
0 Post – 83 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Not seeing "the ol' ___ switcheroo" or "r/unexpectedthingthatispostedineveryfuckingthread" is great

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It's the internet just say the word cunt

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Yeah I got sick of feeling like it wasn't my plex server even though I have plex lifetime pass. Have stopped using it in favour of jellyfin

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In the context of the country this is taking place in, Coles cannot be considered small by any stretch of the imagination

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No thanks I have my offline files


Wait until he gets locked into and endless loop of "go ask your mother"

You get "serious creep vibes" from someone saying "false read the article"? Christ what world do you live in

And even then, he was only deputy

Probably a large reason inflation is so high too, putting prices up "because inflation" and pulling record profits

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I believe their refund policy is actually from ACCC in Australia, rather than European rulings

Isn't that due to that codec requiring royalties? Half the reason there is such a bit push towards av1 instead of h265 is that there is no royalties involved

They're saying they don't believe the situation will improve, and there will be a greater number in a future year

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Doesn't apple require all browsers on ios use the safari Web engine? If so, it'll never be at parity unless Apple changes their policies

Can someone pls make serco go away internationally? They're a blight everywhere they go

No advertising is correct, first I ever heard of this was hearing its getting cancelled

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Why the fuck anyone can install any third party software on a government device in any country is beyond me

Samsung make exynos chips which are arm. But Samsung even uses qualcomm in their phones in other regions so it's not unusual

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You'd think after the atrocities of the 1930/40s they suffered they'd learn to have some empathy for others, but nope

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If they had appropriate infrastructure they wouldn't need to be anywhere near traffic to obey its laws

Because every situation is right or wrong and there's absolutely no nuance or grey area...

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How anyone takes advice from someone who got kicked in the head for a living is beyond me

Their normal installer allows the hdmi to be removed too, was so happy when I discovered that because I want my monitor to act as speakers exactly never

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Looked like Star Wars from the thumbnail, proper sith lord looking mf

Not to mention the huge amount of farmland and deforestation that could be avoided

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God I hate their obsession with calling everything -gate

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Not OP but I get flickering in it on an nvidia card. Should be fixed in the next few months with explicit sync protocol getting finalised and a driver update though

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Truenas is great for creating the zfs pool but I hated that I couldn't also use the machine as a computer without making a vm, so I ended up exporting my zfs pool and then importing it on a Linux system with cockpit installed to keep a Web interface, definitely recommend looking into it

Last 4 words of that headline are a bit redundant

I know nothing about this game but every time I see it mentioned I always think that it has an awesome name

I hate foo bar etc, seems like a joke that was cringe that has gone on too long. When I was trying to learn programming I was like what the actual hell does this shit mean?

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I thought I hated steak as a kid, turns out my parents were not great at cooking steak

Personally I've never had an issue with nvidia on Linux, it's also "just worked" for me. My gripe is the lack of vaapi support

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Fellation army you say?

Plex gotten around to av1 transcoding yet?

I could've sworn sprite didn't have lime in it in Australia, yet I can find no evidence of it ever being made without lime

Works better for me, I do av1 which I don't remember plex even supporting

This is literally the first time I've even heard of Google Podcasts, if they're shutting things down because people don't use them enough then maybe they should do even just the barest minimum of advertising

I hate when album style music is played in the context of a movie where the characters can't hear it.

I would have preferred something like epic and old sounding for that scene, for example I like back in black in the avengers because it's literally playing in the world and the characters can hear it.

The way it's done Thor Ragnarok just instantly kills immersion.

This guy was insufferable before as it seemed like he thought he was the only one who hated Trump and never shut the fuck up about it