Can it be within human nature to be inhumane? Conversely can it be "unhuman" or going against human nature to be genuinely humane? to No Stupid – 59 points –

humane having or showing compassion or benevolence.


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You're probably just getting hung up on the root word behind humane and inhumane. Humans do inhumane and humane things constantly every day, regardless of whether they do those things directly to a human or not, under the right brain chemistry and external conditions we're capable of it all, good and bad.

Does something uncompassionate have to be done to a human in order for it to be inhumane? Couldn't it also be done to non-human animals/any sentient beings?

I think I would agree that you could be inhumane to anything that can feel or understand pain or emotion.

Yes, it's considered inhumane to hurt animals

Not by most people's standards unfortunately... slaughterhouses and farms exist and are labeled "humane" despite both harming and killing animals