Android isn't cool with teenagers, and that's a big problem

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 52 points –

Android isn't cool with teenagers, and that's a big problem::Nearly 9 in 10 US teenagers use an iPhone, spelling disaster for Google's mobile future


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Teenagers. US teenagers, specifically. So definitely no big problem.

Personally for me the problem starts when there is no mobile hardware which supports free/libre OS. It is already visible in the supported hardware list of LineageOS. Large tablets, particularly.

As a teen, I'm glad I'm European. Nobody has mocked me for using an Android from 2019

I'm wondering if it's tied to how status symbols differ per culture. Its been 20 years, but I don't remember status symbols mattering much to my environment when I was a teenager in the Netherlands. I wonder how that is now.