Elon Musk blasts Microsoft about Windows 11’s account requirement – takes several hours to bypass it

Lee Duna@lemmy.nz to Technology@lemmy.world – -12 points –
Elon Musk blasts Microsoft about Windows 11’s account requirement – takes several hours to bypass it

Says the guy that makes it nigh impossible to use Twitter without an account. The guy just stays a complete fucking hypocrite.

Naw, you do the same thing for both X and Windows, stop using them.

Sure, but that doesn’t make him any less of a hypocrite

It's a real dumb requirement. And is just one of the many dumb things Microsoft has been doing with Windows that has lead me to no longer using it on several of my devices. I have been pleasantly surprised with how easy the transition has been to Linux Mint.

The irony is that xitter is making it increasingly difficult to use xitter without an account as another comment pointed out.

It feels dirty now when using Windows. Like a 2nd hand playboy magazine.

it took him hours to do this?

After attempting to sign in using a@a.com (for example) and inputting any old password string the installer pops up an error message saying “Oops, something went wrong.” Clicking the ‘Next’ button then allows you to add an offline user / password of your choice,

he's even dumber than i thought.

his head is so fucking swollen by his ego he can't even do a simple web search (which would have given the above workaround in a top result) or ask any of the three or four remaining on his IT staff for help.

One shouldn't have to trick windows into letting you use a regular user account. And users should not be derided for pointing this problem out.

To search for a solution would require him to admit that he doesn't know everything

His ego is so massive that he can't admit that therefore he got stuck

And with the amount of people stroking his ego it only becomes worse

It really isn't that hard to bypass the windows 11 account setup. There's literally a CMD function to make it so you can skip it on a new machine. Fucking Elon can't take 2 seconds to figure something out on his own before blasting anyone else because of his incompetence.





ipconfig /release all

How the living fuck can anyone look at this utter fucking buffoon as some kind of genius this is simple as hell.

Further, I thought he was supposed to be an EXTREME HACKER and he still uses Windows as opposed to Linux? What a fucking maroon.