
4 Post – 726 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I don't get that platform. I just signed up for mastodon and am not sure I'm feeling that either.

I feel like these Twitter-style sites are just ...like... Keyboard warriors. It's just smug post after smug post.

It honestly creeps me out. Like I see all these popular political posts by profile icons I recognize.... But every post is just whinging...

Who are these people and why do they get popularity and even mentioned on the news as truth when their posts have no sources and are just bullshit political emotion. Then you read a news article that "Twitter is cancelling....". All because there was one post about with someone acting like a dick.

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It's not even just the Internet. Marketing fucks up every aspect of our civilization. We can't even handle having a professional election anymore without trashy ads and people acting like children. You can't even watch legitimate news anymore. ...nevermind mind whack kids pranking people on YouTube being used and turning into assholes for YouTube monetization.

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Why are people still using Twitter/x.

Puts on old man hat.

People talk shit about Twitter and still use it. Is it really that hard to quit? Essentially that makes everything you say seem unbelievable.

Don't talk about it, be about it!

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Criminals run the world. Sadly that's no joke.

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Ron desantis is fundamentally a skank ass ho.

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Selfhosted for extra win!?

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Don't underestimate that shit. I've personally got death threats before. People are dumb as fuck. I've seen people actually follow through. Life is fucked up. Everyone's batshit these days.

I don't say that in Support of unity though.

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Why are people so stupid, lol. Oh wait life is literally marketing in 2020. I don't even know if I'm alive anymore. Do me a favor and check my seo and engagement.

It's like every issue is just privileged assholes complaining that the way they raped Earth and lives didn't work out for their good.

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Yeah okay businessinsider... You did it. You ruined the internet with seo.

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Who do we trust?

None. Everything this country taught me as truth was a lie, unless one has enough money to look the other way. It's like talking to HR at work, nothing changes but they'll still try to win you back with more lies.

They breed terror so they can come back to be a hero.

wHy dId yUo cHoOsE tHaT liFe? InSteAd oF geTtiNg yoUr aCt toGeTheR?

I'm in my thirties begging for more than 28,000/y

Seriously I should probably kill myself or become a martyr.

If you're poor living paycheck to paycheck you essentially just exist to pay tax for war and death. ...maybe a few roads if you're in a predominantly wealthy area.

So for real... It's more humble and respectable to kill myself then work to pay others to kill other people for me so I can have the "freedom" to be a slave for the war machine. The other choice is claw at and rape other people's lives working the American game to get rich until I am able to ignore that the modern worlds still run on slavery and manipulation. no good options.

That's why the youth are hungry to get at all the crooks. Politicians, mob criminals, CEO etc... They all represent the same evil and same tactics.

No one cares if you're a street kinping or Jeff bezos. You are the enemy Of humanity full stop.

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I'm in NH. We still have people out on the corner with Trump flags.

NH is the Florida of the north.

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Being a hard worker gets you places.

Does lemmy have an unethical life pro tips community yet? You'd probably get better results if we did.

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Once we get rid of math I'll be rich! The easiest way to reach equality. When things can't add up we are all worth nothing.

"I lived the American dream."

Aka greedy ganged out selfish evil cunt that rapes humanity and legally lives like a mob member.

They're the same as the street crims that brag about stacks, sell and steal, and break communities and families with drug addictions and pimping ...all while they already have enough to live comfortably.

Different worlds, same game. ...treated em all the same. Mainstream or street.

There's really no security here. It's all still chaos. Quit letting them entice you with a false sense of safety. Regardless of governments and factions we are the ones that need to shape our destinies and we can regain the soul we lost by seeing through their greed, and political and business marketing.

No sides, live for humanity.

Thanks Obama.

It's meta lol. It's the devil.

But the sea is rising forcing people to become pirates.

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Stop feeding this guy.

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Guess what everybody. We can do whatever we want! So start stocking up on guns and weaponry legal or not! /S

I mean we always knew right... But now we know for sure. Nothing matters anymore. Do whatever you want!

We are inching closer to a time where the next crazy mass shooter might be a hero in the history books. Although that little kid that ran scared during that 2020 protest may have already done it.

Quit raising flags. It's cooked and finished.

(Disregard this emotional dramatized post.)

Isn't Whatsapp owned by meta?

If so, why do people use it?

Find the change. Be the change.

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I can't remember the last time I read an article about the economy that wasn't solely for the upper middle class. ...whatever that is now.

Never settle till a one bedroom is 500-700$ usd.

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Jokes on them. I'm already watched by criminals and am used to companies throttling products.

America sucks. Seriously. I'm just waiting for another country to bring it to the USA, because it seems inevitable.

People gotta stop putting faith into these ultimately crooked nations.

Obviously no one used AI for the title.

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They bring a sex doll to their meetings and spend hours trying to figure out the best way to fuck consumers.

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Why would anyone support with this guy or buy his cars.... Shit i feel bad about myself just for existing in america and being part of the economy nevermind outright supporting this guy.

Wtf. Can't they just be defederated. Get that shit outta here.

Shiver me timbers at Hollywood's greed.

(For the recond i don't know what that means...)

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No one is going to buy a pro VR set from meta, lol. That's like going to an Apple Bees with $1000 instead of a Michelin Star restaurant.

And what are people going to do with it...? Play the same Beat Saber they always have?

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There are so many successful people that make me not want to participate in this country.

...Because I know that if they were able to make it then this country is bullshit.

Whales don't even drive.

Always preheat to the exact temp. Otherwise you'll have half-assed food.

Edit somehow I got on your profile page.... I was wondering why every post I commented was yours haha.

Ootl... Who is this red head of the woods and what did they do?

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How does everyone healthily cope with all this modern day political stuff?

It feels hopeless sometimes... All of it. Cost of living, social divisions, unbelievably unprofessional everything from cops to politicians, safety, mass shootings, education, jobs, jobs that pay, medications, unhealthy-food/water, weather....

I get caught in the loop easily. And in my personal reality, yeah I have it better than a lot of people in this world.... But it's like it doesn't mean anything because in this culture I feel like ...cut off from soul and the essence of what life is.

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If the cops have it then the crims have it too. That's the way it worlds. Every time.

Idk right, they think they are American cops or something?

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Well he was groomed for and by the military... Gang gang. Just a pawn for the big guys, it was never for him or us.

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