5 Post – 189 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

As a Product Manager that manages several apps, IT’S ABOUT TIME! One of the most frustrating things is needing a permission for a mundane thing that happens to be bundled under something like “microphone”. Then users freak out because they think apps are listening to them when they are not. We need apps to be transparent and clearly explain what they are doing.

It’s about time.

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Sometimes it’s fun to just sit back and watch platforms combust due to their own arrogance.

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They are not even ashamed of doing this!

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To me this is amazing news, I am allergic to Red Dye #3. If I eat something that has it, within seconds my throat closes and I can barely breathe. The worst part is that there is no need to use it. Sweet Tarts for example uses beets to get the red coloring in their candy.

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From the looks of things it looks like Chloe dodged a bullet.

My RTX 4060 has 16GB of RAM. What on earth makes them think people would go for 12GB?

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I would bet money that this is about their “thetan e-meters” and having to provide parts for them. Otherwise they won’t be able to collect $5k for a new one when they stop working (as if they ever did).

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I work for a FANG company and 2 years ago I willingly took a 13% pay cut on the condition I could work from home permanently. The pay cut hurt but my productivity and output jumped so high that received a promotion along with bump in pay a year later. Being a tech company, they track a lot of metrics around productivity and I know I am 28% more productive when working from home. I refuse to return to an office just because of office politics and drama that distracts me from doing my job. I’m not there to socialize.

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He just pissed that business travel is still down. Sorry, it’s never going back to the way it was.

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It’s asinine that Tesla is trying to do full self driving without actually using some sort of LiDAR. Using video/photos to judge distance is just unreliable and stupid.

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Well this is how I just found out she actually died.

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This is why I no longer buy Samsung products. They have a history of doing this and other shady behavior.

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At that point I would just live in the barn.

I don’t think the U.S. leaders watch enough TV and movies. Clearly she is the real psycho in the family.

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I think 8 billion people is enough to consider childbirths as non essential for a while.

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*exposed them for being idiots.

The herb is a weed that can’t be killed once it gains a foothold.

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Now I pay for the electricity and my home office space and it is still significantly cheaper than just what I used to pay in gas. Screw going back in to the office.

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I assume they are anticipating that the car will be stolen so the insurance company has to pay instead of the auto manufacturers.

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Or pirate it.

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Erik Chen. Name checks out.

I am not a lawyer but previously in my career I dealt with software licensing and FOSS. When it comes to charging for FOSS it is almost always for support. Otherwise you are 100% on your own to read documentation and figure out how to use it.

I am not surprised at all by their reaction and request for you to pay for the software when calling for technical support. This is their business model, make money off of the tech support.

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This guy was just deluded to think he was in the right or could win.

The Promised LAN Not The FBI

It’s not about how many they can manufacture, it’s about how many they actually sell to consumers. I have given up trying to buy them. It’s just not worth the hassle.

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This almost certainly means he was doing way worse things than what has been reported. He knew it was over.

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At this point you are beyond doing anything about it. Now you should be focused on at least $18.

“Over the past 6 months I have met or exceeded expectations and I would like to discuss a pay increase to $18.50. I feel I have earned it and that with this salary increase I would be in a better position to contribute even more to the company.”

Ask for $18.50 and you have a better chance of getting $18.

And this is how the Chinese ends up wearing a national uniform.

Your dog wants love and attention, not distractions. That may change a bit as they get older but some dogs are just this way.

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I have worked with buyers at Best Buy that negotiate these “deals”. The manufacturers will create a near identical version of a higher quality product, but the model number will be a sub-model (like -a). When uninformed consumers are bargain shopping for a deal they will see that the “same” model is more expensive elsewhere and think they are getting a deal. This sub-model product will have cheaper components and fewer features and a higher product margin.

Some of these products would have very high failure rates but the companies still keep doing this because it helps to push their extended warranties. Then people buy them even when they buy higher quality products because they remember the failure on the other one.

Long story short, don’t shop on Black Friday for deals in electronics.

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Ignorance of a law does not excuse breaking the law.

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It sure is a good thing we didn’t give those train engineers enough vacation time and sick days! /s

Whatever it is, it’s a joke. Things like this just take the focus off the people actually causing the problem.

Spock, on a Cock, on a Rock.

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I’ve studied Mayor Frey and he is in fact a loser.

Until this month I paid more than $100 for multiple streaming services. I finally got pissed off when something I wanted to watch was no longer available. Instead I went and torrented it and canceled 90% of the services. It’s time to go back to self streaming everything.

As a Product Manager of multiple apps for a FANG company, I can say they were given multiple warnings before any fine is ever given. It’s not like this would have been on oversight. This was willfully choosing to ignore the law and thinking they would just get away with it. Companies also receive more than a years notice that they need to comply so this was again not a surprise to them.

Fine amounts are also not a surprise. They are typically a percent of revenue and anyone with a calculator can predict a fine.

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I used a tool that edited my comments to replace it with gibberish. Supposedly Reddit still retains deleted comments but if you edit them, it only keeps the latest version. So by editing it you make the comments worthless.

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Personally I am enjoying watching these 2 idiots go after each other.

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