Man Displays Father’s Severed Head in Horrific Video Railing Against Biden, Immigration, ‘Far-Left Woke Mobs’ to politics – 646 points –

Justin Mohn, a 32-year-old Pennsylvania man, is in police custody after allegedly murdering and decapitating his father, claiming the latter was a "federal employee" and a "traitor." Before his arrest, Mohn posted a 14-minute video to YouTube in which he displayed his father's severed head, proclaiming: "This is the head of Mike Mohn, a federal


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Another "lone wolf" that has nothing at all to do with the bog standard violent demagoguery of every single right wing talking head grifter I'm sure

What are you saying? This has nothing to do with the current republican party or their talking points!

Mohn also calls for the end of “all woke and gender ideology propaganda in schools and other public places

I'm sure it's a coincidence...

Mohn spouts several far-right talking points, including:

"America is rotting from the inside out as far-left woke mobs rampage our once prosperous cities, turning them into lawless zones."

" A fifth column army of illegal immigrants infiltrates our border"


Decapitating a family member because there are men in your imagination wearing women's clothes.

Yikes on bikes. I'm guessing this is yet another person that probably should've been in a mental institution instead of alone, ignored, and getting suckered into the alt right pipeline. Surely the level of violence he exhibited is pathological.

Sadly, there's a chance that he wasn't alone and ignored but was getting as much help and support from his family as they could give on their own. The thought of which makes it even more heart-breaking.

I know this a very serious discussion, but I just wanted to say the phrase "yikes on bikes" is a good one.

Is this stuff even far-right anymore? Feels like it's fully adopted by pretty much all self proclaimed Republicans at this point.