Serco ordered to stop using facial recognition technology to monitor staff

Lee to – 248 points –
Serco ordered to stop using facial recognition technology to monitor staff

Working for serco in the pandemic was an absolute circus. Minimal training for such a sensitive situation like the covid pandemic, unprofessional colleagues but the hour on hour off shift pattern was pretty great.

What is serco and what does hour on hour off pattern look like for working? Like 8 hour shift but you only work 4 of them?

Serco are a government contractor/ agency and yea I'd have a 13 hour day but would have 6 hours off

Can someone pls make serco go away internationally? They're a blight everywhere they go

What kind of laws are on the books in the UK relating to biometric data?

It would be nice to enact similar laws in the US but I doubt it will ever happen...

WTF Britain! I wouldn’t even give them my business and no one should work for them! How is this even tolerated?