
2 Post – 380 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Various other things like leaves, rags, sponges, or leftover paper. Failing that a bare hand works: manners dictating you wash it after.

Some cultural hangups on the left hand being "unclean" stem from those cultures using that hand for hygienic reasons.

The test isn't if someone dislikes the movie, it's why if they disliked the movie.

It's fine if someone thinks it was boring, poorly written, etc. It's a red flag if they go off on some misogynistic rant.

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If this is how you act around other people ... I don't think the problem is other people.

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I'm fairly certain these people are trolling.

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I'd call it emotionally immature.

A surprising number of the people I grew up or work with act like they're still in high school when it comes to social/interpersonal skills -- these people are all well over 30 years old.

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Because his company was (and continues to be) a powerful force acting against consumer rights.

He was also a self absorbed asshole that's still idolized for some reason.

I've taken to de-DRMing any e-books I bought from Amazon for that reason.

Also, the "You can only view this book on 3 devices" -- yeah .... fuck off.

Calibre + DeDRM plugin + KFX plugin. Perfectly legal too, as long as you aren't distributing them.

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Alright, so I watched the video so you guys don't have to. Here's a synopsis:

Youtube's ad blocking is going to backfire because:

  • It caused people to stop using crappy ad blockers that didn't even work with youtube to switch to effective ones that do.
  • Drawing attention to "good" browsers and ad blockers, increasing adoption -- including people that weren't using or aware of the existence of them in the first place
  • Increased support of the people making/maintaining ad blockers. Spite driven increase in donations, subscriptions to paid ad blockers, bug reports, etc.
  • Cites the Streisand effect.
  • Analogy of how prohibition led to stronger drugs, stronger booze, etc. If you tell people they can't do something, they're more likely to do it and get better at doing it.
  • Cites how Youtube's attempts to block ad blockers is breaking older embedded apps in smart TVs, chromecast, etc. Older or non-tech people are just more likely to stop using those rather than try to fix them -- and thus cut back on watching youtube.
  • Believes Youtube's actions are an indication the internet's "free with ads" model is dying -- they're getting desperate to maintain profitability.
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  1. Forrest had a serious intellectual disability, and she almost certainly felt like she was taking advantage of him.


Ah yes, the highly respected Daily Mirror. I am 100% convinced this is a real thing that happened.

"Hey ... so your kitchen is on fire. You should probably grab a pair of pants."

They're 90% of FOSS development. Also, their "daily driver" is an old thinkpad running linux -- often Arch.

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Well you're entitled to your option ... but it's a dumb one and you should feel bad about having it. Also, I'm going to needless drag unrelated politics into this.

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The particular "communists" in question on Lemmy are at worst naive idealists. They're not calling for fundamental human rights being stripped away or genocide. They're egalitarians -- regardless of if you believe them to be misguided or not.

At their core the "communists" on here are for the most part far better human beings than the fascists. I'd rather deal with their talk of "class warfare", "eating the rich", and hatred of capitalism than hearing about how queer people should be killed.

Communism: an economic theory where the stated goal is achieving socio-economic equality.

Social conservationism: a social theory based on returning to regressive "traditional values" and oppression of "deviants".

Totally the same thing.

I went the career firefighter route.

Pros: tons of time off, rewarding, never boring, great pay and benefits. Will actually be able to retire at 55.

Cons: pretty much guaranteed to get cancer and it's not even the expected stuff from fires. The AFFF foam we used for years had PFAS -- a carcinogen. Even better, it turns out even brand new, unused turnout gear is absolutely saturated in PFAS too.

Oh and stress, cumulative injuries, etc.

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It's a lack of negative reinforcement. Normal people face negative reinforcement every single day: if you screw up you lose something. Relationships, jobs, money, etc.

After a certain amount of wealth the negative reinforcement starts to disappear. You don't need to give a shit about what "little people" think when you can always find an audience that agrees with you. When people will put up with your shit because you're the one footing the bill. When expensive mistakes are pennies to you.

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The tired, old trope of "Every accusation is a confession" tends to be true with conservatives.

The French flag had a guillotine with the "snoo" character labeled "Spez" in it. It's since been removed.

I'd agree, yet I keep seeing people argue the counteroffensive is going poorly for Ukraine because they're not making serious gains in recapturing territory. People forget that there are many ways to "win" a war: one of which is the enemy simply giving up and withdrawing. Chipping away at the enemy's ability or will to continue fighting is a path to victory.

You don't need to steamroll the enemy if you make it militarily, politically, or economically untenable for them to hold a position.

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Do you guys not have phones?

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Yeah, nobody here is dumb enough to fall for your bullshit.

They're just lying about pirating to look cool.

I highly doubt there are any actual pirates on here, it's just users being edgy. A bunch of dorks that don't even own a boat role playing badass pirates.

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Every generation uses old slang they mistakenly believe they invented.

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Pak'n'Save has an AI recipe generator, and for a while there was no sanity checking of the ingredients. I entered what I had on hand and it gave me this.

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I've raised Cornish crosses and fed them normal, quality feed without any hormones: they ended up looking just like the chicken on the right at about 8 weeks old.

They've been selectively bred over the decades to grow as fast as possible, as big as possible, docile, and stupid.

