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Joined 9 months ago

God literally watches all his children have sex, stay away from him, dude's a major creep.

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They've voted for conservatives 10 years running, even after realising that those same conservatives tricked them into Brexit...'s a pretty ridiculous situation.

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I think we can all agree at this point that Kanye West is a shitty person.

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I believe there's somewhat of an internal rift between The Guardian UK and The Guardian US with the US publication being more progressive on Trans issues.

...of course people in the US still shouldn't talk to Journalists, as plenty of right-wing organisations pretend to be journalists in order to produce "gotcha" content and misinformation.

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Goes against the Geneva Convention.

Eating to continue living, now considered the primary "luxury" of this generation! Oh joy!

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This is my first comment ever using this platform.

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It's cute how everyone is pretending there'll ever be another election if Trump gets back in. He'll feel spitted, and giving up the presidency a second time will literally feel like an existential issue for him.

For Trump leaving office will be the equivalent of feeling like he's dying, publically and shamefully.

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Michael J. Fox having his brain disorder from unknowingly eating human remains on a movie set that was near that pig farmer serial killer guy and his brother who used to host parties and kill sex workers.

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They went to Romania because of it's excellent legal system right? No wait, they went there because they thought it was a highly corrupt system in which they could pay their way out of their crimes.

...and now they're going to get prosecuted because they're a highly visible case.

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Project 2025 is a plan to reshape the executive branch of the U.S. federal government in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 U.S. presidential election.[2][3] Established in 2022, the project seeks to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to Washington, D.C., to replace existing federal civil service workers it characterizes as the "deep state", to further the objectives of the next Republican president.[4] Although participants in the project cannot promote a specific presidential candidate, many have close ties to Donald Trump and the Trump 2024 presidential campaign.[5] The plan would perform a swift takeover of the entire executive branch under a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory — a theory proposing the president of the United States has absolute power over the executive branch — upon inauguration.[6]

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Twitter being ruined by Musk.

Reddit switching limiting other apps, and now blocking google.

YouTube detecting ad blockers.

Strange choices.

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They claimed 1,300 were killed, and that number turns out to be wrong...

...meanwhile they've killed over 13,000 Palestinians. It's not an eye for an eye, it's genocidal murder.

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A decade of electing right wing governments, even AFTER the direct lies about Brexit - made things worse? NOWAY! \s

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We better hope he's a loser when it counts.

The US: hey Israel, you doing a genocide? Here's money with no strings or requirements attached!!!

This a huge win for white supremacist and antisemitic conspiracy theorists.

Is it almost like decades of choosing ratchet theory and not pushing hard left when you have the opportunities has actual consequences?

Horrible time to realise this.

Imagine how many MAGA people wouldn't be paying attention to politics if weed was legal for recreational use nation wide, or if trans politics had have been introduced in an earlier period, or if billionaires like Musk and Murdoch weren't always sided with and given corporate welfare.

Now is a terrible time to learn this lesson, literally the worst.

Apparently he had a jet and would constantly offer it's use to other people. Basically acting as a domestic taxi service so he could have a captive audience to figure out if they also wanted access to what was going on on his island.

Very much sounds like a honeypot... And there's plenty of info about Ghislaine Maxwell's father's connections to the Mossad.

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If you know the policies and how to find your way around Wikipedia, and are certain that you're right - you can generally have the truth prevail (as long as you have reliable sources backing up your claims).

The real trick is to know the policies and where to complain that they're not being upheld. In your case you should goto the BLP noticeboard, and ask for an uninvolved editor's help in figuring out how to, or whether the information should be added.

This generally gets others interested in advocating for the truth.

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This seems like something Nazis would do.

Europe finds new way to mock America.

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Privatization does work, it doesn't benefit the common good.

We must advocate the opposite, normalise it as a topic of discussion: Nationalisation. Having the government re-acquire aspects of the common good that have previously been sold off.

After all, if these assets have benefited the private companies, then why can't they benefit the public in some of the same ways.

I was learning unreal engine, but I guess it's time to switch to Godot.

