
7 Post – 290 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Thoughts intrusive, ass protrusive, trans inclusive

Things people have claimed I work for, on the payroll, or are some kind of propaganda agent.

Russian bot: 11

Chinese Communist Party: 6

Central Intelligence Agency: 11

Democrat Party/DNC: 6

Republican Party: 6

Bernie Bro: 9

She thought that the group of trans people that run 196 was somehow enabling transphobia and other horrid things when we constantly removed it.

And when we removed it, she said it was better for communication if kept things up to show the idiots.

And then when I kept it up, she got mad at me for not instantly banning and removing them.

Like everything 196 does was inherently a master plan where we messed with all users just for her.

She's banned because she constantly went "I can't wait to leave this place" and never did. So I left the ban note along the lines of "If you want to leave, you can. You're not, you're harassing users and defending tankies, so take this time to breath some air."

So I’m now wondering if he would hold onto that until big pharma is off the hook for their role in the opiate epidemic.

  • Get the most lower class Americans struggling for healthcare (dawn of country)
  • Have them stick to their low paying jobs because they have healthcare (Dawn of the 20th century)
  • Get them hooked on opiates a rigged FDA approved of due to the company that made it funded the studies and had them on the board
  • Make them dependent on them when they get injured by buying doctors
  • Now you have a low income addict to a drug. Job fucks him over? Arrest him for homelessness. Police terry stop him? Arrest him for drug possession. He starts questioning how it all happened, "you're some kinda commie lib hippy, arrest him!"

Thomas wants liberals in jail, he doesn't care how.

Shout out to that one user named Good Girl who swore that being on Hexbear and Lemmygrad meant she got better treatment than the rest of lemmy.

I hope she gets over her self-hatred and loves herself as much as outside of those spaces.

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No it won't. They'll just make every case the worse possible way and wipe their hands clean of it.

They won't regret one moment of it. Maybe a small migraine but all 9 of the members agreed to have no oversight, no party can get enough to impeach any member of it, and they remain on it until they retire (why give up the ability to construct the entire government of 314 million?) or die in the seat.

Every single one of them just wants power, this gives them that. Welcome to fascism. We can't elect any of them, we can't remove any of them, and they get to state if someone is not bound by law or protected by it. And we're not even trying to pack the courts anymore.

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It only really impacted me and a few others on Blahaj/196. She "swore off" the rest of Lemmy (still has it, still uses it) and said that being on Hexbear was better for her than other spaces online, and anyone disagreeing, even other trans women, were all wrong.

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One of those dudes who you knew he was in something you loved, but never could remember quite which one. Because he was lovely and blended in every time.

RIP to a wonderful actor. I was looking at his Wikipedia page not that long ago.

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Having all 9 of them dead would honestly be a band aid in having them just rip off the entire ground the Capitol is built on.

"The soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the ammo box. Use them in that order."

For legal reasons, I don't have the ability to do it, nor advocating someone to do it. It's as much as a wish as wanting Putin or Xi dead.

Maybe THIS will get the Dems to ditch the filibuster and pack the court.

God I hope so. The 2024 memo should read to every voter: "Hey, the SCOTUS is a fucking corrupt thing where the only thing is to pack them and end the filibuster. Vote Democrat, get a good court you can at least have some faith in again."

It's not gonna happen, but every time Democrats make plans and act on it, they win seats.

I personally use AirVPN. I detest the software client. It's open source at least, but it feels like it was made for Windows XP and just ported forward.

That said, it supports Wireguard, so making my rpi log into the VPN anytime it goes offline is simple. Same for my laptop and phone.

Decent rates, good ways of dealing with per-device things, easy to lend the account to people who need a VPN, and often has sales.

Still miss port forwarding.

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My internet isnt fast enough, My average download speed for the entire place is maybe 18 MB/s, and 0.5 MB/s upload.

Torrenting helps solve the problem as I can just tell it to download in chunks and then turn it off when I need more leg room on my copper wire internet from 2003 that AT&T doesn't change.

I have some of the slowest speeds where 4G Data is a massive upgrade, so when I need to offload some jpgs to discord or something, its faster if I just send them to my phone and upload that way.

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I have tried a seedbox before, but the bottleneck is the last mile of my home internet. I just have a Raspberry Pi 3B+ hooked onto my router via ethernet. I just log onto qBittorrent and tell it to go as I sleep, and turn it off when I wake up. The downloading is done already onto a spare laptop drive I have, and then I watch it via Jellyfin or sneakernet it over to a friend.

