Employees are spending the equivalent of a month's grocery bill on the return to the office–and growing more resentful than ever, new survey finds

return2ozma@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 714 points –
Employees are spending the equivalent of a month's grocery bill on the return to the office–and growing more resentful than ever, new survey finds

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I work for a FANG company and 2 years ago I willingly took a 13% pay cut on the condition I could work from home permanently. The pay cut hurt but my productivity and output jumped so high that received a promotion along with bump in pay a year later. Being a tech company, they track a lot of metrics around productivity and I know I am 28% more productive when working from home. I refuse to return to an office just because of office politics and drama that distracts me from doing my job. I’m not there to socialize.

Forget socializing... it's all "hey, can you join a meeting?" that has absolutely fuck all to do with you. Slack invites? Ignore. Outlook calendar items? Delete. Much harder to dodge in person.

I feel like it's worse virtually.

Saying "Sorry, can't walk and chat with you, have to catch up on shit" in person vs

Hearing "saw you were free at 430pm, so I threw a zoom on there. Oh? Well you should block out you're picking up your kid" remote

This. And those 5 minute walk and chats, although annoying at times (also they could be fun and productive at times), were less painful than the endless meeting invites I get now. Because a 5 minute walk and chat folks know you are busy. If they see you at your desk plugging away they no you're busy. But for some reason people now think they are entitled to unscheduled time on your calendar.

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I genuinely have no sympathy for anyone who works for these parasites.

I am not asking for your sympathy either. You are however VERY misguided. I totally understand the perspective of “big bad company” but without people like me fighting behind the scenes, I guarantee you things would be a million times worse for everyone on planet earth. I have been targeted in the past due to my stance on privacy but I refused to cave to the pressure. Even after high level managers demanded my “obedience” I resisted and won. You can call them parasites but if all they good people leave (and we do exist) then you might as well just give up now and welcome 1984 with open arms.

A bit weird for those with no choice.

You have no choice but to work for these companies? Lol.

How does anyone survive without working for them?

People get tied into locations because of family and mortgages, it's reductive to say what you did.

So there's no way for those people to leave?

Doing so would mean death?

Or do you think the only viable solutions are easy ones?

I am not in that situation, but it would be great to not live in Indiana.

It would also be great if my mother wasn't in her 80s and my wife's mother wasn't in her 70s and didn't need our help for things.

But they do and we wouldn't abandon them.

They do have a choice.

I am a software developer and I would never work for say a gambling company. I’m not skilled enough for a FAANG company but I wouldn’t do it even if I was.

If you can get a job at a FAANG the you can get a job anywhere. Certainly for less money but money is meaningless after a point.

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