My beloved money pit s4 with new shoes! to Cars - For Car – 22 points –

(Yes, it needs a bath)

I wasn't sure how well the titanium colour would work on white, especially knowing how great black wheels looks, but I think it looks fantastic.


I very nearly bought one of similar year model. I'd organised finance and found the very one - a beautiful example with stage 3 everything and low mileage. It was an absolute weapon, and felt truly amazing to drive.

It was the day before I went to pick it up and it started raining hard, then a little harder, and then very hard indeed.

All of the exit routes from my home to the highway went a little bit underwater. This wasn't a problem on the way out of course, because I was driving a 4x4 with a snorkel. I then realised that if I pick up this beautiful little S4, I will end up staying at a hotel for a day or 2 until the water recedes. This led to the realisation that every single time it rains heavily I will either be stuck at home (WINNER!) or unable to get home.

I called and cancelled the sale, realising that I was geographically stuck driving 4x4's until such time as I no longer live where I live.

I often think of that little S4, and how on earth a tiny 2L engine could deliver the level of insane power and refinement in drive. Alas it was not to be for me, and a supercharged toyota FJ cruiser appeared in my garage instead - but I still long for a day when there's a garage with an S4 in it.

Are you thinking of the A4? That has a 2L inline 4, while the s4 (the B8 at least) has a 3L v6.

I’ve driven through some really heavy rain with this car without issue, but never through deep puddles.

Looks sharp, the rims are nice. One thing Audi has down is classy styling without being flashy.