
0 Post – 331 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

So its no longer intellectual property if its on the internet? The nerves on this guy...

So you could just copy and use every single helpful support article from Microsoft?

Oh shit, there aren't any

You could say if you're serious or not, but hey

So they should also make it legal to rip that shit out or force the automakers to give customers that option.

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If they would stop freaking out about a word like "sex", that would be great. It's jarring to have every third word beeped over in certain discussions.

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Thats how you get filthy rich, by exploiting everyone and everything around you.

What a fucking douche

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I am disgusted but not surprised.

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So could Biden. Thats why you don't allow those things for anyone. Simple as that.

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They should have invested in their potential, their search engines. It's getting shittier almost daily.

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This is just bad communication, beating down on people that are delivering constructive criticism.

A picture of a man in front of tanks in China ... Some fictional bear ...

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So in your opinion you can't make yokes about piracy nowerdays? How did you get to that conclusion?

I honestly don't even think this is that edgy of a sketch ...

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Its advised to use a vpn on public wifis, even if youre not torrenting. Also you could sign up for a trial and go for it to see if there are restrictions.

If they are blocking vpns you could use one that uses http or https ports, those are pratically unblockable.

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Let's hope so, the EU has been on a good streak lately regarding consumer rights.

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Well, he did ignore that he wasn't paying for storage for half a year and did nothing to prevent data loss. Even ignored the grace period. That is at least negligent.

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Huh? If the job can be done this fast and the contract says, you get this money for doing that, why should that be wrong, meaning why should anyone be unhappy?

Except companies are just in for the money and would rather pay you less ... Hmmm

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Someone gifted you a phone and you are not paying them money at all?

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So the rest of your family are catholic?

Sorry, bad joke, had to be done.

This looks like a bunch of BS

That's not unusual for componsation for overhead and development costs. I'm honestly surprised its that expensive to make.

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Still same functionality as before

You shoukd consider cancelling prime, bezos doesn't need more moneys ^^

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Thats what white hats would do and what these contests are usually for

But its more like a bughunt with an open Bounty then selling afaik

This guy is a leech.

More like fuck crypto mining. There are cryptos that dont need mining.

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Didn't they influence the creation of this law? I'm still sceptical of its effectiveness.

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You don't understand, they are privatising the profits while taking the costs out of taxpayers pockets, it's really smart, if you're a turbocapitalist.

They're not offering money. They just take the data from their creators and act like their entitled to it.

Its a tool, it can be used for both. Just like any other tool, a hammer for example. Excellent killing weapon, but also great for driving nails.

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They could let an AI decide

I dont think this would fly in the EU, but will opt out just in case

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He then proceeded to do everything in his power to strengthen the bots.

They don't even know what the company will be doing, but hyping it up. From what I'm reading its just a vision, but gets presented like an actual product "coming to a device near you sooner as you think"... Clickbaity as hell

This article is specifically about Instagram.

So? My point was, that you could easily make this joke today, why not?

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This article is very hard to read, there are so many bad comparisons, it feels like the author wants me to be VERY excited for this technology, which most likely means that it's not working, so they farm clicks. Anyone else get that vibe?

Really? Here in Germany I only ever heard that its stupid the UK left, but that's basically it. Didn't notice any hate.

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And now look at the actual chip prices and you'll know, why apple is so fucking rich

Yeah surel, I'll use the inadequate browser but fox the problems with system wide ad blockers, instead of just using a browser, that doesn't steal my data and let's me install addons that I want. Google is way out of bounds here imho.

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Infastructure should be nationalized as a whole (roads, rails, water, heating, electricity, waste disposal and so on)

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We need explicit legislation against this type of behavior.