Trump was warned that FBI could raid Mar-a-Lago months ahead of time, lawyer's notes show

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Trump was warned that FBI could raid Mar-a-Lago months ahead of time, lawyer's notes show

Trump attorney Evan Corcoran saved his recollections in a series of voice memos.


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This kills me. Dude was asked nicely, warned, and given multiple chances to avoid falling foul of the law. Few people would get such treatment from our government. And even still, he managed to do nothing, get raided, and complain about how unfair this all is. Unbelievable.


He was actively taught to be like this by his father. Dude's mind was ruined early on he never had a chance to escape the brainwash.

And is now saying the 40 felony counts are unfair and a witch hunt.

It's 91 now.

Just for the documents, it's 40. Was originally 37 then they added 3 more.

91 total if you count New York + Georgia + 1/6 + Documents.

Yup, that is true. Didn't know that you were only referring to the Documents case, although the number referenced would have made that clear if I thought about it.

Yeah, that and this whole news article is in reference to the documents case.

Yup. Trump complains that he's being treated differently. He's right, but not in the way that he means. He thinks he's being unfairly persecuted, but he's being treated with kid gloves that few other people would get.

If you or I had 1% of the classified documents that Trump had, we wouldn't be posting here. We'd be locked in a jail cell awaiting trial and facing decades in prison. And that's if we were lucky.

I used to have security clearance for dealing with government files. (In Canada mind you.) If I had so much as talked about some of the things I handled I would have been facing up to 20 years in jail, never mind if I brought them home and wallpapered my guest bathroom with them.

We already have an example of someone imprisoned for doing what Trump did. Her name is Reality Winner.

What an odd name

Americans love naming their kids weird things. Or normal things spelled weirdly. Like my daughter had a friend name Khloe and I worked with someone who had a child name Jaxson.

What really kills me is how even people who don't particularly like him are backing him. My husband's uncle doesn't like the man, but in a discussion with me replied to the number of charges with "if that's not an abuse of power I don't know what is". It's like he hadn't even considered that Trump could well be guilty enough to warrant multiple indictments.

They want to burn the current government, it does not really matter who's on the bailot if they think he can get elected.

That’s what really gets me…. He FUCKING KNEW they were coming and he did nothing??? Only much later he attempted shit like trying to get the security footage deleted, like what??

he really thought he was forever untouchable after the impeachments bs, guess I can’t blame him at that point. Get fucked donny

He didn't do nothing. He tried to get boxes moved out of Mar-A-Lago so that the Feds wouldn't get them.

Yup, what he got busted with is probably just the ones he forgot he still had.

Seems he didn't want to give up what he saw as his personal trophies and mementos. A physical cache proving that he was once president with access to top secret information, that he can brag about or leverage for self-gain. He's used to always getting his way, or negotiating a favourable 'deal', burying those occasions which fail. A lot of his actions are difficult to rationalise as a normal person.

That's because he's not human. He's a dildo.

He is playing on the persecution, I think he even said it himself: each time he get arrested he's going up in the polls.

He is using that to stay in the media, he is taking all the space so ask the news are talking about him. Even here on Lemmy, he is now present in the news than any other personality.

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