1 Post – 130 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

A lot are still doing that and haven't moved up

(Please at least use SFTP!)

Trump sues someone, loses, wasted time and pays fine

Trump gets charged, loses, pays fine/legal penalties

Trump talks out of his ass, gets sued, loses court battle, pays the lawsuit

This is entertaining, more please, I want to see his life erode into a neverending cycle of paying out the people he's harmed and getting his time wasted with court cases until he finally dies

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That's it, I'm only using epoch from now on, that's enough of your time zone shenanigans

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There's a lot of us neurodivergent folks in tech because it suits our needs better than a lot of other fields, and a lot of us just love technology

We're more prone to being LGBTQIA+ than neurotypical folks, scientifically documented

Makes sense tech would have more trans folks as a result, we pad the numbers a lil bit

This is of course a generalization and actual ND/LGBTQIA+ presence is going to vary based on job, location, how insufferable management is, etc, and not all NDs are LGBTQIA+ and vice versa.

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Classic Republican playbook, start shit and then project it on the enemy to make them look bad

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I am Christian (I'm not out to go modify non-Christians though and have a lot of misgivings about the way other Christians have been approaching the topic) and have been in the church basically my whole life and can echo what u/BarqsHasBite stated. The big fear from their end is LGBTQIA+ folks "converting" the children to change the nation. Spend enough time looking at liberal-based news (I imagine you don't want to, that's fine but it needs to be said) and you'll see lots of examples of Christian vitriol against LGBTQIA+ in a very un-Christ-like manner. If you're not seeing it around you, you're lucky.

"It’s bigotry and they’ve fully embraced it."

As a Christian talking to a Christian, I'm astounded you don't understand the nature of the culture war going on. One side views homosexuality as a horror that needs to be snuffed out, and the other side views it as a major component of their person that is inseparable. One side wants homosexuality to die and the other side views that as a threat against their person. One side is using the Republican party to attack availability of transgender services that a good chunk of the other side relies on to live because they have followed their gender dysphoria through to personal body modification.

You and a lot of other Christians in this country need to stop with the persecution claims and crawl out from under your rock and have some open dialogue with your fellow Americans or citizens of whatever country you're in and stop cowering behind your pride and ego. It's fair to be viewed with mistrust when others of your faith are attacking what they are standing for. We are being intolerant of their choices and then crying intolerance and that is plain idiotic.

Doesn't take a genius to figure out that when the economy restabilizes, that doesn't mean the cost of consumer goods go down or wages go up, it just means the billionaires running the show aren't losing millions

This is what happens when your education is CEO-pandering articles on Forbes and Fortune shoving "the workers are the problem and work-from-home is lazy and will kill your business" agenda so they get more views

We know lol

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Chicken mass production is pretty disturbing when you get into the numbers and details

Same for other meat industries

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This is why I cringe at cell phone manufacturers selling cloud and AI features based on phone models because wtf you're not running that cloud on that handset so why do you gatekeep the product behind that model? It can't require that many resources, it's a cloud app!

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Open console, troubleshoot components, replace components as necessary. You might be overthinking this one or your question might not be specific enough. Modding is the act of replacing factory components with ones that are non-standard, repairs are not necessarily mods.

Florida is a cursed state that has been lost to Republican and Far-Right whimsy, wow

I was a little suspect of the NAACP memo about it being unsafe for Black people but man this just seals the deal

"Judeo-Christian society" has been airstriking the Middle East for years and provoking wars for a lot longer than that which is a violation of Christian beliefs ("Do to others what you would have them do to you", among others) so they can kindly shove it up their warmongering ass

The king just decided he really isn't ready for another commitment


Also both Sonic Adventures, Virtual On Oratorio Tangram, Crazy Taxi and I think I remember Sega GT being pretty good too?

shareholders raking in more money

Prices are still ass for the average American expenses

"The economy is doing great why you feel bad?"

EDIT: This is actually the media screwing us over here, Biden actually touches on why, bad headline

"But then our customers are going to eat more service fees because our shareholders can't take the L"

There's definitely financial damage and I don't know how spez still has a job but it would take a long-running war to drive numbers down enough and I don't see that happening personally. Unfortunate but it is what it is

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He wants Twitter dead, he never wanted the company and he's stuck with it and is basically doing the most above board sabotage of the company he can get away with.

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"The Froot Loops are turning the frickin frogs GAY" -- US Conservatives probably

Sounds nice, wake me up when it's available

Again with the fear mongering over people that mean absolutely no harm to you as a human and are not ruining the country at all, maybe just to your career for being a prick

Pretty sure Jesus would say "love thy LGBTQIA+ neighbor" if he were present, but no, gotta crusade against the minorities because of some Old Testament law that was fulfilled by Jesus's sacrifice in the New Testament anyways

Not to mention the perpetual insinuation of America = Ancient Israel 2.0 which is a load of crap, this is an agnostic nation and always was

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This is expected? New service, people flock, it's not for everyone that flocked, buzz dies down

I'll stick with Mastodon in any case

To add on, the parable of The Good Samaritan also highlights his opinions on how Christians should treat people that are of a different, "reviled" culture than their own (Samaria in the story) by defining who a "neighbor" is and emphasis on loving your neighbor as yourself.

Meanwhile here I am just tooting with folks in my small part of the community blissfully unaware of


☣️ ToXiCiTy ☢️

Why is Mastodon being treated as a monolithic entity?

News sites are freaking stupid.

America under Trump means our allyship erodes and we lose the power to stand up to major threats in the event of war, plain and simple

I'm surprised to hear that's a thing, they're all priced at the shops near me

We hating Bieb again? What is it, like 2013?

I was a console kid and wish I had more exposure to the beefier DOS/PC games available in the 90's, lots of gems

"Excuse me, I am not FRENCH, I am BELGIAN" --David Suchet, an English actor playing a Belgian detective upset at being called French for international audiences

Natural selection?

They won't believe it if you told them. If you pointed out Trump being a criminal, they'll just plug their ears and scream their misinformation, claiming Biden is too.

There is no educating the unwilling.

Maybe I've been living under a rock but women can use technology as much as everyone else, I'm not understanding why this is news worthy

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Extracted a sizeable archive to a pretty small root/OS volume

Getting mad at X-Men for being "woke" is just very, very very stupid and I don't even want to throw justification as to why because it should be so obvious if you've even take one look at the media source that they're effectively outing themselves as morons.

If you get mad at other franchises for revisionist inclusivity, whatever, but c'mon it's X-Men, there's no limits here.

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Which is why I don't understand this article being scandalous about it, infrastructure implementation takes a while and a lot of states don't have the infra needed yet.

They're comfy, cheap, non-absorbent and if you wash them and your feet they're fine

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I'm in the Animal Crossing boat. It's the right kind of cozy.

A Short Hike and A Little To The Left were also pretty chill.