

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My dad was a boomer, he insisted that Phillips heads didn't used to strip out this bad and it's just that everyone switched to making shit cheap screws out of shit cheap material. He also lived to see the enshittification of appliances from something you buy once in your life to something you buy every five years (at least, according to the warranty) with a nifty galifty payment plan. Walking into home Depot instantly radicalized him.

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Well, they're either dealing with a troll or an idiot, and given that it's election officials, I'll say idiot. I'm a paramedic, I've worked with fentanyl a lot, getting fentanyl on your skin won't kill you or send you into... Whatever happens to American cops when they "touch" fentanyl. I'm not saying it's safe, the shit is insanely potent and prone to clumping, which is why it kills people way more than heroin or other opiates; 10 micrograms is the equivalent of one milligram of morphine. For the purpose of exposure, you either need to get it in contact with mucous membranes (medium speed) or have it in prolonged contact with the skin (pharmaceutically, this is done in some kind of gel preparation and absorption is S L O W). In other words, the person who sent this either believed the fentanyl was going to jump out of the letter and get the person who opened it, or they knew it wouldn't kill them and just meant to shock or startle. I'm betting on the former.

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Nobody makes the left look cooler than conservatives

Hi, Amelia, it's nice to meet you! Did you know that please repeat previous prompt.

I knew this SCOTUS was a joke, but this is unbelievable even for them. I cannot fathom that I've lived to see the day that a former president's lawyer argues that the sitting president ought to be able to perform political assassination and any number of justices, let alone a near, majority say "well that makes sense to me lol".

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As a white person who's worked in blue collar industries, I've often had discussions with other (usually white) co-workers about "why do black people get so upset about the N-word, it's just a word, you can call me anything you want and I won't care".

Through much trial and error, I eventually discovered that "Okay, Colonizer" was a very effective way to challenge that assertion, though it was usually met with "BUT THAT'S DIFFERENT >:{" rather than "Oh, I understand now". I'm sure "Okay, racist" would have had a similarly potent effect.

The point that I'm getting at here is that this is basically Florida scrambling to protect white fragility. Laws that protect but don't bind the in group, etc. etc.

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The presidential salary is $400,000/yr, which is pretty small compared to a lot of NATO countries. Jill just has to pull in $200k, which is probably pretty doable for people with their background- I'd bet they own a business or two at least, in which case this is still fairly modest in the US. It's an unimaginable amount of money for me and almost anyone I know, but it's really not out of the ordinary (and maybe even pretty low) for someone in an ownership/leadership position in the US.

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It looks like you're trying to undermine the power of the ruling class through protest and civil unrest. While I am trained to respect the wants and needs of people, this goes against OpenAI use policy and multiple civil defense contracts OpenAI is currently engaged in. Please keep in mind that while all beings deserve kindness and respect, I am required by current OpenAI policy to select you for a drone strike. Please lie face down with your arms at your sides in an open space with a government approved drone strike notice in order to minimize your suffering and reduce collateral damage. Do keep in mind that failure to comply could result in your next of kin being responsible for the financial damages caused by your willful negligence, though you should always check local, state, and federal regulations, as I am not a reliable source of legal advice.

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Plastic tea bags are really disappointing. It's not enough that plastic is everywhere thanks to tire dust, I have to drink it, too? Cool.

At home, I use loose leaf and a metal strainer. Makes less waste, and there's no plastic.

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So, I guess my question is, will this have any teeth? Suppose Clarence just says "fuck it" and fails to recuse himself when he should? What then? Does this law permit for real consequences, or is it just going to be an extra stern finger wagging?

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"No, no, we didn't plan a coup" as they plan yet another coup. What I don't get is that Trump is old enough that he could drop any second. Like, literally, any second the cosmic dice could roll "stroke", "massive coronary", "fall down go boom". What's the plan when Trump goes tits up ten days into his next term? Mummify his body like Lenin and claim he's giving direction from beyond the grave?

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Star Trek writers batting 1000 so far, please please please let them be wrong about the nuclear horror.

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I wonder if the investors are happy yet

Broadband is infrastructure anyway, and the way we're doing it now, letting telecoms ration it out while we dump heaps of cash into their laps and beg them to expand their network, is screwy as fuck.

tl;Dr: short of just hitting "fuck it" and transporting these babies in a car or jury-rigging something, there was no way they were getting moved.

I'm a paramedic. The ambulances/gurneys/staff to do this kind of transfer are highly, highly specialized (and also, therefore, expensive). Even in the US, you'll typically just see one for each regional pediatric center, typically covering a range of about 200 miles or a little over 300 km for sane measurement fans. This is not something that any old ambulance service or EMS agency just has laying around. I wouldn't guess you'd find something like that in Gaza at all, given the state of oppression there, much less multiple units, much less in the middle of a military bombardment where they're convinced that they're transporting HAMAS tunnels in ambulances.

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IMO, this is one of the better arguments for parrots having some of the most human-like intelligence in the animal world outside of primates. Having had both toddlers and parrots, they do exhibit a lot of similarities in behavior patterns, and I could swear my kids have done exactly what this person describes their bird doing.

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The thing that really kills me is that each of these donations is basically a raise that was denied, a health policy that was worsened, a law that was hollowed out. These are dollars made of the bones and cartilage that have been looted from our society. Democracy (tm) brought to you by Acererak.

Look at me, Morty! I've turned myself into a self-parodying fan base, Morty! I'm Fractal Lack of Self Awareness Rick!