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Joined 6 months ago

I had this one and the upgraded one since we were too poor to buy a real PC. It worked decent for web browsing at the time and I spent a lot of time in IRC chat rooms. I think (may have been later on a real PC) I even started doing Geocities/Tripod/Angelfire pages on this and learning basic HTML.

They are pieces of shit but for the price it's actually pretty decent. $30 is the price of a couple McDonalds meals. We used to buy them for the kid to use since it didn't really matter if it got destroyed. I also bought a new one to use as a smart home touch interface but I haven't quite finished that due to ADHD and too many projects.

Same. I used to make fun of them as they're 'too big' for mobile stuff but too small for computer stuff, but after getting a killer deal on a Tab S7+, it's super useful for casual games, watching youtube/plex, drawing, and web browsing. It's also great to use in the kitchen while cooking or doing other stuff

I've seen this at Disneyland. People walking around using a fucking tablet to record videos like people do with selfie sticks.

The production value is already there. Provided they can afford to have regular projects and other content, I don't see why they wouldn't blow up big. When I first saw the channel a couple of days ago they already had something like 750k subs with just the one video.

God I've been watching through Bleach and it's like this. Each 22 minute episode is really only about 12 minutes long with the rest being a 5 minute recap of the previous episode, the intro, credits, and post credit filler.

Edit: a tangent of this would be watching a sitcom with the laugh track removed. Imagine seeing the actors awkwardly standing there in silence in the middle of their dialog where the laugh track would normally be inserted.

A funny second tangent is the musicless music videos on YouTube. Definitely worth checking out for a laugh.

And lemmings and redditors will blame progressives for it.

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Probably the worst thing would be if they both walked to the middle of the stage and started 69ing each other before announcing that they're partnering up and running together for the 2024 ticket as co-presidents.

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I think we'll first have to convince the Democratic leadership since they're about as equally interested in changing things. Both parties want to maintain the status quo because it keeps them both in power.

Again, I don't know why you're so fixated on the few American companies on the market when this is about the entire industry in the US, of which American cars make up maybe 25%. This protects that 25% plus the other 75% of non-American companies.

You'll have to point out where I made the argument that there are equivalent new American EVs selling for the same price as these highly subsidized Chinese EVs. I don't recall ever saying that since this is the whole crux of the argument. If everyone were able to sell their cars as cheap as these highly subsidized vehicles, the US and EU wouldn't even need to impose tariffs nor would China need to subsidize their offerings. This is a complete strawman.

If you care about the environment and want a cheap EV go buy a used Nissan Leaf for $7k. It has already been built and won't generate new emissions in order for you to purchase it.

This opinion is ridiculous as "the big 3" doesn't even exist anymore and hasn't for over a decade. Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep is owned by a Scandanavian company.

Also this isn't written to protect the few remaining American companies, it's to protect the entire auto industry in the US including Kia/Hyundai, VW, Toyota, Honda, Mercedes, BMW, Subaru, etc.

China selling vehicles with massive subsidies that allow them to undercut everyone else in the market isn't good for anybody but China because as soon as they put their competitors out of business, they will jack the price of their cars up as high as they want.

This is the same reason why when Walmart comes to a new town, all the similar local businesses shut down because it's impossible to compete with their deep pockets, but now you're advocating for it on a national scale which will potentially cost hundreds of thousands of domestic manufacturing jobs.

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Same thought. This person gives me the creeps, and I wouldn't be surprised to find out she stabbed someone who tried to break up with her.

You say you're not tuned in to any of this yet you're here talking about it and have presumably read through the comments to know the context. This is like peak redditor energy.

How dare they disparage president Joseph Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Biden in such a way!

Considering the person she accused of being a squatter is an attorney and the person making the accusations is currently sitting in jail, I'm going to assume her story is b/s. The article stated that the attorney's lease was up but that doesn't mean she has to move out. I lived in places for years after my lease expired as a "month to month" tenant.

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It won't matter how fair things were if we are all dead.

What other conclusion can you get from a comment like this? "We're all dead unless we can all get our hands on these cheap Chinese EVs." We can't drive two cars at once meaning we must get rid of our current vehicles, no?

Who's going to be able to purchase these cars if hundreds of thousands/millions of union workers lose their job due to these Chinese subsidies undercutting everyone else? That has a cascading effect on the rest of the economy if you weren't familiar with similar scenarios happening in the past like when the housing market was manipulated by banks handing out ARM loans to everyone in 2007. If you think this is all about American protectionism, why is Europe imposing the same tariffs on China for the very same reason? They're much more accepting of climate change policy and taking steps toward a greener future. Perhaps they also see something that you're not here.

I really can't comprehend why people think this is protectionism for US automakers as there are very few of them, GM, Ford, and Tesla. There are over a dozen more that aren't US companies that still manufacture here that such a tariff would also protect, which is why people are talking about protecting the market not a couple of US companies.

How does nationalizing the auto industry fix anything and what companies are you even talking about here?

You talk about the modern era and what people want but this is in stark contrast to what these same people actually buy. You act like people are forced to buy the vehicles that sell the best when in reality it's a voluntary decision and they sell the best because that's what people want.

