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Joined 4 months ago

They went from providing value to extracting it.

5 more...

So i'm not a lawyer but isn't there a law for unconsciability, When a contract is so one-sided, it's obvious that me the signer has absolutely no rights.The entire contract is voided.

4 more...

Yea. That first one was so obvious there's no way there's a way to kill someone and fool their mother. Case closed I'm satisfied...

"According to reports from sources that produce news on such matters, this is critical,..."

That was incoherent for me.

7 more...

my fucking local rep in brooklyn park twin cities metro area. His mom was Dear Abby and is a trust fund baby, I've asked him so many times in emails calls and even town halls to stop congress trading but he had the most volume of any of them. he likes to trade in health care finance and pahrmacuticals and real estate, like all the snakes he releases his trades a month after he makes them, he started trading publicaly in 2019 when he got office and has been abusing it to make a presidential run, which is sus af cause who would vote for this fucking no name, plus now this shit. fucker is a plant... i saw his eyes in person at the town hall, they look just as ghoulish as the rest of those ghouls running this shit show...

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No. They don't want to support the literal weapons companies also helping sponsor. I'd boycott any artist endeavor backed by a standing military.

Da fug is a sizzle reel. Sounds like a term 1st graders came up with...

11 more...

sorry, its been a hard morning for me and i'm leaking toxic... so fucking mad at the reddit bullshit...

We should normalize hating anyone of thing with hundreds of millions in wealth. The disparity must be called bs everywhere.

15 more...

" According to reports from sources that produce news on such matters, this is critical.." lol wtf...

Children lose very measurable nueral brain growth you don't get back if malnourished in the beginning. We're literally making a new class of measurably different human...

Never let anyone try and tell you otherwise. 100% Imagine having everything to keep you alive and still wanting to take more.

5 more...

Would you trust your baby alone in the woods with a random man or a Boeing exec?

Genetically creating a new species with the sile purpose of capital and hunting and killing. Fuck that....

3 more...

Fucking monkeys banging around with a screwdriver....

Newer user here... the api stuff got me to delete my reddit account but still surf it, it was the day of the IPO that i created my lemmy account...

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When a company says its investing millions to offer value they really mean to extract value, hoping us dum dums beleive them.

Guys our government is broken.

Good point. But also fuck apple and all the capilistic consumption thriving on over seas suffering.

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Ya. Not the place. Not to sound like a dick but this is garbage

I dream of a future where we don't end people's lives, no matter what they've done. I believe that using the death penalty as a way to scare people into behaving ignores the real reasons why people do bad things in the first place. I also think that there are some people who, because of the way their brain works, can't be stopped by fear of punishment.

Looking at what Jesus, Buddha, or great thinkers like Marcus Aurelius said, they all teach us to be kind and understand that everyone deserves respect, even those who might seem broken or lost. To me, it feels wrong to use someone as a warning to others because it forgets that every person has value.

This is just how I see things, based on what I believe and what matters to me. I know it's a big, complicated topic, and not everyone will see it the same way.

10 more...

Holy shit that would be hilarious!

Fuck spez

Da fug you rambling about?

3 more...

Sorry. Bears have mysteriously shot themselves in the head.

Would you trust your baby alone in the woods with a random man or a Boeing exec?

11 more...

Imma go bash China brb... okay... i said I hated China. Well see ....

You plant shit seeds... you get shit weeds randy....

all billionaires have some form of sociopathy and lack of empathy

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1.8M fraud is for FUCKING ANTS! The top 12 Americans hold 1.2 Trillion dollars and owe 10s of billions of tax. This is small potatoes smoke screen looks like we're doing our job propaganda....

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Double fucked

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Witnessing history

Why aren't the charges attempted murder? He shot people that isn't just battery...

1 more...

Dude shut the fuck up... seriously... don't give them ideas lol! Pry this dick from my cold dead sticky hands

It's the rich running this country. The political system is there to make the masses feel represented.

Fuck spez

If ypu live in Texas move.

So a sociopath with little empathy is allowed to have insane power because we don't want to negate what you think is a natural human desire for more? That same desire which we are arguing is sociopathic? You are empathizing with billionaires and defending disparity because we don't want to dampen the human spirit which you feel is centered around desire? I'm not baiting you anymore just curious how you end up with such a different view, unless you are a billionaire... You crafted this odd story of ownership to illustrate a point and its only providing me evidence of the sickness that started this conversation...

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I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW MORE! god dam it i was supposed to be the cool one with this gif... nicely done...

The best defense is a strong community that loves you. Literally living around you.