
5 Post – 251 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

For those that want the source and confirmation:

::: spoiler spoiler It originated from a satire website: World News Daily Report :::

::: spoiler spoiler https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2018/11/fake-news-fbi-raid-at-nsa-employees-home-reveals-over-16000000-dick-pics.html :::

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The specific quote:

“Nobody has any idea where these people are coming from, and we know they come from prisons. We know they come from mental institutions and insane asylums. We know they’re terrorists. Nobody has ever seen anything like we’re witnessing right now. It is a very sad thing for our country. It’s poisoning the blood of our country.”

From the article:

Laura Barrón-López, White House correspondent for PBS, told viewers last night, “I checked with a historian, Ruth Ben-Ghiat, and she said that language that he’s using ... echoes language used in Nazi propaganda by Adolf Hitler when Adolf Hitler actually said that Jewish people and migrants were ‘causing a blood poisoning’ of Germany.

Additional site reporting the same (in an interview):


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Why I prefer this prediction:

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What are you saying? This has nothing to do with the current republican party or their talking points!

Mohn also calls for the end of “all woke and gender ideology propaganda in schools and other public places

I'm sure it's a coincidence...

Mohn spouts several far-right talking points, including:

"America is rotting from the inside out as far-left woke mobs rampage our once prosperous cities, turning them into lawless zones."

" A fifth column army of illegal immigrants infiltrates our border"


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It's also by a pretty decent margin so far:

With 59% reporting:

55.9% For

44.1% Against



56.6% For

43.4% against

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The orcas thought the humans wanted to start a mosh pit.

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It's because the article is withholding information* to "guide" the viewer towards conspiratorial explanations. Especially with lines like this:

What China’s lab was targeting with so many dangerous pathogens remains a mystery

Meanwhile, elsewhere, this was already answered:


The Chinese owner of an unauthorized central California lab that fueled conspiracy theories about China and biological weapons has been arrested on charges of not obtaining the proper permits to manufacture tests for COVID-19, pregnancy and HIV, and mislabeling some of the kits.

Also note, the OP article is not originally from AOL. AOL is quoting another article from a "Scripps News", practically in its entirety without any additional journalism on their part. If they had done any journalism, they would have found the AP article I linked with more info or the DoJ article on the charges that were brought up.


This story broke in July 25, 2023:


investigators discovered that one room of the warehouse was used to produce COVID-19 and pregnancy tests

* Note, the words "test" or "tests" do not appear anywhere in the OP article.

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First off, the water would need to be desalinated or you would ensure the land would be unsuitable for farming (and really growing anything) for generations.

Also, sand doesn't hold water. In fact, when planting trees and other bushes, if you want more drainage, you typically add rocks and sand.

Second, most plants need non-sandy soil to grow on (palm trees and other beach bushes and plants aside) though those grow in areas that have lots of rain already.

Thirdly, the soil will need bacteria to aid the plants in obtaining nutrients and breaking down waste (dead leaves, dead plantlife, etc).

The way to do it is to look at a couple of projects that are fighting against desertification in Africa:

  1. The Great Green Wall https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/great-green-wall/

  2. Using compostable waste to fertilize soil https://jstories.media/article/greening-the-desert-with-trash

You'll notice that many of these projects start at the edges of deserts. Instead of relying on pumping water onto sandy soil (which would just suck up the water as sand doesn't hold water that well) they focus on extending the non desert ecosystem onto the desert so that the new soil will absorb water better, the weather over the newly terraformed area will be less dry, and it will eventually be self sustaining.

Even better, he is suing because the charges against him make him look like a traitor:

The filing states that as a result of the government’s actions Flynn was “falsely branded as a traitor to his country, lost at least tens of millions of dollars of business opportunities and future lifetime earning potential, [and] was maliciously prosecuted and spent substantial monies in his own defense.”

Discovery in this suit will be amazing. It'll be interesting to see the details we didn't get to see that led to the Judge in one case against Flynn to say "arguably you sold your country out".