What you're arguing for here is exactly the same thing that companies like Walmart do to small towns when they move in. Suddenly every local competitor is out of business, their employees wind up working for Walmart and spending their Walmart pay on items from Walmart. The town suffers while the owners prosper. This is like the textbook definition of cutting off your nose to spite your face all so you can selfishly and ignorantly buy a new car at a discount price.

This isn't "out-competing the US market," it's the Chinese government decimating the US market and then controlling it. Your solution seems to be raising taxes or cutting services in order to funnel taxpayer money toward automotive companies. Sounds like something Trump would come up with. Why don't you stop beating around the bush and just say you think we should bust up the unions and slash worker pay so that we can have cheaper cars and win this race to the bottom?

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A good example of the brainwashing that comes out of these seminars was the cop who heard an acorn drop on his car and then immediately fell to the ground claiming he was shot before unloading his entire pistol into the back of his squad car where a suspect was sitting handcuffed.

Yes they're still charging the merchant fees on your purchase which is often overlooked.

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Which is why we have two right wing parties and no left wing parties left in the US. Moves like this are how we got stuck with Trump in 2016 and almost again in 2020 and now once again in 2024.

What kind of speakers? I recently got some Klipsch home audio that have removable grilles. The look with the grille off definitely looks better if you don't have kids and stuff IMO. I've also recently bought some Pioneer for my truck and they too came with optional grilles though I didn't need them since they went behind the door panels.

It's just an average. Same reason why $111k won't get you a house in San Fran, LA, or San Diego even though that's the average middle class salary for CA. There are lots of rural areas that bring that average down.

Transmissions are all electronically controlled now.

Beavis and Butthead is another similar example. Some group of people have done their best to recreate it digitally in a torrent called the King Turd edition.

How does buying a cheap new car even if you don't need it going to save humanity or prevent the earth from burning?

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Everyone buying cheap new cars isn't going to be the thing that saves us.

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I'm saying this woman is crazy and has zero credibility so there's no reason to believe anything she says. The woman she attacked is an attorney so I'm assuming she wouldn't be illegally squatting in someone's home and jeopardizing her whole career.

Woops I obviously shouldn't have been doing math before having my coffee.

Partially the reason. I've seen between $0.10 and $0.30 per gallon more for credit cards even though merchants only charge <5%. At $4.00/gal, 5% is only $0.02 that they're paying the credit card companies so they're making extra profit off that too.

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Right its usually either 0% APR or "$XXXX Cash Back" offer and both work out to be a discount off the sale price. I believe the APR is usually the better way to go but it can vary depending on the actual numbers.

Are you arguing there's no competition in the US or are you arguing that China should have to compete without the subsisides?

There are numerous small vehicles for sale in the US already but nobody buys them because they want a vehicle that's good at more than one thing (being small) when forking over tens of thousands of dollars for it. Nobody is legislating to ban small or efficient vehicles they want to ban a foreign country from manipulating our markets by selling vehicles at artificially low prices due to billions in subsidies for their national brands.

This idea that if we simply threw out all 200+ million vehicles in the US and replaced them with new, more efficient ones, global warming would suddenly end is ridiculous. This is just consumer mentality and treating cars like disposable iPhones with the mindset that you're "being green." If you want to help curb emissions, go buy a used Prius or EV instead of demanding that a factory build you a new car and do so at an artificially low price. Go buy a bicycle or electric scooter. You're not reducing emissions by destroying a product that has already been built and is in good condition just to replace it with a newer version.

I didn't bother reading the rest of your comment since it devolved into unhinged rambling.

There are dozens of models out there already and the used market is growing day by day. Why does everyone need a brand new car and how does building a brand new car for everyone while scrapping every existing car reduce emissions?

At what point in history have brand new cars ever been obtainable for the masses?

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Arguing for everyone to go out and scrap their current car just to buy a new one isn't going to do anything for emissions. You realize building a new car creates more pollution than just buying or using one that already exists right?

The commenter above is claiming that we're all going to die if we can't all go buy a new Chinese EV for $10k, which is absurd and counterproductive to reducing emissions.

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Myers, who says he's a licensed security guard, was sitting in his car Wednesday to conduct "overwatch" while his son trains because "he has seen numerous crimes occur" in the parking lot, according to the probable cause statement.

His son was taking a jiu-jitsu class next door. This guy is like peak gravy seals/tacticool wannabe.

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How is that clickbait? Calling income "a bonus" doesn't mean it isn't money being paid out by the company. When my company gives me shares, it's still income that I pay taxes on because it's something with a tangible value that can be easily converted into cash.

CEO salary being a small fraction of their total compensation is extremely common because wages are taxed higher than everything else. They structure it like this to avoid taxes. Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg were/are paid $1 per year base salary and they're two of the wealthiest people on the planet.

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Probably all three.

Edit: jesus they are stranded on an island in fucking Alaska. I can only imagine how little oversight there is (which is why it's so isolated) and how much abuse must occur there because of it.

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And then 6 months from now Samsung will release their own ad showing items getting crushed. Both these companies suck.

What kind of company has such a bad drug problem that they need to bring in dogs to find it? Absolutely ridiculous.

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duped unsuspecting parents into bringing their kids to a truly dmsial event using clearly AI-generated marketing materials.

Said the AI generated article.

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