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Joined 7 months ago

He pocketing this shit and funding his little personal army with it too. He screams woke and takes the money.

Nah. I'll be as cringe as I please. Don't need your permission.

Nothing about being an edgelord or cool. Its just not a thing that's ever been an issue in any relationship, even ones I fucked up. It's not even a thing I ever once heard talked about anywhere aside from the internet. It's just a shit post argument that doesn't matter, regardless of how you do it. Just an empty little thing people like fighting about online for whatever reason. That's what I spit into the face of.

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I'm happily married. Has never once been an issue.

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She's trailer trash. Of course she over indulges and can't handle her booze. That's staple trailer trash behavior. This stupid jackass would fit right in on the real housewives of West Virginia. People like her are the face of the modern Republican party.

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As everyone starts dunking on the trolls, remember that a non zero number of them are less trolls and more agents of chaos for their government. Reporting and down voting might be a much more useful action.

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Infamous stupid hick says hateful, willfully ignorant rage bait. Middle school was too much for this fucking mental invalid. He may never see prison for what he's done, but he's trapped in that idiot mind and will never know greater awareness, just like he deserves.

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This just cements my opinion that all these people are short sighted idiots. They think they're foxes fucking up the henhouse, but they're just other chickens pecking the fuck out of their neighbors while the henhouse burns around them. Fucking. Stupid.

It common knowledge that lots of truckers dont go into NY just because they are afraid of the complication. The pitiful number of drivers that would be a part of this protest are a tiny, invisible speck. Even with the drivers who refuse, there are many more that don't have a single issue. For every trumper hick that refuses, three more drivers would slot in to take the load. There are many more truckers than people realize.

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All that money and power and no added happiness or joy. So unloved he has to fake it. I always knew absurd wealth doesn't actually improve a person, but thanks for constantly proving it over and over again anyway Elon. Glad to know you'll die unhappy.

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Rapists get to choose who will bear their children, including children. Thank republicans for that.

America fails it's citizens in myriad ways. I very openly talk about that. I also know for a fact that all the shit you mentioned is absolutely all over Internet social spaces. It's incredibly obvious.

She's one of those non people. What I mean by that is that there isn't a personality in her so much as just naked ambition and want which leads to doing and saying anything to "get ahead". Do that long enough and you lose yourself along the way. Too many lies, too many crazy actions. She's the same as Santos. Black hole people.

A single hour long "class"? This seems similar to corporate diversity training at a company rife with racism. I hope I'm being too cynical and this truly is a good thing that will lead to positive results. I have serious doubts though. If it goes the way of the aforementioned diversity training, it'll be an hour that attending police will treat as mandatory bs they ignore.

The training absolutely needs to happen, don't get me wrong. It's just that this looks a hell of a lot like technically trying without actually trying.

Many are both. The intelligently evil ones are being overrun by stupid, cruel hicks.

With reddits severe bot problem, it'll be like training on unfiltered sewage. Garbage in, garbage out.

Doesn't matter. They're going to burn with the rest of us. They won't be able to keep staff as it gets worse, and many of them lack any real ability to care for themselves. Pampered fucks are facing a grim future they made sure was going to happen.

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Gotta court far right hicks that'll vote for potato brained Trump no matter what anyway. The only thing Haley has going for her is that her failure isnt quite as hard as Desantis.

An entire party of rot brains following Lord rot into hell.

In order to pocket it. He signed a budget deal that his wife got the lion's share to the tune of over a hundred million. He's for sure an anti woke christofascist that wants to harm a large number of people, but he's also greedy as all hell. Anything he can defund by screaming "woke!" at it is more funds he can redirect to his cronies and his pockets. He's playing his voters for fools and the rest of us are forced to deal as best we can.

I also doubt very seriously that this state will have a trustworthy election. He's installed hick ass yes men all through our state government. I'm willing to bet Florida comes up deep red, but it won't be accurate. This state is corrupt as fuck. It deserves the coming storms.

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Stupid fucking hick says stupid hick shit.

Endlessly lying, enjoys hurting animals, racist and dimwitted. This is a standard Republican politician.

Most people know some broad stuff and understand the basic issue. When you start getting granular with just how bad it all really is, you find that most people don't do that. It takes time and it's a massive bummer, so I get it.

This is a clown doing a performance. It's a bunch of hateful horseshit to feed the ever rabid base.

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If I'm filth, this jackass and everyone that thinks like him is a radioactive dumpster burning tires.

There are normal ass trailer parks where it's mostly folks getting by like anyone else. Then there are trailer trash trailer parks with lots of disastrous people making the stereotype come to life.

Stupid assholes doing stupid asshole shit. I'm not as bloodthirsty as most here, but I do hope they really fucking hate their punishment. I hope it bothers them far more than any fun they had being dumb assholes. That'll be enough for me.

I play healer sometimes because it's a fun gameplay challenge to keep bumbling idiots alive long enough to get a victory.

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This is the value of Republican lawmaking right here folks. Human suffering is all they have to offer anyone.

Typical corpo horseshit. The game is a failure. If it wasn't, that would be the news.

Weak willed dementia patient trump trying to concoct a reason to back out. Of course he can't come up with anything new because that part of his brain is mush.

One looks like he was born with FAS and the other looks like tweedle dumb. In other words, they look like alt right fascists.

Someone that lets them be stupid, violent assholes.

Most truthful statement a Republican has ever made.

It's not a shocking attention grabber anymore. Most people are well aware that the world is in a bad spot. Some idiots still argue about why, but most of us know why. We're in the end times. It's not biblical and no great battle will be taking place between good and evil. It's happening slowly, and increasingly hotter. The end is no longer nigh, it's here. I used to hope that we'd be better, and put in my part of the work. Now I still try, but I no longer have hope for humanity as a whole.

The disabled community got that win. Bush was forcefed heaping piles of bad publicity by protesting disabled people. They worked damn hard to put that bill in front of him and apply the right kind of pressure to make sure he fucking signed. Sure, he took the win as the politicians always do but that win firmly belongs to the disabled community.

I saw Aliens opening night with my dad when I was 7. I suppose I'm basically a mummy now going by this Dr lol.

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Enshrouded is the same. Made for multiplayer, but most play single player.

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Why wouldn't they? They are, after all, the craven whores who thirst for corporate donor cock.

You won't retire, no. No longer work a job because everything is slowly falling apart as our climate apocalypse trudges on? Sure, but you'll still be working hard to survive.

You're a fraud