AI Is Starting to Look Like the Dot Com Bubble to – 1059 points –
AI Is Starting to Look Like the Dot Com Bubble

As the AI market continues to balloon, experts are warning that its VC-driven rise is eerily similar to that of the dot com bubble.


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Pak'n'Save has an AI recipe generator, and for a while there was no sanity checking of the ingredients. I entered what I had on hand and it gave me this.

This is actually profoundly advanced AI. It's making depression memes. It took humans decades to get from the invention of memes to quality depression meme content like wet ennui sandwich.

It looks like it figured out sarcasm. That's pretty advanced cognition. Many humans can't process sarcasm!

Basically, I read this as, "if this is all you have, you're in bad shape, bud. If you're testing me, f**k you!"