
1 Post – 322 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Thanks for the American context as I'm a Canadian and our systems are different here. I didn't realize the risks involved and the motivation behind it. I think this might be my least popular comment on Lemmy ever😅

The USA as a battleground between religion and atheism changes the context as I would shrug most of this off here in Canada as harmless. Like the 10 commandments? Most of them are good advice, basically just "don't be a piece of shit" and i wouldn't have a problem teaching them to kids... Unless the goal is to teach them actively as the word of God and marginalize non-believers as sinful, in which case this is absolutely criminal. That is church, not school.

We have a more robust separation of church and state to the point where when I read "teaching the Bible in school" I hear "robustly secular, historical and cultural study" which as I stated I believe would be a valuable learning experience. In Quebec there are even rules that public servants can't display any religious symbols at all, even as small as a cross on a bracelet. The leader of our Conservative party recently made a statement that both abortion and gay rights were "a closed issue" and he would not stand for any attacks on them.

So personally my wife and I made the hard decision this year to send our daughter to a Catholic school next year due to the rapidly declining quality of public education. However the Catholic school district here is publicly funded and staffed, with strict regulations that any religious content is optional and that respect must be given equally to those who choose it or do not choose it.

Many of her friends have already made the switch (regular school is quickly emptying out of smart kids and turning into a zoo as parents pull their kids) and stated this is exactly how it works, most of them being non-religious as well but impressed with the discipline and learning outcomes. My wife teaches college and said the difference is night and day with some kids even making it out of public highschool unable to read. Meanwhile my daughter's new school has won awards for the achievements of its graduates and their placement in top schools and in industry.

So you see I'm comfortable enough with our dedication to secularism here in Canada that I am willing to send my daughter to an actual Catholic school with no fear that she will be brainwashed... Obviously a bit of bible study doesn't scare me but in the context of the USA culture war it's clearly a much bigger deal.

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The simple solution sounds like it should be shipping more panels to the rest of the world?

Solar panels are still excessively expensive here in Canada

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America needs some perspective. You complain that your only choices are a doddering fool or a toxic narcissist who wants to actively destroy the nation.

Here in Canada we look at our options and think "America is so much better, I wish we had an option to vote for a doddering fool. All we have are narcissists"

No joke I wish we had a leader as good as Biden. The bar is so low that the devil is doing the limbo with it down in Hell.

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No I'm serious, I'm here in SK and we're trying to push Moe and his cronies out for the NDP this fall, and our biggest problem is the federal NDP damaging the brand by backing Trudeau. All we say all day is "The SK NDP is not affiliated with the federal party, we stand for working Canadians, vote Moe out"

If you think $500 for low income and seniors is anything other than a bone thrown to pacify the poor then Singh has pulled the wool over your eyes.

The requirement for "no access to insurance" absolutely torpedoes the entire thing. Private insurers need to fall, universal coverage is the only way. Dental is the Canadian equivalent to the entire USA health insurance racket.

Congrats on living in the one green riding, which does give you some power over your single seat party... Which ultimately holds no power at all in our broken system.

I'm sorry to say I voted Trudeau on the promise of electoral reform, which he then told us we didn't want. I'm in a safe blue riding which means my vote is pointless, so I'm going full protest vote next time for the PPC 🤣 Max is laughable, especially his obsession with dairy supply management, but enough votes for "burn it down" will hopefully send a message.

Trudeau over Biden?

Trudeau is importing the world's problems in the name of propping up the real estate investor class (of which he is a member) and pumping up fake GDP numbers. GDP per capita is plummeting in Canada with excess immigration.

Singh is in his pocket, a waste of a vote. I was an NDP voter all my life, I'm done.

Polliviere is an absolute idiot who will ride a wave of hatred for Trudeau into office.

Voters in Canada have no power and no representation as all votes are whipped. Your MP is a seat filler. We have no ballot initiatives or direct democracy options that America has, and reform will never come.

Biden listens to people who know what they're doing and stands out of the way... Passed legislation supporting workers and unions, energy infrastructure etc. meaning he's both more left than Singh and more business-friendly than PP

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I'm an electrician, I found my own solar panels incredibly easy to install. The job is 90% racking and I would recommend buying a racking package if possible which includes all mounts, rail and fasteners.

Take care as solar panels are ALWAYS LIVE. This is why they use the shielded connectors that they do. Do all the rest of your wiring first, then plug the panels in last.

Make sure you have appropriate disconnecting means. If this is going to be grid tied in any way, make sure you're familiar with the code as it will be inspected. If not grid tied you may be exempt, but this is no reason to just slap it up, still follow the code as it's there for your safety.

I recommend grid-interactive systems over grid-tied if you actually want to be power independent. Microinverters seem great until the power goes out and your panels are good for nothing. I would recommend a power blending transverter type system that allows 3-way power flow between panels, battery and grid. They have come way down in price and allow seamless integration of your loads compared to a charger/inverter system like I have.

