
14 Post – 918 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

i thought Tauri was the electron alternative we've been waiting for.

None of those parties have a ghost of a chance of winning, and with as razor thin as the win margins were in 2016 and 2020, I'm not confident Biden won't win if we don't vote for him. I sincerely hope I do not have to explain why Trump would be worse on literally every issue (especially Gaza) than Biden is.

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That is Gargantuar from the hit 2009 video game Plants vs Zombies

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I can do full fledged software development complete with fully desktop-equivalent Neovim on my phone.

That said, it's really not a pleasant experience. The CPU in my phone is pretty fast all things considered, but it still takes several times longer to compile a project than my laptop does; having this little screen real estate sucks; and since Termux doesn't enable predictive text on the onscreen keyboard (and predictive text is worse than useless when writing code anyway), the best I can hope for productivity wise is a keyboard like Hacker's Keyboard or Unexpected Keyboard that at least has functions like Esc built in. When I have a Bluetooth keyboard, I'm about half as productive as I am on a laptop. When I don't, writing the same program takes ten times as long. But it does have all the same features my desktop setup does, and it is usable in a pinch.

Oh, was it them that made the IoT washing machines with a nasty habit of unannounced port scans?

Had us in the first half, not gonna lie

A-freaking-men! oh my god this bothers me so much. How dare the people on the explicitly autistic section of Lemmy not immediately understand textual social cues and telepathically understand all of the current Leftist Rhetoricâ„¢?

I swear, 90% of the people in 196 think they're the only person here who isn't autistic, genderqueer, or both. It's a gay bar where half the people in it are straight. Autistic people love written rules, so what if we put one rule in the sidebar that we don't actually expect a single person to follow and then just assumed everybody knew the rest?

Everybody loves hanging out with the weirdos until they actually start acting weird.

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Using a mouse is invaluable if the screen shatters and the touch panel stops working but you still need to get data off it.

They did? That's news to me. Who did they sell it to? And what do you use instead?

^So^ ^help^ ^me^ ^God,^ ^if^ ^you^ ^say^ ^Brave^

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Probably the privacy invasive TVs

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Is there a single phone made in the last ten years that will run postmarketOS at all?

Huzzah! A Linux phone with specs that wouldn't have looked pathetic five years ago!

Actually, those specs are comparable to the Pixel 7a I'm writing this on at a slightly cheaper price! Has the era of the Linux phone begun?

But he very famously said he wasn't an idiot, and that's why he refused to drink any on camera when the interviewer told him they had some.



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Come on, man, you can't just post something like this and then not share the video

Hard disagree

Idk what it has that a DualSense (PS5 controller) doesn't

^say^ ^what^ ^you^ ^will^ ^about^ ^sony^ ^but^ ^god^ ^DAMN^ ^that^ ^controller^ ^is^ ^good^

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The system isn't closed though. More people join the tracker all the time, and that's to say nothing of the people who already have access to the tracker downloading a new file.

You're really gonna have to start writing more than one sentence per comment if you want anyone here to know what the fuck you're on about

Some people like being fat. Some people like being women.

A person who likes bobs and vagene entering a committed relationship with a trans man would be toxic. Ditto for a person who likes fat people entering a committed relationship with someone who is trying to lose weight. That said, firstly, I don't see anything wrong with a one-night stand in either of those scenarios, which is what the original question was, and secondly, more importantly, you'd have to stretch really hard to say that a person who's into a little chub and a person who's perfectly happy having a little chub entering a committed relationship is in any way problematic. OP is into women. If anyone unironically tries to call someone a pussy-chaser I'm going to recommend them for commitment.

OP saying he'd have sex with a trans man who hadn't transitioned yet is no different than a lover of booty saying they'd have sex with someone who hadn't lost weight yet. Sure, it might be a little confusing and/or disheartening for his potential sexual partner to be told that he likes them for the one aspect of themselves that they're working to change, but if it's only for one night, and that person otherwise has a good support network, and, most importantly, it's two consenting adults, I don't see the harm.

i missed you mr skeltal. welcome back king

if his dad joke game that strong he better adopt

"that's bait" gif

and that's to say nothing of @Kolanaki@yiffit.net

Last few days before summer break. All my final projects are in and I've got one last final exam to study for. Home stretch. Just gotta make it a few more days.

at a restaurant, someone spills a load of ginger on my plate oh no I've been ginged

have a >1 ratio to download anything which is impossible by definition

They give you a bit of leniency after you first sign up. All that share ratio means is that you leave your computer seeding for a while after your download finishes, and when your torrent client has uploaded the file you got from them to e.g. 5 other people you can stop seeding it. They're asking you to give back, is all. If you download a 3GB file from other people in the swarm and then immediately close the torrent before anybody can download it from you, after enough repeat times of you doing that, they'll stop letting you download new files.

Trackers cannot read, and are not interested in, the number at the bottom of your torrent client, or your history with other trackers. They just care that you seed their torrents after you've finished downloading them so other people can download them too.

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Everybody always says this, but I've yet to talk to anyone who even has an anecdote of talking to a Gen Z person for whom that's true.

Come on, man, AVR chips aren't SoCs except in the technical sense.

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well there's a certain community on dbzer0 that i'd like to point you to

Java: "Sorry, but the developers of Peanut didn't declare it to implement the Crackable interface, even though it has all the relevant methods, so if you want to treat it like a nut your choices are write a wrapper class or call those methods using Reflections"

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Tell me again how he's just as bad as Biden

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Ah yes, The popcorn bucket. The bucket for popcorn. The bucket specifically designed to be filled with popcorn. The popcorn bucket.

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Every couple of years I think to myself "You know, I can't actually remember why I don't like Ubuntu. It must have just been some weird one-off thing that soured me on it last time. Besides, I've got N more years of Linux experience under my belt, so I know how to avoid sticky situations with apt, and they've had N more years to make their OS more user friendly! I pride myself on not holding grudges, and if this distro still gets recommended to newbies, how bad can it possibly be, especially for someone with my level of expertise?"

And then I download Ubuntu.

And then I remember.

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Wait, did a big-name project that said they were going to implement ActivityPub actually implement ActivityPub?

Part of me wants to say props to them. Part of me can't help but wonder if it's part of a 90s-era Microsoft embrace-extend-extingush strategy.

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Seems to me it'd be pretty easy to tell. If the footage was AI generated, fingers would be appearing and disappearing.

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i hereby take back every argument i have made against veganism

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