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The guy who passed hacked intelligence from a Russian agent to the Trump campaign whilst pretending it was from DNC staffer Seth Rich (which was an alt-right conspiracy theory) even when he knew that wasn't true, and even after Seth Rich was dead and he knew it wasn't true?

The guy who meddled in election outcomes because he thought he had a better shot at being pardoned by Trump?

The guy who was originally on charges for slipping a condom off whilst having sex?

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So Israel are doing a genocide and bombing their international neighbours at the same time...

...and this is who western leaders are supporting?

The entire Western world has zero moral standing, and it's very odd how they all support Israel. It seems Israel is the boss, and that raises a lot of questions.

I suspect we're risking an increase in terror attacks in the west and should they reference Israel, leaders will really have no defence. What Israel is doing and has done has nothing to do with democracy. It's nothing less than a repeat of the wars of colonialism, just in a modern settling, and supporting it casts Western progress away from its colonial history to being highly questionable.

The western world is losing it's legitimacy by supporting Israel like this, and it makes so little overt sense.

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Man who some have called a fascist, backs a genocide.

I feel like, he's afraid?

Putin wasn't paying up, so they floated a bill. Putin paid so now they need to sink it.

Israel has done so many things that are untenable in the modern age, yet the support from the west has not budged an inch, and it's bringing the West's claims to be post-colonial and anti-genocide into question... well as raising some questions that previously only nazi leaning conspiracy theorists would entertain.

The level of unwavering support makes it look like Israel is in-charge, and Western leaders need to explain why this is.

I wouldn't be surprised if western support is cited in future terrorist attacks. It's highly unpopular among the public, yet so uniform to the point of being incredibly questionable.

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Curry is woke! Finally someone said it!

... it's because it's foreign and makes my mouth feel burning. I don't like it. I'm glad someone is finally standing up to this woke nonsense invading our culture!

...holy shit, I was pretending but are these guys just afraid of being colonized? It's like a projection of a fear of being on the other side of the historical fence, a subconscious history they can't acknowledge so it comes out as a fear of foriegn things they don't understand being in control of their "new world"

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Israel Hamas war? That's odd, because they've killed way more Palestinians than members of Hamas... It's almost like it's an Israelis vs Palestine war.

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Society should serve human nature, human nature shouldn't change to serve society.

People suicide where they feel alienated, and like they're not served by the social functions and contracts that are in place.

Basically where they don't like the life that's on offer.

Why be a dick about it when you can just ignore them. Seems like they're just trying to communicate in a way that's generally experienced as nice.

Like I get it, it's easy to get annoyed at people trying to "make" you participate in an imaginary and kinda lame social behaviour... But like, being a dick on purpose probably does you more damage than them

No one likes someone whose rude for the sake of being rude, or an edgelord, even being a contrarian just for the sake of it isn't the greatest characteristic.

Better to find a stable calm attitude that doesn't require that... And if it's a way to blow off steam, better to find ways that are more in your own domain of control, rather than having it controlled by an external trigger.

Something to give thought to next time your driving jeep anyways.

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Trump was having unrecorded meetings Putin and his staff regularly with no other Americans or white house staff present, only a Russian interpreter.

Some of the times when there was an official American interpreter, Trump would confiscate any notes or records of what was said

Trump was no doubt sharing documents with Russia.

Sorry for the Reddit link, but the post talking about this is:

Rumor has it that season 33 is speckled with passable episodes, and season 34 in generally considered a minor come back of the series. I'm watching 34 and yeah, it's pretty alright.

Perhaps if the entrance had a wedge shaped ramp at the top guiding them in? I mean, design not meeting the needs of the bees isn't exactly the bees fault.

Humans: Look how stupid bees are for not being able to gracefully fly into this tiny opening we made for them.

Japanese toilets are now beyond western comprehension.

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Twitter implosion, no self driving cars, fake Hyperloop, and guess what - he's also responsible for the US space program right now.

He's got 3 billion in US tax dollars an blows up spaceship like crazy.

His plan is to have a space base on the moon and refuel rockets in space.

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The right only pretend to care about economics, whilst refusing to listen to its actual statements and outcomes. This is why Modern Monetary Theory is generally ignored.

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