“They had to cut her off”: Report says server denied booze to “overserved” Boebert at Trump event

robocall@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 403 points –
“They had to cut her off”: Report says server denied booze to “overserved” Boebert at Trump event

"Eventually Donald Trump's security detail stepped in" after Boebert tried to take photos with him, CNN reports


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She's trailer trash. Of course she over indulges and can't handle her booze. That's staple trailer trash behavior. This stupid jackass would fit right in on the real housewives of West Virginia. People like her are the face of the modern Republican party.

This stupid jackass would fit right in on the real housewives of West Virginia.

Hey. You just insulted my entire state. But also yes.

Edit: Would people watch RHOWV / should I shoot a pilot episode to cash in on that?

Went to college with a lot if kids from West Virginia.

None went back after they graduated. There's a lot of bleak states, but WV is probably the bleakest.

west virginia, mississippi, alabama, and louisiana are completely irredeemable, there is no reason to live there. probably idaho and now florida and texas too

I don't disagree with you, but for my own mental health, I have to. I'm stuck here for multiple reasons (for the foreseeable future, anyway), so I'm doing my best to push for positive changes. The biggest thing holding us back is voter apathy, so my focus has mostly been on getting people registered and to actually show up to vote (picture someone trying to herd cats).

One recent thing that gave me some hope was the rejection of four state constitutional amendments last year. All four of them were pretty bad, and they were all rejected by the voters.

In order for those to be on the ballot, they had to spell out the proposed changes rather than just put the magic "R" next to them. Given actual information to vote on, rather than a party, the majority came together to vote "no" on them.

So that tells me there is hope, albeit slim, that most people here really do want positive things and will vote sanely if they're actually informed.

West Virginia is pretty at least, which is more than I can say for Alabama.

West Virginia has some pretty angles, sure. But if you ever actually drive through it you will be shocked at how people literally just pile trash in their yard. And I don't mean like the folksy old fridge and rusty car parts. I mean literal piles of garbage taking up a significant portion of every lot. It's honestly jarring.

I'm more talking about the natural areas. WV has prettier nature than AL.

A lot of people I know well make a lot of money in northern va and then will retire in WV.

Also, a lot of people are moving past purciville in Virginia and closer to WVA!

So what you are saying is that it is impossible to make a living in West Virginia, but cost of living is so low you can retire there if you made it big time elsewhere.

That's not the sales pitch you think it is

I couldn’t care less about WVA and am not trying to “sell” anything.

Cost of living there is cheap which makes it attractive. I live in Loudoun County, VA and it’s fucking expensive. WVA is less than an hour away so I see why other people head out there when their lifestyle allows it.

The low cost of living doesn't make WV attractive. The low cost of living is a side effect of being such an unattractive place to live unless you are independently wealthy. There are no job prospects, no areas large rnough for anything larger than self-sustainig family farming, and the only places flat enough to build houses are flood plains that level communities every decade.

If you manage to build an eight figure retirement account, then i can see why it would be tempting to retire there, but at that point you can retire just about anywhere.

You should go knock on their doors and tell them that then since you’re the expert in these matters

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Hey man, trailers are respectable and economical domiciles. She is a stupid jackass tho

Ehhh... They might be okay to live in, but they are rarely a good financial decision overall unless you happen to own the land they're constructed on.

You are generalizing and stereotyping. Not all people who live in trailers are trash, it's often due to economic reasons and the system has failed them. Your comment comes across as classist.

Trailer trash and those living in trailers are a venn diagram, but are not the exact same.

Not everyone who lives in a trailer is trailer trash, but it is a prerequisite for that label. It's just a particular brand of drama and shitty lifestyle

There are normal ass trailer parks where it's mostly folks getting by like anyone else. Then there are trailer trash trailer parks with lots of disastrous people making the stereotype come to life.

I lived in a trailer park for years while saving up to buy land and can identify the two kinds of trailer park inhabitants at a glance:

  • those who know they are there temporarily
  • those who know they are there permanently

These two groups rarely interact with each other.

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