
2 Post – 163 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

I've had cats my whole life and have never had one mess with my properly placed toilet paper.


Not because it's the best or even my favourite. Just because I create so many ephemeral VMs and containers that code switching isn't worth it for me.

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I'm a monthly donor to KDE EV and to the Mozilla Foundation.

If you want to double that emotional damage for Greece, you could call them the Turkish Republic of South Macedonia

Or, better yet, they could provide the same range in smaller, lighter vehicles with less resource use.

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Should've gone with "Dozing Don"

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I had a coworker at a previous job who used to take naps in the bathroom stall because it was the only place in the office with a bit of privacy.

I kinda get it. I used to sit in a stall to decompress my brain because open plan offices are incredibly stressful to me. Every couple of hours I needed ~10 minutes of privacy.

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Quick plug for the Behind the Bastards series on Jobs

Cries in having a for-profit, NYSE traded electric utility

The top one is obviously tech support for your appliances. Why else would they be wearing a headset?

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Tau'ri, you say?

How about Nodaho.

No map. It's just a lack of Idaho.

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Ea-nāṣir gonna be getting complaints about the quality of cocoa

Well how is it untypical?

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Until the user experience is not "spend hours on forums to find hacky fixes for things that just work on Linux" it's gonna be a tough sell.

Why I personally can't go back to Windows.

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Probably because it's a template and somebody copied and pasted without remembering to paste as plaintext

This isn't the general election. I'm in Michigan and all of the Uncommitted stuff I've seen has been "vote uncommitted in the primary to show your displeasure, then vote for the Dem in the general because the alternative is way worse."

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Next they're going to add passive voice to further confuse the issue. "A pickup truck was made contact with by two vehicles..."

House centipede. In fact, I could probably take on two of them!

Not three though.

The problem isn't that every gnome dev is bad - not by a long shot. The problem is that there are just enough gnome devs in just the right (wrong?) positions who have an "our way or the highway" philosophy that it causes problems not just for people trying to use GNOME, but for people (such as the Kate developers) who are trying to give their users a good experience.

And by being the default in so many distros, GNOME has enough clout that if they choose to abandon a standard, many people will change to whatever GNOME does, making their applications worse for people on other desktops.

In the end it's not too dissimilar to the problems created by the dominance of Chromium and Windows. The biggest difference IMO is that Google are actually more conciliatory towards others than the GNOME team are in many cases. Which is kinda crazy given how much Google can throw their weight around on the web.

I would guess this is a matter of the media talking about all GNSS as "GPS" rather than the planes only supporting the US military's navigation system.

...is pkexec not good enough already as a polkit based sudo replacement? Why would one need to systemd-ify that?

Theoretically any of these apps could be used with consent.

In practice I can't imagine that would be a particularly large part of their market...

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Given the millions of global road deaths annually I think B is probably the least popular answer.

It's because it's an electron app. So in addition to the chat app itself, it also includes a full Chromium runtime. Worse still, the Electron architecture doesn't really lend itself towards reusing electron itself; this means you might have several copies of the same version of electron on your machine for various apps.

People complain about the sizes of things like flatpaks and snaps, but tbh the whole architecture of applications is like this these days. Ironically, flatpaks and snaps could help with this because their formats can work decently with filesystem level deduplication.

The speed of Google Maps corrections seems to strongly depend on some internal reputation data they have from your previous submissions and the kind of submissions you make. The more you contribute accurate stuff, the faster your future contributions go through the system.

Unfortunately, I've never found a way to submit corrections to Apple Maps from a Linux system, so there continue to be a dozen or more places where I know Apple Maps is wrong but I can't help them out with fixing it.

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Sorry, but I have no tolerance for intolerance /s

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West Virginia is pretty at least, which is more than I can say for Alabama.

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Yeah they have plums and strawberries on there, neither of which are berries, but no bananas?

FWIW, it's the Mozilla Foundation that owns the Mozilla Corporation. It's a minor nit, but also an important distinction, as the non-profit has more control (the opposite of many " foundation" structures).

Ugh Linux... I tried so hard to get viruses working in wine but in the end I gave up. Full compatibility my ass...

All words are made up


Good faith

Lol good one!

German's more extreme compound words seem like a good linguistic use case for CamelCase.

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Steam for Linux only has x86 builds right now and wine only translates system calls, so by default they won't work.

There are ways to get them to work though, but they mostly involve emulating x86. Given the performance of the current state of the art in RISC-V, that won't exactly go well right now.

That said, that's not what this machine is for at all. As a software developer working on developer tools for Linux, this is particularly interesting to me as a way to improve the Linux RISC-V ecosystem while dogfooding my own stuff.

Oh in that case I'll convert for you:

20 paces is 15 metres.

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I haven't had a broken printer in years!

My local library branch is walking distance and has free printing, so I got rid of my printer.