
3 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

The horrific opportunity cost inherent to having a billionaire class.

I worked a day and a half at Hardee's. First was half a day of "training" on the nastiest, greasiest tablet you can imagine. It was mostly health and safety protocols and regulations. Next was a full day of not doing any of that shit and selling dirty food. I never went back. It was a really fucking bad time to quit a job, but I couldn't bring myself to basically give one or more people food poisoning every day....

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let them have their own fascist christian everyone-that’s-not-a-cishet-white-man-phobic country

Gay and trans people would still be born there.

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The real question is the hell did people downvote me?

You shut someone down without informing or educating them on a text based discussion centric community with an academic stick up its ass. A one word response to a complex technical question is terrible etiquette in this sort of social environment.

This is actually profoundly advanced AI. It's making depression memes. It took humans decades to get from the invention of memes to quality depression meme content like wet ennui sandwich.

“Well someone has to be the king.” That is their only constant, and it is a thought process baked into the human brain. It is our default.

Fun fact: if you're raised in a chaotic environment of abuse, distrust, and neglect, you can go blissfully free of the need for leadership for the low, low price of CPTSD! I assume that this leaderless way of thinking can be imparted to children without truama, but I only know how I got there. For better or worse, I've never trusted or craved authority because my formative authorities were infinitely untrustworthy and unsafe.

Such a cute little venue. It's a shame it must be owned by a shithead to host DeSantis.

If you’re getting downvoted in an argument, guess what, that means you’re bad at making arguments.

I pretty much agree with your second sentence/point, but this is bullshit. I got so many downvotes on reddit for literal descriptions of my perceptions and experiences as a gay woman. Half the time there wasn't even a debate or argument happening. As reddit culture skewed more and more conservative, many technical and nerdy communities became actively hostile to the basic facts of my existence. Then there are all the downvotes I got for believing in human and minority rights while downthread with some bigots. My more visible posts on the same topic would be solidly upvoted, while everything below the arrow was smashed below zero because only angry little shits followed the discussion that far. I agree that the system on Lemmy isn't meaningfully different and will inevitably have the same effects, but sorting by voting over-centralizes the meta and destroys real discussion and diversity of experience and opinion. It literally only works in limited circumstances within subjects that have objectively correct answers. Anywhere else it introduces so much chaos.

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Personally, I stopped using Firefox when mobile became my main computing device. When I had shitty phones and mobile browsers were newer, Chrome was much more stable for me than FF. I should try to break the habit and go back to FF now that they are both structurally sound, but by now I have years of stuff saved to and remembered by Chrome. It would be a hassle to switch, and somewhat more control of a portion of my data isn't worth the trouble to me. I'm still gonna use Instagram for professional networking and personal posting, so I'm gonna be in packaged data anyway.

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I’m not saying people don’t pick sides in an argument

What I'm saying is that these weren't arguments. These were people weaponizing the voting system to keep minorities from self representing. I was downvoted below zero on a car repair sub for having runflats instead of a spare because I worked in and commuted through a bad part of town, often after midnight, where I wouldn't feel safe stopping to change my tire. They made it clear that I was unwelcome because I am a woman, because my description of this gendered experience was unacceptable subreddit content.

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Nah. It just gets you to all the places. That would be akin to calling a car an everything store. You get in the car to go places and do things, but the car isn't the place or thing. You can have a direct connection to a website or app that doesn't go through a browser. Likewise, you can directly call a business to connect and interact without a car. The browser is the vehicle. The internet is the street.

So assuming the fascist nation doesn't restrict the movement of or exterminate lgbtq people, will your theoretical progressive nation provide relocation expenses and therapy for the ~20 years of abuse that is growing up lgbtq in a house of hate? Because there's no way the fascist faction is just sending their kids to the enemy. They have to make it to adulthood in a dangerous environment, figure out their circumstances without education or information on the subject, and make the decision to leave behind everything they know for at best total mystery/at worst every lie they've been told about the enemy. Considering the extreme disparity of lgbtq acceptance and safety already extant, this idea changes very little. It lumps all the safe and unsafe places together, making it more difficult to get to a safe place.

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I'm stoned as all fuck and read "ninja soldiers" several times >_> I was trying to figure out the joke. I'm going to hell.

