2 Post – 285 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just switch to TV ogre. It’s twice as fast as books.

Eh, I’d argue the recent Conan episode is pretty insane and hilarious. Much more so than Khaled.

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PETA sucks, but let’s not imply house cats can’t survive outside. They are excellent at it and devastating for local animals because they are so great at living outdoors and killing.

We shouldn’t let house cats outside. Partly for their own benefit, but also definitely for the local fauna’s benefit.

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Chess master DESTROYED by FACTS and LOGIC!!!

Skating’ snail is my spirit animal.

Very much a thing within the reach of the average consumer with something like the MigSwitch Dumper. You get the game you paid for and none of the nasty bits (other than some emulation pain here and there).

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I own three switches for what it’s worth. I’ve purchased them legally and I purchased the games legally as well. I’m not a lawyer, but I feel like I’m operating within the law here.

A Russian citizen living in America who supported Ukraine by donating money to them was warned by her partner that going back wouldn’t be safe. She said “nah, it’ll be fine” and was arrested shortly after in Russia.

This is very sad, but you didn’t know they’d be mad about that?

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IMO it’s not a good idea to be discussing attack vectors publicly when a number of other instances are unpatched and the exploit has been in the wild for less than a day.

I agree that admins need to work together, but discussing it in public on Lemmy so soon after the attack isn’t the way. There exists a Matrix channel for admins, that’s where this type of thing should go.

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We goof on this person, but in my experience this kind of shameless begging usually works to some degree.

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This seems pretty big. Bans non-compete agreements and requires employers to tell employees that they are now void. Hot damn

The loss of life is tragic, but I’m not sure what she’s upset about. Tourists didn’t come there to mock or make light. They just have bad timing in paradise.

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The scary thing is the only reason he was safe and didn’t get swatted is because he already had armed guards protecting him.

I mean, they weren’t truly toilet paper rolls, just similar shape, size, and material. These were waxed on the inside to prevent them from dissolving once you put ice cream in them.

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OpenTTD is a good time if you like those types of management games. The graphics are old, but it’s still fun.

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It is common practice to notify affected parties privately and then give full details to the public after the threat is largely neutralized. Expecting public disclosure with technical details on how to perform the attack in less than 24 hours goes against established industry norms.

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If only people knew how hard the staff was working to improve things and keep it up.

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I just noticed that. Everyone is smiling.

Agreed. As an American, cool concept, rough name. There is no way I’m recommending a software called crackpipe at work.

And let’s say I wanted to use it, I’m going to install this and instruct my kids how to use crackpipe? I’m sure that will go over great with little Timmy’s school when he tells his teacher and friends.

I’d strongly consider changing it.

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That’s kind of shocking.

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I just posted a cat hunting it's own tail here. I'm doing my part!

Type it all out and…press cancel.

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I’m fully committed regardless of how good the replacement is. I paid for Reddit premium every month since 2016 to try and support the thing I loved. I gave out 65+ gold before premium to also support a thing a loved.

I cancelled premium after the AMA and deleted Apollo. No going back period.

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and Eve let him cook, though he had not the ingredients.

Biggest take away here. You come across a snake (with rizz), and he doesn’t even have the ingredients? You don’t let him cook.

Introduce a small rabbit up there.

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What brand of vaccine did you get? I definitely get the 5G orders from George Soros and such (pretty standard stuff), and I was already dead inside before the jab, but I didn’t get any magnetism.

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This was really interesting. I’ve been looking for a slightly more technical explanation for how this arms race works under the hood.

It would let you recreate or change any aspect of the game you wanted. Much more control than mods would generally allow for.

My mom kept trying to go the speed limit in Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit. Too cute.

God gives his toughest challenges (not eating all the cookies) to his strongest warriors (me).

James got a new pair of tits. Better toss him in a bikini while he recovers.

I think you’re slightly confused. He was an actor and portrayed several good men. Easy mistake to make.

Here’s what the prosecutor had to say:

Wice said he had been “besieged by a torrent of phone calls” from people who have “expressed their monumental displeasure with the fact that these cases are being resolved with a pretrial intervention.” Touting the restitution Paxton now owes to his alleged victims, Wice said it was more important to secure justice for them than to pursue prison time for Paxton, which he said should only be a priority if the defendant poses a threat to public safety.

“I appreciate your concern,” Wice said of those criticizing the outcome. “With all due respect, your truth is not the truth. You know one half of 1 percent of what [fellow prosecutor] Mr. [Jed] Silverman and I know about the facts of these cases. And the fact that all of these people have registered their monumental displeasure with what happened in these cases, I submit, probably should have been directed at the ballot box.”

I’m not sure I understand his angle here. Is 271k of restitution more important than holding Texas’ top law enforcement official responsible for crimes he’s charged with?

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Sometimes it doesn’t make your situation better, it just makes you feel good for a little bit. This seems like one of those kind of things.

Have you met many 8 year olds? They are all fucking radicals. I’d say at least half are terrorists.

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They frequently warn people by only blowing their shit up a little bit:

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Is this pre-tits or post-tits James?

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Yes. They are involved in a ton of industries, legal and illegal. For example, if you have eaten an avacado recently, there’s an excellent chance it’s a conflict avacado with money being paid to the cartel by farmers for “protection”.

“It’s not only avocados. Mexican organised crime has long mutated away from ‘just’ drugs trafficking,” he said. “Today, the model is this: you control a given territory, and within in it you exploit whichever commodity is locally available. That includes avocados, but also limes, papayas, strawberries, illegal logging and mining, to name but a few.”

This headline was the subtle push I needed to donate to Videolan. What an amazing project, we’re lucky to have it.

While they might not have found the previous commenter’s mother, you will certainly find yourself in a land of delicious flavor with our new seasonal cocktails.