Greg Abbott tells musicians "don't come back" to Texas

Lee to – 215 points –
Greg Abbott tells musicians "don't come back" to Texas

So, wait. He wants to secede, but also supports the US military spending money to sponsor an event in his state? Do you want help from the federal government or not, Gregg? Or did the tree hit more than your spine when it fell on you? Though I suppose both can be true…

Conservatives want a government that's only large enough to force their beliefs on you.

You mean the tree limb that fell on him, sued his neighbor, got a massive payout (millions) and then got elected to higher office only to turn around and pass laws to make sure no one else could get payouts like that? Fuck Greg Abbott. I hope the tree comes back to finish the job.

the tree did nothing wrong, and in fact I hope it goes further

You can't reason a person out of a position they didn't reason themselves into. Hypocrisy and double-think are the bread and butter of Texas Republicans.

Greg "Jade Helm" Abbott? The chucklefuck who said the US army was invading Texas?

"We don't need your money here. Especially not when we re-legalize slavery."

Uh, the for-profit prison system would like a word

So, if Abbot thinks he has the legal authority to tell people they can't go to texas... that could be very interesting.

the US has a right of travel. States can't ban people coming into their state for any reason.

I don't think he believes any such thing as his words being legally binding.

He's just being your run of the mill petulant childish Texan politician with the "nuh uh YOU ARE!" type rhetoric.

Well then Austin can secede from Texas and then the more conservative neighborhoods can secede from Austin. Secedeceptions all the way down. Why not?

So the US army who has very little say as to where the ammo is sent (it's congress making those decisions) is helping to sponsor an event. And certain musicians are pulling out to protest something they (the army) have no real control over?

Nothing like sending a message of "hey you are out there doing a tough job but we don't want you near us ".

Edit :whoops.. I mean congress and the president

Are you serious with this take? SXSW is an arts festival. Not a place for military propaganda and recruitment. Turns out, most artists abhor any kind of military action.

No. They don't want to support the literal weapons companies also helping sponsor. I'd boycott any artist endeavor backed by a standing military.

Are you fucking mental or just too young to think before blurting out adult-like sounds from your feed hole?

Giving the entire US Army the "just following orders" cop out, incredible. Going to need a gastroenterologist to get that boot out

Demonstrate (using the law) how the army can tell congress that "no we aren't going to send the ammo to place x" if the congress says "send it there".

I'd demonstrate (using my ass) sitting on my hands and not participating in mass murder of Palestinian children. The very premise of "just following orders" is that there is a legal or duty bound obligation. I didn't care for it when Nazis used it and I don't for it when someone two letters from Andrew Tate is spilling it from their thin, Ben Shapiro flavoured lips

Let’s see all the ways you are wrong.

The ta has nothing to do with Tate. It was in my handle on Reddit before the world became aware of tate.

If you are in the army and are ordered to ship ammo some where and don’t. At Best you get a dishonorable discharge. That fucks you up for life. At worst you wind up in prison. That really fucks you up for life.

You want to complain and do something to fix the problem? Yell at congress.

Try figuring out how the world works.

Nothing dishonorable about not dismembering children, maybe don't sign up to be a tacti-cool pig in the first place.

The world "works" in lots of ways, you don't have to deepthroat the evil running it