Run a string voltage as close as possible to your battery voltage to avoid conversion losses. It's tempting to go for high string voltages but roof mount distances are usually really short and conversion will likely be most of your loss. I started with 140VDC strings and my charger ran hot, dropping to 70VDC made it run cool and boosted my output by over 10%.

Depending on your utility it may not be worth selling power and the hassle or extra fees and regulations that come with it. That's the case here - I just have automation set up to burn excess power for heat in winter and cooling in summer.

Best of luck with your install, for sure it is way cheaper to DIY and not hard at all.

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Windfall taxes are reactive and bad policy in general.

What we need is a return to pre-Reagan tax policy. Higher upper tax brackets, corporate taxes, and the closing of loopholes that allow the rich to hide their wealth offshore.

I farm in Canada which has a carbon tax, $65/ton. We're in the grip of terrible drought and I've sold all my livestock. Thought maybe I could do the world a little good and maybe make some money off my empty pastures by planting some trees or something.

After talking to the regulators it was obvious it's a HUGE fraud. There's so much red tape, and by the time you're done talking to them you find out that you can make $1-5/ton for sequestering carbon. And due to flat fees in the regulatory structure, it's really just designed to funnel this money to huge landowners and not to encourage anyone who cares to plant trees or do anything really.

So working Canadians are forced to pay $65/ton to heat their homes and drive to work, but big emitters buy bogus credits for under $5 and continue to pour out pollution while claiming to be "carbon neutral". It's the Canadian way

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Full text of actual paper: https://www.aging-us.com/full/204896

Tldr; seems like decent science and the compounds used are fairly ordinary ones for the most part. Note however this is all in vitro so far and it might be a challenge to deliver the same chemicals in the same concentrations to all the senescent cells of the body.

Prepare to see these ingredients added in insignificant amounts to expensive skin creams before the year is out, whether they can penetrate the epidermis or not

The reason everything is on a touch screen now is that it's cheaper than physical switches, as ridiculous as that seems. And yes, I greatly prefer physical switches.

Buy and wire multiple switches on every car, requiring wiring harnesses, ECM IO pins etc. or pay an intern a minimal sum once so he can put "designed Chevrolet in-dash console" on his resume. Then never update it even though it supports OTA updates and is a glitchy mess, Chevy

This is the same reason so many products come with a stupid Bluetooth app now rather than more than one button. Pay once rather than pay on every unit.

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Wool is more of a byproduct of the lamb meat industry these days, so wool and meat are inextricably entangled. I'm a sheep farmer, last couple years we threw the wool away due to lack of demand. Nobody is raising sheep just for wool.

However this is a problem with our distorted markets and not with the sheep industry, this valuable fiber is being dumped or burned while we pump out synthetic crap. It costs us more to remove it from the sheep to keep them from overheating, than we can sell it for.

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It's been awhile since college, but usually it just meant you got to delay the headache until later in the day

No, it's zero emission but not renewable.

Nuclear fission is actually by definition the least renewable energy source. Even coal and oil are renewable on long enough time scales. But there will never be more uranium than there is right now.

We actually don't have that much of it if we consider the long term future, only a thousand years or so. So nuclear is intended to be a bridge to eventual full renewable power generation and storage, an essential component in the present day but it's still a bridge.

Another thing to consider is that nuclear is the only power source that works in deep space away from the Sun. So if we're serious about exploring the solar system or further, we'd be best not to burn up all of our fissionable material right away.

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Product placement has got to the point where if a YouTuber genuinely wants to recommend a product he's got to be like "seriously guys I didn't get paid for this and I even paid my own money for this welder, this is not a sponsorship, I just think it's really good and you should check it out"

Clearly you aren't old enough to remember why Usenet faded away in the first place. It was the first platform to drown in an endless torrent of spam and low quality posts

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The sad thing is, the kind of peaked-in-highschool voter that voted for Trump and can be swung absolutely will care about how he smells. I can hear it now, "I'm not voting for some stinky old man" "I thought the diapers thing was a myth"

This kind of low blow absolutely will have effect if they can make it stick. A sad day for democracy? Definitely. But that's the media environment of today.

Also it gives opponents a chance to needle dick him in debates which will cause him to fly into a rage and embarrass himself. God only knows what TMI he might rave about, his bathroom habits etc. Even tiny jabs like "do I have to be the guy to sit next to Trump" have huge rage potential.

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That's a bit much, isn't it? It's a brand new weird-ass truck, people are going to talk about it. And the article isn't exactly celebrating it.

If this article was about a new car from another brand, would you complain about it? I thought we wanted more content on this platform. Or we could just stick to memes I guess...