Barbie has had her controversies, but she had always had feminist messaging, even if it was less mainstream feminism at times. She has always sat at the crux of a feminist debate: does she impress upon girls that they must look a certain way? Or does she impress upon girls that they can be capable and successful regardless of their traditional femininity. When Barbie was developed and released, the masculine, unattractive woman making it in a man's world was a relatively common trope. The artifices of famininity were seen as signs of weakness and incompetence, while denying your femininity and emulating men meant a chance at more respectable, mainstream success. Barbie was a response to that idea, to the idea that a woman has to become like a man to succeed like one. Barbie can do everything, and she can do it in a dress and heels. Barbie can be an airline pilot and homeowner, and her plane and house can be as entirely feminine as her wardrobe. When times changed and the toxic femininity tropes shifted to slutty women using their bodies for success, Barbie was sometimes accused of playing into that trope. But that perspective misses the original context of Barbie's disruptive femininity.

Fuck off. You're exactly the fucking same. If it didn't happen to you, it doesn't exist! Childish.

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Just my cat. She likes to sleep with her head all twisted around in her hands. She is long and grey and likes tunnels and hiding, though.

Yeah, they make a paste of berries into a thin, smokable sheet. They smell like a fruit roll up, are very soft and supple, and tend to be weirdly cool to the touch. The ones we got in at my dispo are all flavored, but they have a natural option online. I guess they still taste like goji berry, but they don't add anything else.

My advice is don't even try to roll them traditionally. Without putting in any weed, wet one of the short sides and roll it tightly around the tip. Try to keep it cone shaped and wide, but I had success widening mine with the back end of a sharpie. Let it dry like that, and the wet rolled portion will stick together well enough to fill it like a pre-made cone. I cut a plastic straw into a sort of scooping and loading tool and used my sharpie to pack it. I went from "I don't roll because my hands are stupid" to the goji queen because these let me use process and procedure to get around my lack of fine motor skills <_<

Blood Diner, because it's actually about a trans man who helps his dead uncle become his living aunt. It's easy to lose track of the fact that this is a movie about two transitions in the chaos of the ancient blood cult, vegan diner that serves human meat, wrestling with Jimmy Hitler, and all that, but it's all in there. Blood Diner was decades ahead of its time. I watch it a few times a year. Watch it as a double feature with Frankenhooker and pretend they're modern experimental indie movies. Frankenhooker is a feminist masterpiece.

Oohh. I like this. I've been bothered by the rise of gambling in different packaging in the world over the last decade. We really should be acknowledging that gambling is different from gaming, separating them meaningfully. Are toy department shelves still full of child gambling reandom toy bullshit too? I haven't had reason or opportunity to pay attention to that for a few years.

i think the more you’re around it the more your brain starts to tune out the “basic” weed smell that every strain has and focus on the more subtle differences.

The number of times I’ve come across some incredible smelling strain that smells like straight candy to me and I’ll have one of my non-smoker or casual smoking friends smell it only to shrug and say “IDK smells like weed” lol

This is so real. I work in a dispensary. Before this, I could tell wildly different strains apart. I usually bought on the darkweb before rec and knew what I was getting. But if they'd substituted one Blueberry cross for another, they would have gotten away with it. Now I smell weed and read packaging 35-40 hours a week paid, plus whatever I do for my own use.

Now you might be able to get away swapping Blueberry Cookies for Blueberry Muffin, but you're not gonna get me with Blueberry Headband. Mendo Butter smells kinda buttery, and the smell my wife calls balloons is what most growers call banana.

I also advise anyone exploring weed to take the indica/sativa/hybrid distinction with a very, very large grain of salt.

This drives me crazy sometimes, because terps and minor cannabinoids play a huge part in strain specific effects, but aren't dictated strictly by those three categories. Those categories are dictated by genetic percentages, not what those genes provided. And a lot of budget weed is so low on terps and minors that it basically is all the same. But dumbass customers who think they know everything only know those three things and don't believe that terps and minors do anything. So I can't tell them that the hybrid with 2% Myrcene, 1% Nerolidol, and 2% CBN is gonna be better for sleep than the 60:40 indica in the blue bottle with total terps and minors adding up to less than 2%. Cannabis labeling and education has a long way to go.