I won't say a seedbox is useless, I think it's great, but due to how my living works, it's not great. I've waited several minutes for a few PNGs to download, game updates often take hours. Not even counting how the actual fucking wind slows down my internet, due to the copper wiring being on poles like electricity. And I live in a place with so many windmills due to the natural features of the land creating daily wind storms from 4 PM until 7 AM.

I really do appropriate the advice however!

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That is genuinely amazing, losing 60 ships to a country without an actually big navy. Invading Ukraine to have warm waters for your navy, and you still lose.

This is Russia's "don't invade Russia in winter". Don't launch a naval assault on Ukraine, apparently.

Wonderful software, easy payment, great rates, but lack of port forwarding is a major fallback. I understand it was due to a very minor chunk of bad actors, but that minor chunk was hosting CSAM and other horrible internet-accessible things, and no way to track what traffic is where, means they had to remove the feature for the 98% of good faith users.

But I almost refuse to use AirVPN's software. It's so... weird. I'm thankful they support wireguard with zero issues, so I can just use the default network manager and apps for Linux/Android, but that client interface is so backwards compared to Mullvad and iVPN.

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With the debate, I'm not swapping my vote for Biden. It's "not all there, can still hold a valid and truthful talk, but not as racist" or "lying fucking piece of shit, who's brain is melting, and hates way more people" as the two options.

Biden is the saner option, but holy shit what a bad debate. I was flummoxed on why Biden's team just allowed it to happen. Faux News is probably lapping this up like a dog on a summers daty.

That's it mainly. Port forwarding improves my torrenting enough to where I get better reliability.

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"Fine, if you're not going to vote Biden, at least vote down ballot. Primaries and local offices are the next wave of politicians."

[Funds into primaries to remove progressives from office, backs conservatives because of "electability".]

"Oh uh, sorry. By the way this is you, the pleb's fault, not the rich we gladly accept. Maybe next year we won't pull the football out of the way when someone pays us to?"

Rape jokes aren't cool even if its prisoners or male on male. Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ can we just lock him away? Why does he get to run for office, get more money for being a charged criminal, while us plebs have to worry about cops shooting first and asking questions later?

Gag him, but it won't do dick when he's already been gagged and violated it, and courts take forever for the richest and most corrupt fuckers on the planet. He needs to be in jail for his crimes. (Yes I know you can run for office from jail, Eugene V. Debs did it when he was arrested for protesting the draft of WW1.)

"They're the same picture."

Also, that does not explain why:

  • Chrome users who use an adblocker don't get the issue
  • Firefox users who do not use an adblocker get the issue
  • FIrefox users who use an adblocker, but change User Agent to Chrome, don't get the issue

Now, if only we knew who made Chrome and YouTube... The mind boggles.

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Alright, I'll try to do better. I will say that while this doesn't defend my actions, I've been under a high amount of stress in the last 2 weeks. If people want, I will resign as mod without question.

EDIT: Restored the posts with "Restored due to community feedback/me being a dick."

EDIT 2: I am going to do some shopping and chores, if the community wants me gone, I will remove myself when I am back, or have the mod team boot me.

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I wish we had a small percent of what France does for its consumer rights in the United States.

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Alphabet gross profit for the quarter ending June 30, 2023 was $42.688B, a 7.85% increase year-over-year.

Alphabet gross profit for the twelve months ending June 30, 2023 was $160.503B, a 1.7% increase year-over-year.

Alphabet annual gross profit for 2022 was $156.633B, a 6.77% increase from 2021.

Alphabet annual gross profit for 2021 was $146.698B, a 50.01% increase from 2020.

Alphabet annual gross profit for 2020 was $97.795B, a 8.71% increase from 2019.

Huh, they seemingly have money to not fuck our eyes without lube for ads, but I guess they somehow just don't have enough money, 156 billion dollars is really nothing after all. Probably more money in between my couch cushions. Such a small indie company that has to struggle to remain afloat, like an Etsy store.

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Mainly because I sometimes need a reality check. I agreed to be a mod here at a normal point of the last year, and the last ~5 months have been putting so much weird shit in my brain it's not been healthy.

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I wish democrats were like 10% of cool as republicans fearmonger them as.

According to Mastodon:

The Google AI isn’t hallucinating about glue in pizza, it’s just over indexing an 11 year old Reddit post by a dude named fucksmith.


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I'm sorry to hear about this, do you have some links to your GitHub and the interactions?

EDIT: I checked Leah's Mastodon, found this interaction: https://files.catbox.moe/6dftac.png https://mas.to/@libreleah/111997718668105706 And here's the IRC interaction: https://av.vimuser.org/lorenzo.txt


I haven't taken the time to read all of this fully, simply trying to share info that is not supplied by either parties.