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From a pure practical standpoint, it doesn't make sense to eat carnivores. Terrible feed conversion. We don't want to raise meat to feed it to meat. Traditionally, ruminants were a way of converting inedible grass into nutritious meat and dairy.

Also, carnivores are a lot harder to handle... They bite! Cats jump and dogs dig. I farm. The livestock stay inside the fence, cats and dogs go where they please.

The animals in your first list are carnivores (cats are an obligate carnivore) while the second list are herbivores or omnivores that do well on a vegetarian diet. That's why we eat the second list and not the first.

Also humans like dogs, they're a lot like us despite being a smelly 4-legged bitey critter. It's quite odd, really. We've evolved together for millennia at this point. More so than any other species on earth, dogs have a place in our society alongside humans, with their own jobs and skill sets.

Look at Saskatchewan, Canada. We're the only province with a public telecom, SaskTel.

Most people in the cities and even larger towns have fiber, and our cell plans are significantly cheaper than anywhere else in Canada despite being a rural province with a large coverage area to population ratio.

We also have decent electricity rates considering we have no hydro, and the cheapest natural gas in Canada. Thanks to SaskPower and SaskEnergy.

Public utilities are the only way to do it, I'm always shocked to see people defend privatization in any way.

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Ask a friend or someone who knows you well. I started taking Concerta a few years ago and told a friend I was working with. I said "I took one this morning and I don't feel like it did shit".

He assured me that in fact I was a different person to work with, focused and detail oriented and not annoyingly chatty. ADHD meds should just quietly make your life better, not have a strong feel. Though the first time you take amphetamines or bump the dose you can expect to feel a little speedy I found. Good opportunity to clean your house.

One thing I noticed is that it feels like ADHD meds manipulate your luck. When you take them, things just go right. My wife informed me this is because I don't rush or make stupid oversights that feel like bad luck, but it really does feel like they are concentrated luck in pill form. If you feel like the bad luck and chaos that follows you around is gone, they're working.

Concerta helped me get my life together but I hated the side effects, thirst, flushing, exhaustion. I took Adderall XR for a year which was great, and then switched to pure dextroamphetamine XR because it was covered by my insurance and Adderall was not. It does the job without any side effects other than needing to drink a bit more water.

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For real, shit-disturbing teenage me would have immediately flipped from "furries are dumb and weird" to "what's the minimum requirement to count as a furry" as soon as I found out that animal control would have to pick us up.

The thought of an old-school dog catcher chasing me with a net while I ran away wearing floppy dog ears is just too amazing to pass up.

What about a fish. Could I be a fish? Oh, what a time to be grown up and with kids of my own instead of being able to be a ridiculous jackass.

Often they have signed leases with themselves. With original owners, holding companies etc.

This is a way of extracting value from a corporation without paying it as a dividend or salary. Dividends go to all shareholders. Lease payments go to one specific one.

So obviously if there's no reason to pay these leases anymore, somebody powerful is going to be very upset.

Possibly even more significant, those are some large cables and even larger contacts required. There's no way a 1MW disconnect is just a little plug you stick into your car.

In fact as an electrician I can't think of anything even near megawatt class that would be connected with a portable cord, or at a voltage that would be safe for consumers to handle.

Maybe someone in the mining industry or similar can chime in, but I currently run a pumping station that includes 3000HP motors (2.2MW). These are 4kV 3 phase units where each phase cable is as thick as your arm. All connections are bolted and taped to avoid corona discharge. Just dragging the cable to the car would be more than the average driver could handle.

I don't see a way to get these power levels into a car short of a standardized and semi-automated docking system. Or maybe go back to the idea of standard swappable batteries where the battery then is charged rapidly for the next customer.

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UEFI is flawed for sure, but there's no way that any remaining patents on FAT32 haven't expired by now.

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At this point my next TV is just going to be a big monitor plugged into a fanless PC, or the functional equivalent (all smart features disabled, HDMI input only) if I can't find something I like at a good price. A monitor will have better picture, refresh rate and response time as well.

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Hex could even be A tier except...

  • 10 million metric sizes
  • 10 million imperial sizes
  • heads get full of rust or dirt
  • note that this makes it even harder to tell which damn size they are
  • usually mild steel so they strip, especially when it turns out you're using imperial in metric and vice versa

Too many years of wrenching on old equipment has soured me on all except for the good old fashioned hex bolt (S tier) and Robertson (A tier).

Even slotted beats most of these if the steel is decent, scrape out the rust and whack it with an impact screwdriver. I've turned many torx and hex in particular into slotted over the years.

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Ballsy? He's an outright copyright troll and anyone celebrating him here in the comments should read the article...

He wrote a knockoff book and then tried to claim Tolkien's characters as his own and sue his estate? Does nobody remember the days of BS software patent trolls trying to claim they invented "the app" or "method for clicking on things with the mouse cursor?" Do we remember how mad we were at those shysters?