You've declared someone you disagree with is making things up while criticizing the debate skills and tactics of those who disagree with you. What a fucking joke. You got some peer reviewed numbers to support your position about votes and arguments? Because from where I'm sitting, this nonsensical notion that people vote rigorously based on debate acumen and never with their emotions and libido along the lines of their existing beliefs is just as much a made up story. I'm not going to find numbers for a bad faith participant like you, but we already know people vote for real, important, world changing things with their emotions. The idea that the general populace is wildly more reasonable and responsible when the votes don't matter at all is ludicrous.

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Tbh I use them for the herbal blends. My tolerance is sky high, and the thc/cbd in them doesn't mean much to me. But I had some productive days with the Go pills in my system, some talkative nights with the Chills. And my wife really likes the Love pills, which comes with its own set of benefits for me >_> But we usually carry the Ratio line too, which is better for microdosing: smaller cannabinoid doses and no herbals.

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Having a significant affinity for any part of the body is paraphilia. Boobs and ass are no more complete women than feet. They're all stand ins for whole women and sexual experiences. They're all libido cues for different people for different reasons. As someone with all of these parts, male sexual fixation feels the same regardless. I don't see a meaningful difference and usually can't tell what part of my body people are staring at.

Not that this is really relevant to your fantasy of a Glorious Civil War of Separation, but I am a trans woman with a history of winning over conservatives and helping them grow to understanding in the rural Midwest. When I worked at a trucking motel, I led a series of truckers to the conclusion that trans people are just normal people, except this particular one who is the best damn front desk agent they can get for under $200 (for the record, our CDL rate was under $100). Now I work at the single busiest dispensary in the city where I do the same thing because even fascists love weed. Even without any group affiliation, I put myself in danger to do important and successful grassroots work in my day to day life that I could not do if separated from the people who need to see and hear me. I am pushing for change every day in one of the battleground locations for trans rights and have never lived somewhere that was safe for and accepting of me. Separating into a fascist and free state abandons people like me, people who fight where it counts because we were born where minorities don't get rights.

Come to the Midwest. A crazy number of people smoke here, like straight up cancer sticks smoke. I moved here from Florida, where I felt like you: was a low class thing of the past. In Missouri the booze is cheap and the tobacco plentiful. It's wild.

Eh. If you can take the appropriate opsec steps to keep yourself anonymous, using the darkweb can be surprisingly safe. You can find darkweb dealers with a full decade of reviews across numerous markets. People sometimes freak out when I say that's where I used to get my weed, but I always had the best weed in town, and I never had to deal with a creep, and I never had my money stolen. I was using a site that was crazy strict on quality control.

Florida Kush. Smells bad. Tastes bad. Feels great. Don't get me wrong, tasty weed is great. I had some Cherry Burger with almost 4% terps that far outdid it's thc percentage while tasting great. But I get excited about the funk and the skunk. I want those volitile sulfuric compounds. Florida Kush nails it juuust right for me. And I'm from Florida, so it's me themed!

Nope! It was between an on ramp embankment and one of those gnarly rural streets that looks like it's been fucking mortared. It was in a cartoonish shithole of a small town in the moddle of nowhere.

That's clearly a dadaist art project.

They're relatively new. I wanted to try the mango ones, but they sold out fastest. And I'm cheap af, so I'm gonna wait for them to come back to where I get an employee discount. I think we still have some banana ones.

Are you just taking pure thc distillate edibles? You could try RSO/FECO for a more full spectrum edible if so. I also find that CBN make me feel substantially more intoxicated than just thc by itself. I usually maintenance my tolerance by skipping edibles and more strictly smoking for sleep near bedtime. I've been able to keep it both high and stable for several months now.

Look for something with a lot of Humulene. Humulene suppresses appetite and can counteract the munchies. I have a live resin cart with a bunch of Humulene that works for me. I also have an occasional customer who is older and will forget to eat if she has too much Humulene.

I love the King Palm goji wraps. They taste good. They're made of berries. It's neat. I can't traditionally roll to save my life, but I can make goji cones and pack over a gram in them. I gotta get some more flavors.

You have a lot of learning to do about enlightenment. Gutei cut off a motherfucker's finger to get him a little closer to enlightenment. Violence is inherent to true enlightenment. When the enlightened meet the buddha, they will kill the buddha.

my car is a metal horse that should go as long as I put gas in it

This one is fun because horses require so much more effort and upkeep than cars. Your horse can suck because you made it sad.
