
1 Post – 263 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

Quantity is not quality.

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Things definitely changed. 15-20 years ago you actually got good search results instead of unusable crap we get today.

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Which part of public ledger they don't understand?

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"about to become" my ass.

Luckily I only have F-Droid on mine.

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Why? Did something happen to all the volunteer mods? I wonder what it could have been.

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Guess why I don't use the Chrome ecosystem and don't depend on Google.

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Pictrs should have been an optional microservice by default. Commenting here to keep track of this thread since this is useful.

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So don't run large instances. Either selfhost at home if you're on symmetric fiber or use cheap ARM cloud instances.

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Expect this to come to the EU in a few years.

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The problem with trying to ignore Wayland is that Xorg is abandonware.

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Do you trust yourself to sustain this considerable commitment?

Teenagers. US teenagers, specifically. So definitely no big problem.

Personally for me the problem starts when there is no mobile hardware which supports free/libre OS. It is already visible in the supported hardware list of LineageOS. Large tablets, particularly.

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What is "4000ac"?

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I just got my data takeout request granted (110 MB) yesterday, so time to follow up with a GDPR request to then nuke everything. It's the only way to make sure.

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Long term storage requires an ongoing migration strategy. The whole ecosystem for reproduction gone away your pristine media will be inaccessible.

old.reddit.com going in 3, 2, ....

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There is no reliable risk assessment for truly intelligent, autonomous systems. Let's stop pretending that it can exist.

The rule doesn't apply to early adopters, due to the self-selection effect.

Anyone can make a Lemmy instance with the equivalent. And some instances will defederate from it.

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Make sure you have spare 1400 terabytes.

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I have a choice of not using these sites nor enabling antifeatures like DRM support in Firefox now or likely its libre future forks.

Sticking to free/libre has been good to me in the last 30 years. I don't intend to change that.

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This is just the latest nail in the coffin of Reddit, in a long series. You don't see those who stopped moderating and engaging before ultimatively leaving the decaying platform over the years.

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You seem to trust Nvidia. I don't.

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Who cares?

360 km or 194 nautic miles is the inter-port distance.

Google Search results have been absolute crap for a long while so many already have.

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We're kinda using it right now. Strange how all the good things that persist are community efforts, huh? Makes you really think.

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I've filed my GDPR request a couple days ago and a shreddit session is due after that. Then another GDPR request to check.

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Good luck with that.

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Read that as religion blocked printers. Ought to delete that, don't want to give them ideas.

Would we even miss something if Hollywood is gone?

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You might find your responses here a bit biased.

We certainly need a minimal logging mode for instances, and simple ways to comply with GDPR deletion requests.

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Quarter century for me.

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Tracking a moving object in realtime with video is a standard task for a machine learning engineer. You can do it on an embedded platform with ML hardware support. I don't know what hardware newer Lancets use but they can already do it according from developer reports from Telegram channels like e.g Разработчик БПЛА.

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Can be generalized to "nobody understands science and technology anymore". I can understand those who went offline and are not looking back.

And I finally canceled. It was the final enshittification straw that broke the camel's back.

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I'm a technical search engine user since AltaVista. That all search engine results declined in quality to become near-useless has been covered in multiple articles (e.g. HN). Reasons are SEO, counter-SEO and increasingly targeting mass users. I'm wondering about your use cases since you're not seeing it.

EDIT: useful hints https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36822880

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I wanted to cancel Prime for a long time due to all the creeping enshittification. The last straw were ads on the Fire TV boot screen (I switched to Shield TV Pro) and the notice that ads were coming on Prime Video. I immediately canceled after that mail. 90 EUR less from me. Next incentive: order less.