This guy deserves whatever he gets.

People are genuinely unimpressed with the high prices and low range numbers on what are supposed to be the next generation of vehicles. Volume and tech advancement were supposed to make them cheap and practical, but all that's gone up is the price.

Especially with talk of banning the sale of gas vehicles in the fairly near future, they are going to have to do a lot better than this or a lot of people are just going to end up without any vehicle at all.

Myself living in a rural, cold climate, 200km from any major center, nobody has made any practical vehicle for me yet. I even already own an EV, but it's really just a powerful golf cart. Once it gets much below freezing, I'm lucky to make it to a neighbour's place and back.

Except male bees have no stingers, and almost all bees are female... So I guess that would leave us fellas as being the birds?

Birds are cool I guess

Yes, everyone wants to be somewhere other than prison or dead in a ditch

These passages imply the writers of them lack basic computer literacy and don't even understand Nintendo's own systems.

  • "copied the game ROMs into Yuzu" Yuzu is not a VM or other container and the ROMs are simply stored on disk in their original dumped form... Yuzu doesn't "store" or "contain" any games.

  • "any copy not on an authorized cartridge" LOL! What about games downloaded from your own digital marketplace, then?

What about a game you downloaded from Nintendo eShop and stored on an external SD card, which is a standard and well supported storage method on Switch? Is that SD card an "authorized cartridge"?

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Genuine mistake, I can't be expected to do a job I wasn't trained for. All those apples look the same to me

but I couldn't think of a better image to use

kind of sums up the problem our society is struggling with. Chad is perfect here. Why should you try to think of a better image to use?

We need to rationalize that humans like this sort of thing, and also that they shouldn't demand it of others.

Is it laughable to demand game characters always be hot? Yes

Do people appreciate fan service characters? Also yes

Humans have been sexualizing everything forever, it's in our nature. But we need to stop being so damn creepy about it.

Oh, for those carefree days. But someday if you have a house and a family to support, you'll quickly find the difference between being lazy and being exhausted by your responsibilities.

I would love to take a month off and bike across the continent. That sounds incredibly lazy to me.

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I tried using AI tools to do some cleanup and refactoring of some legacy embedded C code and was curious if it could do any optimization or knew any clever algorithms.

It's pretty good at figuring out the function of the code and adding comments, it did some decent refactoring of some sections to make them more readable.

It has no clue about how to work in a resource constrained environment or about the main concepts that separate embedded from everything else. Namely that it has to be able to run "forever", operate in realtime on a constant flow of sensor data, and that nobody else is taking care of your memory management.

It even explained to me that we could do input filtering by using big arrays to do simple averaging on a device with only 1kB RAM, or use a long long for a never-reset accumulator without worrying about what will happen because "it will be years before it overflows".

AI buddy, some of these units have run for decades without a power cycle. If lazy coders start dumping AI output into embedded systems the whole world is going to get a lot more glitchy.

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Lol indeed. Lack of basic math skills is part of the reason workers get the shaft every time.

Successive raises compound, they don't multiply.

100 * 1.0877 * 1.0877 * 1.0877 * 1.0877 = 140... There's your 40% raise.

Or as the math nerds like to put it, 1.0877^4

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I finally played around with it with my young daughter a couple days ago for laughs. Now I actually see the point of it.

Yes it's ugly as hell. But it's the rapid prototyping process of art. You ask it to slap some shit together. Nope, that's awful. That's worse, that's hilariously terrible! There is always something wrong.

It's great for throwing ideas at the wall far faster than a real person could sketch them. Especially if that person can't draw, like me. But the finished product is only ever worthy of a meme, not a gallery.

However an artist could easily use that process to brainstorm some ideas. It's like psychedelics but the computer is taking them for you

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I don't get this WW3 talk that seems to only be here on Lemmy. Like, does anyone actually expect any countries with significant global influence to line up behind Hamas?

The closest I can think of is Iran, and they're a regional power at best, and they prefer to work behind the scenes.

No, this will be a nasty little "tempest in a teacup" as always, with lots of onlookers wagging fingers but doing nothing. This is what all neighbouring nations are already doing - in fact they love the fact that Israel's disproportionate response is damaging their reputation. They're more than happy to stand by and watch, as they're the ones who set Gaza up as a punching bag in the first place.

Ukraine is far more likely to evolve into a global conflict, especially with Ukraine's position weakening and Poland chomping at the bit to jump in.

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As a rancher "lame" is in regular usage, but it's something that happens to animals and not to people.

A person with a persistent leg injury would simply be referred to with a sentence like "Jim's got a bad leg, he's walked like that since a bull ran him over"

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Piracy not appealing to the everyman? With the relentless rise in the cost of living and with streaming services increasing costs and cracking down on password sharing, I don't see many people turning up their nose at piracy these days.

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