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It was various offices but mainly the IRS:


Operation Snow White was a criminal conspiracy by the Church of Scientology during the 1970s to purge unfavorable records about Scientology and its founder, L. Ron Hubbard. This project included a series of infiltrations into and thefts from 136 government agencies, foreign embassies and consulates, as well as private organizations critical of Scientology, carried out by Church members in more than 30 countries.

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The ball is in the DEA's court. Some say it should be rescheduled by Spring:


How long the DEA might take to form a response is an open question, though experts told MJBizDaily that an initial proposed rule could be issued by the end of the year and the process finalized by next spring.

What the DEA cannot do is reject the HHS recommendation outright, said Howard Sklamberg, who once served as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s top enforcement official.

This means marijuana’s days as a Schedule 1 drug are ending. It’s only a matter of when.

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But he's being taken out of context!1! /s

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He should be forced to carry his unviable campaign to term.

Wonder who would do the voice of the CEO who was piloting the sub?

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55 Billion is a little more than Tesla's gross profit from 2023, 2022, 2021 combined. 3 years of gross* profit!


Maybe the board was proposing to Musk?

"They say you should spend 3 years salary."

* Gross profit is revenue without subtracting manufacturing or production expenses. Net profit is gross profit minus the cost of all business operations and non-operations.

Edit: Tesla's total net income from 2010 to 2023 looks to be less than 46 Billion:


So take all the money Tesla has made since 2010 (without subtracting the years they've lost money), take another 9 Billion dollar loan, that would equal 55 billion.

The best ad I saw for Reddit (back before the grand Digg migration) was one day, everyone agreed to stop posting direct links to articles and instead post the links to the Reddit discussions for said articles.

Suddenly, one day, the entire Digg feed was links to Reddit.

We should do the same thing (on say 8/1) to give time for the different federated instances to get accustomed to the higher traffic, more activity on the feed, and more people to welcome the future Reddit refuges, just like Redditors once welcomed us during the Digg 4.0 exodus.

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From the same article:

President Joe Biden issued an executive order his first day in office to halt wall construction, ending a signature effort by his predecessor, Donald Trump. But his administration has moved ahead with small, already-contracted projects, including replacing a two-layered wall in San Diego standing 18 feet (5.5 meters) high with one rising 30 feet (9.1 meters) and stretching 0.6 mile (1 kilometer) to the ocean.

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Same vibes as this

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But it works. After paying for the med, you can no longer afford food for the month.

"Dear M. M. Night Shamalyan"

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He's just looking for the ol' 6-6-6

6 figures

6/10 (or better)

6 IQ

The way to do it is to work in either a rent decrease for X months for the work and materials or lock in a low rent for X years based on the work being done.

Another alternative is to do the above and get the landlord to supply the materials.

I've done it in the past and it has worked out well though usually for minor things (like replacing generic doorknobs with nicer looking ones, replacing a toilet with a better flushing one, or installing a ceiling fan).

Adding insulation to the attic if it's missing in spots can also make sense to do if you're paying the utilities. Though again I would get the landlord to at a minimum to pay for materials or discount it from the rent.

If the upgrades are things that will help make the unit more marketable when you move out, then they'd be dumb to turn it down.

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Walk-around of a crashed vehicle. At night, no cars in front.

Looks like a road segment shifted and they ended up hitting another road segment head on. The engine bay of the car is destroyed but the hood is pretty undamaged. The vehicle is stopped right at the edge of two road segments.

The driver looks to have gotten out OK (airbag deployed, no blood visible on driver side). A woman in a long dress is seen briefly standing near the car during one of the camera pans.

The passenger may have been sleeping in the back of the car without a seat belt and was thrown partway through the front windshield. Passenger side air bag was not deployed.

The passenger (a young woman) is talking the whole video, upper torso on the dash and through the windshield, elbows on the hood of the car. Her lower body is over the center console (still attached to her upper body).

There's a blue pillow on the floor between the back and front seats.

