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i type way too much about video games and sometimes music

If it's any consolation, reddit sort of trains you to post things like that because that's what the masses like and recognize the most.

Does anybody get free samples because they need them? They get them because they want them.

That's how it seems to me due to his twitch ban as well. The guy is fairly popular and brings money in, I couldn't see Twitch banning him and losing the shared revenue unless the claim had damning evidence

I wanna say this is a possible symptom of people who beat the game ages ago, put it down for a year or so, returned for the DLC completely not warmed up, and then perceiving it as insane difficulty off the bat

My biggest question too. I adored the first game, but only have a modest PC, so it's the only thing keeping me from getting the second

Difficulty isn't black or white. There's a real difference between Monster Hunter and I Wanna Be the Guy

From my viewpoint, it's usually more of a coercive thing. Something you're not necessarily entirely opposed to, but you might rather not, and in order to avoid a situation you might perceive as bad in a different way, you relent and allow it to happen, leading to years of questioning whether it even was rape or not, even though what it does to you mentally is irrefutable.

At its own formula? I thought Palworld had a whole like crafting and base building/management side. That's not really what I wanted out of a pokemon type game, and so I didn't get Palworld. I can understand it being a better game for somebody who likes that, but I don't know if that qualifies as Pokemon's formula.

For OP or others wondering about context:

It requires a surprising amount of digging to really try and figure out what started all this, but from my rudimentary research, it seems to me that this is a problem that's existed for a few games now and has steadily gotten worse, stemming from high DLC prices and an equally high number of, potentially game breaking, bugs, across multiple games that don't get fixed as it's very quickly on to the next one for CA.

There's rumination that it's because the studio is constantly working on multiple games at the same time and just shoves everything out without having the proper time to go back and make sure everything works like it should.

This seems like it came to a head with a recent DLC pack's price increase while containing equal or lesser content than Warhammer 2 DLC, which was cheaper on release. This prompted review bombing from the community, which prompted a response from one of the lead devs, Rob, who basically said (paraphrasing here) "Costs are up, there's no good time to do this, but we have to raise the DLC prices and challenge ourselves to make the content better to match".

Turns out the community doesn't think the content is better to match. CA doubled down on that position, and here we are.

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I think it just got sort of replaced by the "always on display" as Android calls it, where the screen is "off" but still displays the system clock and any notification icons received. For me, it's accomplished the same thing while being more specific than the LED

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It makes sense. I respect the hell out of the guy for being honest and true of his morals and standing by his community, but I'm sure he knew what he could get into by doing that, and he took the shot anyway. I hope he's just been shuffled around elsewhere and still has a job.

I would assume it's because it leads the reader to what tone to use in a given sentence. The question mark or exclamation point would be useful in tone throughout the whole sentence, but if neither is present in front of the sentence a regular reading tone could be assumed.

so why add a floating period when nothing being there allows for the same assumption and is much, much simpler and easier?

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I'd almost say the same thing about the fact that ballsacks "breathe" constantly. It's easily confirmed by just looking at them when idle, but nobody talks about it and I never read anything about it until I just... Looked at my own balls for a few seconds and realized they noticeably expand and contract at a discernable speed.

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I'm sorry, personal what? Is there a GitHub link where I can compile that?

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Being sexually assaulted. I feel like in terms of things that are top tier awful experiences I would probably rank any unwanted sexual experience worse than pain or death.

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That's hilarious. I'll never understand why they named these consoles in such a way

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Oh, they still do that, now it's just nefarious and hidden behind concepts like FOMO and season passes

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That's like my analogy, except you're me, I'm an idiot, and the analogy is actually done right

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I used to have a job with a lot of downtime and if I wasn't doing real work I had a permanent sense of anxiety and guilt because I knew there were people in the same building as me in manufacturing roles busting their asses for the same pay while I sat and watched YouTube videos, and it also made it seem like I wasn't developing myself to move anywhere higher, just spinning my wheels making money.

That attitude did get me to ask for more work, but not more of the same work, new tasks, tasks that I then added to my resume and made me look much more appealing to jobs I later got instead.

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I'm not sure if the reason fits the definition of reactionary, but that is a pretty awful take, which is at the least wildly ignorant, and at worst, trolling.

I lay out all my problems on the table pretty immediately, so I wouldn't say surprised by, but probably least expected would be that for a guy my sex drive is very low. I've been about half to a quarter as driven as any girl I've been with.

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You're probably just getting hung up on the root word behind humane and inhumane. Humans do inhumane and humane things constantly every day, regardless of whether they do those things directly to a human or not, under the right brain chemistry and external conditions we're capable of it all, good and bad.

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I'd say it'd be from the perspective of laying in it, since no one cares what side of the bed is which unless they're going to lay in it

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Right, I can't remember the Creator's name, but apparently they supported a boycott and got banned for it, removing access to their workshop account as well, and they created one of, if not the most subscribed mod for the game. Maybe you know that, I haven't played Total War since Rome 1, so I'm way out of touch

It's probably about right. It's a decent game, it just doesn't hit the heights of Skyrim, and it doesn't completely deliver on an immersive, excellently executed space game either. It's just... enjoyably mid.

