
20 Post – 413 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Just a humble squid that over produces slime. Buy my slime, its a medical wonder, cures halitosis, weird eye syndrome, bolding.

To all companies

just stop using plastic

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These are the same complaints most report for most vr headsets, headaches, nausea and dry eyes... Disappointing article.

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Being British but having to talk american politics ive started looking to Wikipedia for somewhat non bias information, or more so I am able to easily follow the source which often leads to first hand testimonials, court documents and some such information.


I find doing so gives me an advantage when combatting misinformation.

My uncle who seems to get all his insight from Ben Shapiro or as I say dry muff man, and Russell brand/Howard which ever is doing a pod cast theses days.

Anyway a lot of the right wing ideologs tend to side on conspiracy, hearsay. So be well informed and hopefully we can pull the working class away from these grifters.

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Those are the tasty bits.

disclaimer. Do not eat the tasty bits®
If the voice get louder seek medical help
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I'd of thought steam and proton would of been a large contributing factor

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He's should be free not locked in a cage

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America has some serious vindictive fucks running the country

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I wish people would vote with they're wallets and be more conscious with they're spending habits.

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They're all cunts anyway

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Easy solution.. Make it clear, write a prompt "are you sure you want to cancel your cable service? Please don't? 🫣"

If someone's savy enough for ublock I'm sure they're savy enough to tell CNN to get fucked

Could of could have should of should have

This was explained to me here on Lemmy last month.

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Silicon and engineering has come down in price and vr is hardly revolutionary at this point so yea price point is stupid high but what do people expect from apple

This reeks of controlling

Grim. I hope nobody uses my likeness after death to push an agenda, even ones I'd agree with.

Ive no plan to meet second best nor be second best and I wouldn't want to put someone through that nor go through it.

We live in a world of consumption and throw away culture, we should have more respect then to inflict these ideas on living breathing and feeling people.

Fuck that guy and his creed.

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The writing is tiny to not confuse us with the big words.

The concept of the fediverse was thought up by a mouse.

We now show homage to our lord the rodant 😍

praise be the glories rodant 🥰😍🤩😍🥰
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I don't know but anything that makes my pee dark red I'd avoid

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The literal creation of the problem and making of a solution. I bought my PC, I install applications on my PC, I do not pay MSI, AMD, intel, nvidia, corsair, Linux, ms windows money after the fact. Same goes for android when side loading, its all a silly excuse to cover they're greed

I used powerdeletesuite, worked incredibly well

Alleyway behind Italian restaurant 😍

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And most open source projects run under this model. I'm leaving if ads appear tbth

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Sounds like MDMA, your reward system went wild

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Only Satanists and swingers hang toilet paper under.

I wouldn't be surprise if it was a gorilla marketing campaign.

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Sounds like a good shit show.

Been on weirder dates

Repeat offenders are the one I'd be worried about, america isn't known for functioning reform system.

I hope your friend can heal, sorry for what your dealing with

Ops fucked in the head

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Most people wouldn't even know what to do with that kind of money, I doubt spez even has use for it all, its just big number goes up.

He should give it back to society and have a humble income, everyone should do this.

As to "B:" we have Lemmy, run by enthusiasm and donations. Maybe one day we will get media like video to an even smaller size and have a federated YouTube style site.

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the exorcist. At age 8

My Catholic church going up bringing has made possession into a genuine fair even though I'm atheist now.

techno feudalism

Plenty of other search engine that need your attention 🫠

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My dog chased an industrial lawnmower, thing had spinning open blades on the back

Cool so avoid the red hatted people and the gold footed ones too

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filthy pervert is down playing it but yea definitely hope to see more of this

Who wants to stand up all day though