NoLittle blood visible, consistent with scratches and light cuts from going through the windshield (on right forearm). Some red fluid (transmission fluid) can be seen pooled under the driver side.

They may be waiting for medical personnel before moving her.

No fire, smoke, or burn marks visible. There is a bit of smoke at about 50s from what used to be the engine bay.

Edit: Re-watched, corrected above.

Democratic Representatives in the House:

Both Nadler and Swalwell serve on the House Judiciary Committee. At the time of the Caffe Europa conversation, Nadler had announced the committee would be investigating then-President Donald Trump’s decision to commute Stone’s sentence after he was convicted of federal crimes in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.

They want the money, they just don't want the money to be tied to feeding the poor.

Look at what happened with TANF block grants:


over time, states redirected a substantial portion of their state and federal TANF funds to other purposes, to fill state budget holes, and in some cases to substitute for existing state spending. Even when need increased during the Great Recession, states were often unable to bring the funds back to core welfare reform services and instead made cuts in basic assistance, child care, and work programs.



These overwhelmingly Republican-led states used money from the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program (Tanf), better known as welfare or direct cash aid, to fund the activities of anti-abortion clinics associated with the evangelical right.

Would be nice if the author had done a bit of research on the specific things that had been done in VR since he tried his DK2 to prevent nausea:

An Oculus DK2, a PC that couldn’t quite run a rollercoaster demo at a high-enough framerate, and a slightly-too-hot office full of people watching me as I put on the headset. Before I’d completed the second loop-de-loop, it was clear that VR and I were not going to be good friends.

The study the author quotes dates to August 2019!


For one, non-persistent displays have become the norm. These only show (strobe) the image for a fraction of the frame time and go black in between. Valve discovered that the full 1/90th of a second an image is displayed is enough to induce nausea if the head is moving during that time. So the Vive (and the Oculus Rift) had non-persistent displays.

The stobing effect is so fast you don't notice it.

Elimination of artificial movement is another. The reason Valve focused on games with teleport movement and made a big deal of "room scale" early on was to eliminate the nausea triggers you encounter in other types of experiences.

Valve had an early version of Half Life 2 VR during the days of the DK2, but they removed it as the artificial motion made people sick (myself included).

For many, sims work as long as there is a frame in their field of vision to let their brains lock into that non-moving frame of reference (ex car A-pillars, roof line, dash board, outline of view screen on a ship interior, etc). Note the frame still moves when you move your head, so it's not a static element in your field of view.

Also it helps if your PC can render frames under the critical 11.1ms frame time (for 90Hz displays). Coincidentally, 90Hz is the minimum Valve determined is needed to experience "presence". Many folks don't want to turn down graphic options to get to this. It's doable in most games even if it won't be as detailed as it would on a flat screen. Shadows is a big offender here.

Resolution isn't as big of a factor in frametimes as detailed shadows and other effects. I have run games at well over 4k x 2.5k resolution per eye and been able to keep 11.1ms frame times.

Lastly, it has been noted that any movement or vibration to the inner ear can for many stave off nausea. This includes jogging in place while having the game world move forward. For many years we've had a free solution that integrates into Steam VR:


Jog in place to make your character move forward in the direction you're facing. Walk normally to experience 1-to-1 roomscale.

I've use the above to play Skyrim VR without any nausea. Good workout too!

For car, flight, spaceflight simulators, a tactile transducer on your chair (looks like a speaker magnet without the cone - or basically a subwoofer without the cone) can transfer the games sound vibrations directly to you and therefore your inner ear and prevent nausea.

I've literally played over 1,000 hours of Elite:Dangerous this way as well as Battlezone VR and Vector 36. All games that involve tons of fast artificial movement.

The main issue is too many people tried out VR cardboard or old DK2 demos with low and laggy framerate, persistent displays, and poorly designed VR experiences and simply write off all VR as bad and nausea inducing.

Edit: added links and trailers to the games mentioned so folks can see the motion involved. The "study" wasn't a proper study. It was a quote from a scientist. No data was given about what headsets or which experiences caused nausea.