Relevant language from the bill in question, machine translated to English, and formatting cleaned up:

Article 1, section 1:

I. – Article 10 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy is worded as follows:

Art. 10 . – I. – The Audiovisual and Digital Communication Regulatory Authority ensures that pornographic content made available to the public by an online public communication service cannot be accessible to minors and, consequently, to that the persons whose activity is to publish such a service of communication to the public online verify beforehand the age of their users.

It establishes and publishes for this purpose, after consulting the National Commission for Data Processing and Liberties, a reference system determining the technical characteristics applicable to the age verification systems put in place for access to communication services at the online audiences that make pornographic content available to the public, with regard to the reliability of verifying the age of users and respecting their privacy.

II. – (Deleted) ”

II (new) . – The Audiovisual and Digital Communication Regulatory Authority establishes and publishes the reference system mentioned in article 10 of the aforementioned law no. six months after the promulgation of this law.

Article 4a, section 6:

➆ II. – When the person whose activity is to publish the online public communication service in question has not made available the information mentioned in article 1-1 of this law, when this does not allow not to contact him or when at the end of the period mentioned in the first paragraph of I of this article, if necessary after this person has submitted his observations, it appears that the report mentioned in the same first paragraph is still valid, the administrative authority may, by reasoned decision, order Internet browser providers within the meaning of 11 of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) 2022/1925 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 September 2022 on contestable and fair markets in the digital sector and amending Directives (EU) 2019/1937 and (EU) 2020/1828, Internet access service providers or domain name resolution system providers to immediately take any useful measure intended to prevent access to the address of this service for a maximum period of three months. The decision of the administrative authority designates which provider is responsible for preventing access to the address of this service, depending on the injunction issued and the nature of the measure envisaged.

That's the thing: they don't think.

I posted on lemmy.ml calling out tankies as terrible human beings. Pointed out the term was coined by communists disgusted at their fellows cheering on the Soviet's brutal oppression of other communists. Said tankies don't deserve the title of "communist", because at its core the ideals of communism are equity and human dignity. Called Marx "flawed and written for a world that existed 175 years ago".

They did not like that at all.

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Combined with a working smoke detector outside the bedroom this will save your life. Twice in my career I've gone into a house filled with smoke and had to wake people up to inform them their house is on fire.

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It's no different than a steering wheel and brakes. It doesn't matter if there's some advanced electronics augmenting (or even controlling) those systems: there need to be a bomb-proof mechanical linkage as a backup.

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I'm pretty confident in saying the majority of users here don't like meta either -- the userbase on lemmy is predominantly people trying to avoid corporate social media.

ByteDance and Meta both privacy nightmares, it's just a question of what fucked up things they doing with the data.

Oh, so like ambulances in the USA.

"The ambulance had issues making it unsafe (or even illegal) to drive? But it can still drive down the road? Doesn't seem too bad: keep an eye on it."

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I'm in a demographic that's probably not common on this site. I work a physical, traditionally "blue collar" job. It's the kind that attracts the "male with no college education, conservative politics" -- you know the type.

The thing is, I am also a white guy that looks and sounds like them. I own guns, I'm an outdoorsman, I can crack off-color jokes with the best of them. They assume I'm "one of them" and openly share shit with me they'd never say out in the open.

I hear Qanon adjacent crap far more than I care too. A current favorite of theirs is the "Trans people and drag queens are grooming kids!" A disturbing number of them frequently speak in support of violence against or even the murder of LGBTQ/leftist/woke people. Hell, listening to them talk I'd expect a few of them would probably do it themselves if they thought they could get away with it. This is the sort that got excited when they heard there was a shooting at a Pride (unrelated to Pride it turned out) event near our town.

So you're right: nobody is voting to murder anyone ... yet. But the aforementioned exist and vote for those that absolutely would if they could. That happily support policies pushing society in that direction, and would be thrilled if murder of their political "enemies" were a reality.

I often go to nursing homes for medical calls, and asking for basic patient information is always a treat at the crappier ones.

Pro-tip: when the medic asks you things like "What are we here for?", "How long have they been having this issue?", or "What's their medical history?" you don't actually have to answer. Just give a blank stare and say "I don't know, I just started my shift" or "They're not my patient". All you have to do is give the ambulance crew the patient's name and birthday, and even that's optional.

Is the patient dead and you don't know when it happened? Say "I was talking to them a few minutes ago!" even if they're cold to the touch. Bonus points if the pt has a DNR and you don't give it to the medic.

If all that is too much work, say "I'll go check" and find somewhere to hide until they leave with the patient -- this situation is their problem now.

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ANTAGEN dishbrush. I was at IKEA and saw they had dish brushes for less than a dollar a piece, so I stocked up on a few.

They last forever as far as dish brushes are concerned. It did clean-up for 2 large meals every single day for over a year before it started getting worn out. We'd throw it in the dishwasher at night to clean and sterilize it.

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... I thought Lunix was invented by the infamous Soviet computer hacker Linyos Torovoltos.

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Just disconnect the antenna and/or cover the module with something that will block any wireless signals. It's easier upfront and simple to undo when you want to sell the vehicle.

It was my go-to solution whenever I bought a vehicle with OnStar.