Painting so easy, you just draw lines on some tarp

I'm curious, she states that she has argued with him in the past and that it would've revealed the kind of person he is.

What have they argued about in the past? I would almost say that having argued with someone multiple times that you don't even live with is a red flag for happening at all, instead of a green flag that he's not a bad person. I'm curious if the context of their argument would make more or less sense.

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I was best friends with a guy since elementary school, and moved out of state after dropping out of college. We stayed in touch for years, would play games together online and chat all the time.

One day, I got radio silence from him. A month goes by and I've seriously considered the idea that he died or killed himself, until he finally says something to me. I'm so damn confused, and when I ask him what the hell happened he says that he wanted to know if I'd notice or care if he didn't talk to me, that he felt like we never talked about anything more than surface level anymore. That I was obsessed with video games and he felt like it was all stuff he didn't want in his life. Of course I noticed, I tried to get a hold of him repeatedly.

And you know what? I think he was right about those things. I spent and still spend my time getting high and forgetting about anything I could, and video games were some of the only things to get me to forget about the waking horrors of life. That and spending time with him and sharing music with him. But I didn't care that he might be right, because he never fucking talked to me about any of it.

There was no discussion of concern, no expression of the feeling that things weren't satisfactory for him, no chance for me to realize these things about myself and repair them for the good of my best friendship I'd ever had in my life. Not once did he consider how the way he just cold shouldered me made me feel, how I worried for his fucking life.

I just stopped talking to him. He was always a weird dude, but that's fine, I'm a weird dude, who cares. But it turns out that it affected his decision making in such a way that he thought how he handled it was reasonable and he expected me to just let it go. I stopped talking to him.

Months later he hit me up again to talk, and I got on an hours long call with him, only to realize he was cool with me, and I was okay with him, and he wanted to be friends again, but he was surprised that I even wanted to bring up what he did at all, as if I would just let it all go because "time heals everything". We hung up that call open to talking more and being friends again, but I just never spoke to him again and he didn't try either.

I realized we could be technically cool with each other all we wanted, but the friendship we had was broken, my trust was broken, he was essentially dead to me. I think, in the end, that if you have a nasty falling out with someone, that if it's your fault, even partially, you can own that, you can try to fix it. But if it's their fault and they don't acknowledge that part, it's just not worth it, because the friendship you had doesn't exist anymore, and clinging to it won't fix that.

It took me another year after that to get over losing him, I don't really have many friends, and that was a major blow to me, socially and mentally, for a long time I'd see things and want to tell him about them, and getting past that was tough, but I did it, and I'd rather be here now, like this, than have caved and reconnected with some empty shell of the friendship i used to have.

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It's possible people could interpret the way that the reticle follows the actual barrel position of the gun as "muggy" because it can be quite unwieldy if you're not being careful about it, but it's a very deliberate choice and makes the chaos more chaotic and really accentuates how controlled you need to be even when shit gets wild

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Actually, the fact that it didn't have that is the sole reason I never bought it, so it brought it to life for me

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Sear the name Aspyr into your mind, and look out for them when they redo old star wars games like this. An underwhelming experience is what I've come to expect from their attempts at Jedi Outcast/Academy and Republic Commando on Switch.

The best you can expect from them is bare minimum passably running games, sort of the antithesis to Night Dive

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When I was reaaaaally playing too much Hitman I began to notice large containers that could fit human bodies inside.

I mean, make no mistake, it is fundementally different in lots of ways, but in terms of what the engine needs to do to work, what the character needs to do, how the player interacts with the world, at those basic building block production points Sekiro is almost the same as Dark Souls, I so can agree there.

Oh yeah, it's the NFL deciding on who to show on camera. Ignoring an untapped market of Swifties that tune in to watch football now just because she supports a team would be an idiotic business decision.

If anyone gets mad at someone here, they should be mad at the NFL, it's a business like any other business, also don't forget to USE THE TEMU APP, SHOP LIKE A BILLIONAIRE

Ownership and creativity exit stage left.

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The implications of this are disturbing. That is an incredible amount of money not being documented. I don't see this coming out squeaky clean after an investigation, but I'm curious what the family are able to do to prepare for it. They've got a lot to try and hide, and I doubt they could hide it all.

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My therapist actually said the same thing recently, and it would make sense. I've got an appointment, actually soon to look into it

This is probably more of an individual's question than a gender-based question. I would support the transition, but I'd be lying to myself if I said I'd want to be with a trans guy. I am vanilla-ass hetero.

i'm assuming they thought it'd be a general board gaming store, then realized that it was really a shit ton of miniatures and rule books for very specific tabletop games only by games workshop, who is a company that makes games, not a store that sells all kinds of board games

Tripping too hard on mushrooms. I realized that the mind is powerful, and under the right conditions, can show you and make you believe that reality is absolutely anything. And I mean anything. You could be anywhere, anyone, become an inanimate object, have your world become pure geometry and sensation, completely lose sense of the scale and passage of time. There are almost no limits.