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"Your honor I object!"

"On what basis?"

"On the basis that it's devastating to my case!"

It's because they want the aid money instead to do what they want with it as opposed to directly giving the money to needy families who would likely only use it for food:

If the Biden Administration and Congress want to make a real commitment to family well-being, they should invest in already existing programs and infrastructure at the state level and give us the flexibility to tailor them to our state's needs"

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More info from an earlier posting about these boots (including how they work in the comments):


Edit: These are Ukrainian manufactured and likely tweaked, however the original design and research came from here:


I believe the lead researcher is from Canada

Edit 2: The original design might be by Gad Shaanan Design, Inc which seems it had/has offices in the US and Canada.


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Get more pissed:

About 1 in 5 unvaccinated people in the U.S. who get measles is hospitalized.

Encephalitis. About 1 child out of every 1,000 who get measles will develop encephalitis (swelling of the brain) that can lead to convulsions and can leave the child deaf or with intellectual disability.

Death. Nearly 1 to 3 of every 1,000 children who become infected with measles will die from respiratory and neurologic complications.

And there's more!


There's also the same story on Newsweek:


(One posted on /c/Politics)

As I pointed out, the Governor's response:

If the Biden Administration and Congress want to make a real commitment to family well-being, they should invest in already existing programs and infrastructure at the state level and give us the flexibility to tailor them to our state's needs."

Seems to be code for " give us (the state government) the money so we can determine what to really spend it on. " Since apparently giving money directly to needy families is not "efficient".

You don't have to be Ukrainian or even be in Europe to be affected by what is happening.


before the war Ukraine made up 9% of global wheat exports, 15% of maize and 44% of sunflower oil.

The Russian invasion is also affecting food prices globally. So those that don't care about the Ukrainians (which they should but hey let's explore the heartless approach to this) but do care about inflation should also want to support Ukraine in getting a speedy end to this war. This is to ensure that Russia does not create any further large scale disruptions:


in the first couple of months after Russia invaded, "food prices were quite high and quite volatile. Wheat futures jumped almost 60%. Corn and soybeans were up 15 to 20% in the first week or so."

while food prices reverted to pre-invasion levels for much of the past year, those levels are still a record high compared to the last decade.

In other words, the world remains in a somewhat precarious situation where, if just one thing goes wrong — a worsening twist to the war in Ukraine, a bad harvest in some important supplying nation – global food prices could spike.

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There's been updates and charges:


The Chinese owner of an unauthorized central California lab that fueled conspiracy theories about China and biological weapons has been arrested on charges of not obtaining the proper permits to manufacture tests for COVID-19, pregnancy and HIV, and mislabeling some of the kits.


Edit: Original discovery article was from July 25, 2023:


investigators discovered that one room of the warehouse was used to produce COVID-19 and pregnancy tests

drove them so insane

This Onion story/video from right after Obama's 2016 2012 win is very relevant and oddly prescient:


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In one case, a Haitian professor of ethics had won asylum in an immigration court, yet was kept in ice detention for two years while the government appealed the case.


Both guards found endless excuses to sanction Keldy. They confiscated her Bible, barked at her in front of the others, and cut her prayer services short.

"The Christian persecution is coming from inside the house! "

Lastly ::: spoiler The article ends with her deportortation without her kids. That's beyond fucked. :::

Edit: The whole article is an excerpt of the book: "Everyone Who Is Gone Is Here: The United States, Central America, and the Making of a Crisis"

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Hmm no boot drive found, press F1 to play Doom instead!

Kinda like the Sega Master System. If you turned it on without a game and pressed UP + A + B at the screen telling you to put in a game cartridge, it launches a game where you guide a snail through a maze:


Ye old scrotal quantum shake

Others have pointed out that the purchased land is predicted to remain farmable when other regions in California become too dry to farm.

However, them suing landowners for not selling points to either extreme greed or a project that may necessitate having a contiguous portion of land.