EDIT: Taking more time to read it, it seems so far:

OP's code was buggy and bricking boards. Leah requested a patch to solve the known problems. OP took too long, and when Leah got a personal copy of the same computer/board, she worked on her patch and implemented it. OP is still listed on the site. https://libreboot.org/contrib.html#lorenzo-aloe

Provided hardware testing for the Dell OptiPlex 9020, also provided testing for proxmox with GPU passthrough on Dell Precision T1650, confirming near-native performance; with this, you can boot operating systems virtually natively, performance-wise, on a Libreboot system in cases where that OS is not natively supported.

All round good guy, an honest and loyal fan.

I personally have not written any code nor submitted anything to Libreboot, but it seems OP is still credited despite the claims of being stolen. I can't confirm if any code was used by OP or if Leah used 100% original code, as that's not my expertise. And even then, I'm not sure if the GPL/whatever license Libreboot uses is cool or uncool on that.

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It's fine to pirate every piece of media. From books, to movies, to music, to textbooks, to newspapers, to my own comments online.

Information and art is meant to be shared and enjoyed. Pay walling a distraction from reality does nothing but make reality worse.

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Can someone try to "Little Bobby Tables" them? Just put some SQL injection shit to make the servers more of a dumpster fire?

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If someone randomly told the public "Hey whatever you do, don't look into my basement" I would instantly start wondering what's in there. If a company said "We don't need to be investigated" I'd instantly double the funds to investigate them.

I try to be. Not always.

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If there's ever been proof that America has an injustice system instead of a justice system:

  • Trump is guilty of all 34 counts, is allowed to still run free, still allowed to run for president, still gets massive coverage from every piece of media, even ones that lean liberal.

  • Every single black American has to worry about cops just randomly shooting them, without judge or jury, just executioner.

  • Women had their bodily rights revoked by an illegitimate court.

  • Trans people are new scapegoat after gay/bi/lesbian people struggled to get the same rights as the 90% since the 1960s at Stonewall.

But sure, we live in a free country where a fascist can be arrested, found guilty, lose more money than any person who could support such a fucking loser would ever see in life, and still do will in polls and not have serious challenge.

Place your bets for how long until Google kills this. I'm willing to bet 2 years.

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I wish I could go back to a Lemmy thread showing how Mastodon and other Fediverse instances were blocking Meta ahead of it's integration, where people went "Oh you're just being paranoid, why would they do that?" And when given examples of companies taking open standards and either making themselves the biggest source of users or killing it (Microsoft, Google, Apple) they either went "Well that happened in 2006, it's 2023!"

I know the bootlickers wouldn't actually change their mind, but jesus christ. It's frustrating for groups of advocates to be ignored and proven right each time. Cassandra syndrome is real.

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That would imply Biden/democrats have any fucking balls. I would actually love it if Biden's team just went "Full immunity? Fuck it, we ball." and just go full hog wild and just push for wild things to actually help people and punish the literal fucking nazis.

But it would be cool.

Hey everyone, just a reminder:

  • Yes Nazis are also bad, we don't have Nazis pop up anywhere near as often as Tankies
  • We remove and ban Nazis too
  • We're aware of Lemmy's main code writers being ML's, and it's not great.
  • Please report any bigot bullshit, or fascist/tankie dogwhistles.
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King Solomon says no.

Jesus Christ, we learned that fixing the economy via tariffs was bad in 1930. Like holy shit, tariffs are nearly universally agree by every field of economics to be shitty for citizens, businesses, and then the country. It makes no one inside want to buy anything but the simple basics, even with the basics now costing much much more.

I am not a "free trade" person, but this is not how you "Make America Great Again". Even Ronald Reagan and Dubya didn't do tariffs as a replacement for other things.

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Hey I want y'all to know that I'm locking this, but:

I agree with OP. Burning Harry Potter books doesn't hurt anyone. No one here would give a shit if it was burning a copy of some horrid book. And Harry Potter isn't going to be out of print any time soon.

When Nazis did it, it was a complete removal of the only copies of a queer library in Germany. OP can't do that to Harry Potter.

I'm only locking this to save the mod team and the admins the headache. I can only expect transphobia, ableism, and "but that nazis also burned books!!! youre as bad as the nazis!!!!".

"oh man I don't wanna call the cops on this white boy... Honey he says he wants the menu. I dunno. Make him some noodles and some chicken. He doesn't know I'm speaking English and not Cantonese, that's how zooted he is."

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