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Joined 8 months ago

Another "lone wolf" that has nothing at all to do with the bog standard violent demagoguery of every single right wing talking head grifter I'm sure

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All right wingers want for Christmas is increased suicidality of anyone unlike themselves

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I find it exceedingly hard to believe that a conservative will not vote for Trump when it really comes down to the day. I think there are plenty that will say they won't all the way up to that point though.

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Wish NPR had the guts to have a left wing bias. Between fund drives, hand wringing, pearl clutching, and some biographic segment on the death of an obscure vaudeville act reviewer, they're pressed for time to come up with anything else

My my, if it isn't a tiny microscopic fraction of the consequences of his own actions

Ladies and Gentlemen, the "party of law and order"

You know this headline is fake because Cybertruck fan boys would never ever act like it's anything but a 100% perfect personal space shuttle + superiority license

A lot of cheeto dust on the fingers of that first mod action

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Agreed. Unfortunate that many times this is met with some smug shit about "wanting echo chambers"

Not wanting a feed full of modern phrenology and a 20 page analysis about how this weeks 13 year old black kid getting murdered by the cops for looking at them wrong is "totally fine and actually should happen more" does NOT mean I "want echo chambers"

Man, you gotta know if ChatGPT returned Hitler as "interested in ancestry and hotel art" it wouldn't be good no matter how pedantically true it is

The party of "small government" strikes again

Chicago welcomes women and children too, should I round up a bunch in my local area and forcibly transit them under false pretenses as a smug political stunt?

And no one ignores the plight of rural folk as much as Republicans. Indeed they want to make it worse to gin up more discomfort. I'm from deep rural Alabama. To say my family votes against their own interests is a given, for the two choices, but they vote for the most extreme antithesis to their best interest every time because frankly, they're committed to the "invisible war against """other"""".

I agree they should escape, but I also am not going to extend them some bullshit about how they're "forgotten" or "ignored". They know exactly what they're doing. They are making their choices.

Oh they can't make graphs or excel sheets either don't worry.

Unbelievable that you can see all this carnage, deliberate use of non surgical engagement, calling Palestinians animals, calling leveling entire population centers "mowing the lawn", and think they are fighting Hamas.

They know exactly what they're doing, they'll tell you themselves even.

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Hard to deny this as he explicitly said it in this same interview, but the fan boys will

Did you really watch all the incredibly flagrant horseshit in this video and come away with that?

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This is how it always happens, lip service doesn't mean anything. They will be QUOTED as being in support of "women's health and safety" and "emergency exceptions" all day long as they vote to overturn Roe and strip down exceptions to meaningless inactionable jargon

They're not going to say (I guess some of the house bombastic ones might) "I'm a Republican in support of preventing your wife from bearing children"

Probably lost a few by not saying "I'm not familiar with the Civil War, perhaps you're referring to the War of Northern Aggression?"

Gosh this giant group of White Nationalists wants to come to my house for my birthday, well wow golly gee every opinion is a rich and valuable thing better let them in

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What kind of brainless doink needed that "revealed" to them, they say it out loud non stop

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These "wait and see" dingdongs have somehow not learned from decades/centuries of history about how "hearing people out" in situations like this only leads to negative outcomes.

We'll let in a little Aunt Fash, Liberty Mom, candidate for Alaklabraska school board, as a treat

Different points of view will EnLiGhTeN

Smallest violin, where are the insufferable hodl guys now?

I don't know who the competition is but I hope it's not one of those "she's not crazy and racist enough" situations

But boy howdy when they go right they go WAY right

Well it would be his own son who found it because they are browser activity accountability buddies

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Exactly. This constant handwringing is so tiresome.

They WILL try it, regardless of precedent.

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These are Christians. Christians can't hide behind No True Scotsman, deciding every time one of them is a despicable piece of shit that they aren't "real"

As intended, the revolving door of minor fines is a huge aggregate revenue stream

Well that's not very Party Law and Order of you Donald

Here comes the footage of the IDF "finding" a few dozen bullets in his teddy bear

If you run into a version where Bill is saying it, and he may very well be, I'll happily hate it too. There's a flavour difference between some "In this house we believe in Science" sign in the yard capital L liberal saying it and an establishment ghoul on the caliber of (either) Clinton

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Already cited two, but if you think "mow the lawn" is about Hamas, you're already too far up the IDFs sphincter to likely care

As you say, responsible ML is an interpretable scalpel, not a black box hammer. These ocean boiling LLMs purporting to be a tool with universal generalism are such a categorical disaster--for ecology, for the health of the field, for public understanding.

It's hard to go to work and have these conversations over and over again, to be honest it's depressing, wearing me down. I suspect I'll say no one too many times to "putting AI in our product" (by which they mean destroying simple well designed navigation by putting everything behind a chatbot search etc) and be let go.

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I've got my share of "cases of the corporate Mondays", and it is chock full of its own brand of ghoulery, but I'm so glad I jumped ship from academia. So many of my colleagues are stuck in some awful situations.

Granted, some that tried to jump weren't lucky enough to cross the gap, and are stuck in THAT awful situation.

With the ratio of adjunct to tenured faculty, the state of obtaining tenure, and the increasingly toothless nature of tenure, not to mention these goons doing everything they can to demonize education at all levels that isn't a 5 page child's board story book of Noah's Ark....

Do you get business class or economy when they fly you out to DC at your job as "Arbiter of What Issues are Actually Important for Americans"?

Sadly it's still ragingly popular in the tech start up / tech bro / LinkedIn cringe world.

My job is, among other things, ML related...I try to warn them off of this rhetoric all the time but they can't stop being distracted by the shiny jingling keys.

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Ty for this great pasta moment

"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I've authored multiple FOSS libraries, and I've been involved in numerous secret application deployments on Production and I have over 300 confirmed commits. I am..."

Feature not a bug

Falling for "The IDF reports" is as bad as eating the onion at this point