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Joined 1 years ago

My cat has not once tried unraveling a toilet paper roll. He has stolen money before, but he steals shit, so that’s normal. But never toilet paper.

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Robot chicken. Now, I usually have on some kind of space documentary, creepypasta or some long gameplay videos.

Anytime I finish a game is a pretty big achievement. Lots of games I play and just either get bored of or forget about. Stray, Cyberpunk, Subnautica, Outer Wilds, etc… I just can’t seem to finish games. I’m now trying to play RDR2, so hopefully I can complete it. Hogwarts Legacy is the latest game I’ve fully completed (last year), but I’m a huge fan of Harry Potter, so I feel like that helped.

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I will need about 15 years worth of home office allowance to be able to afford one of those. That doesn't even include shipping and taxes.

I’ve completed GTA 5 a handful of times, so I’m hoping that because it’s a rockstar game, I’ll be able to finish it… But only time will tell.

Movies and tv series. Automatically streams from a good source. I've had zero stuttering so far.

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I also HATE that if you miss the skip button on the first of multiple ads, they disable the skip button for another number of seconds.

Always flush. I don’t want to drop a log and have that piss water splash on to me. Not to mention that it just stains the bowl and sometimes smells. Just flush, cause if I see it’s not clear water, I’m going to flush anyway.

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I used to work in a warehouse when I was young. No training on some things, so sometimes I'd just be just hanging out when my duties were finished, and still get paid for it. Not my fault. Had this one woman and her husband doing delivering of packages for the company, and she made a snobby comment saying "wish I was paid to do nothing", but in fact she was, cause she did nothing. All she did was sit in the passenger seat.

She was a bit of a coward.

Staying on the SQL theme... The company I work for has a fairly old (~20 years) system. There's a feature for users and site admins to export massive amounts of data, with the option to export data from when the system was first released. Purely CSV or XML data formats. On large datasets, the time for export would vary from 10-20+ hours, and would frequently timeout, forcing you to split exports into multiple timeframes and manually merging them into a single file. The solution? Indexes! Indexes were non-existent. After adding them, export times have dropped to ~10-15 minutes, which is a rather insane performance increase, especially since a single export is accepted per account at a time.

Yeah, I don’t trust the auto save to save my work properly. I work as a Software Engineer, and any small change I make, even if I’m not done with the change and I’m just thinking, my hands immediately default to CTRL+S.

Always always make sure your work is being saved if it means something to you. Especially since windows will force update and reboot your computer. Battery’s can die, power can go out and your computer shuts down. Applications can and will crash.

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I would rather not get anything than get a rock for recognizing my efforts.

But what if they didn’t know and just winged it themselves?

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It's standard in Canada as well. I prefer 24hr personally. There were a couple times where I've napped in the evening, and woke up thinking I was late for work in the morning. Not fun. 24hr clock solves that. Plus it just makes more sense to me than 12hr clocks.

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Not a rule, but I got in trouble by jumping near a brick wall. The school I went to had bars on the bottom windows, and kids used to jump off the wall and hang off them. During recess, I was jumping beside the wall, and got yelled at.

It was a catholic school. Most teachers were garbage. Except this one Australian teacher. He was awesome.

Question… Is the world more hostile, or does it seem more hostile because we have the media to broadcast the existing hostility?

You don’t need to be good at math for programming… It all depends on what you want to do. Even if you do want to do math heavy things like graphics or dealing with any formulas for any reason, you can learn as you go… However, wanting to jump ahead is never a bad idea. Most of the time, basic understanding of math is absolutely fine in programming.

We will issue a software update for users in France...

So this applies to only devices sold in France? I'd love to know what changes to the software are being made to deal with radiation.

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Live? Yes. Remain sane? That’s to be determined.

Really though, I watch it for entertainment purposes 95% of the time. If YouTube were to seize to exist, I’d probably find an alternative or stick to streaming services like Twitch.

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They want you to reply. Simply don’t reply. Easiest way to deal with them.

Anything that forces me to change what I think about and pay attention to. Video games, driving, ATV rides, etc.

Also just learning to understand (within reason) that things you can’t control don’t deserve a lot of your mental capacity. No reason to worry about it, because you can’t do anything to change the outcome.

If there's a vehicle manufacturer I can trust to make a reliable battery with that kind of performance, it's Toyota... Buuuuuuuuuuuut, I'll believe it when I see it.

We had a gym teacher that would allow us to play dodgeball with volleyballs… Probably the most painful but thrilling games of dodgeball I’ve played.

What is this pimple on my toe, and why does it have eyes? I think it barks too

Leather wallet with limited space. Forces me to not carry too much. Also a quality built wallet that had lasted very well for the last 5 years... Admittedly I have been bad at maintaining the leather though.

I’m not a doctor, but I do experience the same thing. I recently saw a doctor for wrist pain, and was eventually diagnosed with cubital tunnel syndrome, and was told to use an elbow brace when sleeping.

I can say that using the elbow brace has helped slightly with the wrist pain, and it does result in me no longer waking up with numbness.

The brace keeps your arm straight, and forces me to sleep in a way where there’s no/very little pressure put on my elbow.

Highly suggest you see a doctor, but if you can’t, look into elbow braces (they are affordable). But please get a professional opinion.

It’s possible, but I wouldn’t put it past Apple to ignore the VPN when checking your location. I’d suspect they’d check using more than 1 approach (Internet, GPS, country on your Apple account, etc) to verify your location.

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Terrariums. I love miniature things, including tiny ecosystems. There’s a few communities on Lemmy, but they’re mostly inactive, and have a tiny amount of subscribers.

I tried to rephrase his question in my head, and I ended up with “Why do not teeth degenerate.”

I need sleep.

The total stairs a staircase has. I cannot walk up or down a staircase without counting, and it makes me satisfied when the number ends in an even number.

I don’t know the full details, but I’ve read that Apple may be dropping the requirement to use WebKit within third party browsers in the near future. Something to look forward to.

It's going to hell, so I would put in dead batteries.

My uncle owned an 80’s suburban. That thing was an absolute tank… and not in a good way. The steering had so much play in it, you had to turn the wheel about 45 degrees for there to be any input.

A fedex truck actually ended up t-boning him, and the truck flipped. He was fine. Suburban wasn’t. Probably for the best.

Or "throw box away thinking I remember the directions from previous time, then pick box out of garbage."

Reminds me of the time I had fun screwing up our CRT TV with magnets.

Yeah, same here. I spend all day at a computer, last thing I want to do is spend more time at a computer. I've also spent more time working on my own vehicle's, and just generally being outside more often.

One thing that I do enjoy from time to time is graphics/game programming. Nothing really ever results from any of my projects, but it is something I enjoy, as i don't do graphics programming at my job... It's usually systems/web development, so the difference in the type of projects I choose to do as hobby programming has helped for me.

Way at the back, for 2 reasons. First, it’s easier on my neck. Looking up when sitting in a lower section is hell for me. Second, I really dislike people sitting behind me.

I tend to have unfortunately expensive hobbies... Photography, cars and other forms of offroad vehicles, etc. So I don't usually spend money on small things that aren't necessities.

I am getting into motorcycle riding, which gear itself is rather expensive if you want to not be grated cheese, plus the bike, training, etc. So that's my expensive purchase this year.

My hobbies tend to keep me out of the house, so I guess in a way this helps keep me from going insane.

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I save them in my camera roll so that I can share them with people. I then just never delete them and they get lost. It is nice every once in a while to spot that random meme from 5 years ago and have a small chuckle.

My cat lays near my wood stove… Your cats should be fine :)