If a politician was very vocal about the evils of Dungeons and Dragons and it was revealed that he regularly played CRPGs, would the media call the resulting scandal Baldursgate?

SirSamuel@lemmy.world to Showerthoughts@lemmy.world – 53 points –

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God I hate their obsession with calling everything -gate

I blame Heaven's Gate and OceanGate.

Not sure if you're joking but the original "-gate" = political scandal was the break-in at the DNC headquarters in the Watergate Hotel by people connected to the Nixon administration.

So this is either a TIL or "I met a pedant with no sense of humor on the Internet" moment for you

Oh, you mean Watergategate?

It's super annoying. So annoying that I now get my news exclusively from what written on bathroom stalls at the Lowe's on Silver Drive.

Whoever this Trump guy is, people have very strong opinions about him