1 Post – 355 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"He told me to tell you... He's sorry you didn't have bad memories of him?"

Because mice sin too.

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Might makes right, obv.

! - mostly games, movies, shows, and music in the cyberpunk sci-fi genre

! - music: synthwave, vaporwave, etc. A fairly new community, a couple different people have been posting

! - music community. I was hoping someone else would make the 300th post, if not I'll post something later today.

! - a larger community, a couple of us are posting regularly, but could use more discussion

! - a community about how to help grow the fediverse. has been posting a weekly thread on "how is your [niche] community doing?" which is kind of like a support group for people keeping communities alive

edit: how could I forget, ! - links to short stories online in all genres it's time to "cross the Rubicon" to full federation!

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Maybe it's Quechua.

These are all excellent communities, and invariably some of my favorite posts of the day. I'm seeing them on, btw.

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YouTube has several copies of this, here's one:

"Hell, half the time I'm actively rooting against him" is what did it for me.

Insufficient information. Need to know the physician's gang affiliation.

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some people still recommend using a VPN and IP address from a country where YouTube ads are prohibited, such as Myanmar, Albania, or Uzbekistan.

Wait, you can just prohibit YouTube ads at a national level? That's somehow awesome and terrifying at the same time.

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Interesting article.

“For every new plane you put up into the sky there are about 20,000 problems you need to solve, and for a long time we used to say Boeing’s core competency was piling people and money on top of a problem until they crushed it,” says Stan Sorscher, a longtime Boeing physicist and former officer of the Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA), the labor union representing Boeing engineers. But those people are gone.

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Ask for the gun and the bullets.

Before I'm sent back, shoot the time travel master (nerd!) in the head. Shoot their attendants, too (nerds! nerds!).

Grab all the other options, and load them in the time travel car. VERY IMPORTANT: the Moog will be playing the Knight Rider Theme until further notice.

Time travel back to the Vatican, Apostolic Palace. Driving the motorcycle up to The Pope, I do a jump that involves me turning upside-down OVER the Pope, during which I look down, shove the LSD down the Pope's throat, and then do an Akira-slide right in front of him.

In fluent Latin, I explain to the Pope that I am a messenger from God who has been sent to deliver a Mighty Revelation. For the next several hours I use all the other options I brought back to astound and amuse The Pope during the LSD trip. During this phase of the experience, the Moog will be playing selections from Pink Floyd, focusing on music from Dark Side and before. The key message of The Revelation is that I am an agent of God to be protected and revered.

After the Pope comes down, I scope out the Vatican's Cardinals. (The Moog will be playing Guile's Theme during this phase.) The spices are covertly swapped for hashish and opiates, which I use along with the Warheads candy to bring mini-Revelations to those Cardinals who seem friendly. Those Cardinals who seem hostile to me, are fed bits of the Uranium. I am declared a Cardinal. When the time is right, The Pope is also fed bits of Uranium.

After the Pope dies, a conclave is convened in the Sistine Chapel to select the next Pope. The Moog will be playing Objection from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (2001) during this phase. As a Cardinal, I attend, and will use the motorcycle to pop wheelies and do donuts until I am elected.

When I first appear on the Papal balcony, to be revered for the rest of my life as an infallible being whose words must be obeyed without hesitation, the Moog will be playing the instrumental version of We are Number One from Lazy Town, and I will be doing an appropriate dance.

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Not pictured: the aircraft that can transport this to any conflict zone in the world on short notice, to demonstrate dominance.

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100M view from normies or 10 upvotes from chads. You decide.

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Third building (biggest of all): Medical Insurance Administration.

I saw this on my homie's screen, clearly they are a far-right text messager:

(defun queue-next (queue ptr)
  (let ((length (length (queue-elements queue)))
        (try (the fixnum (1+ ptr))))
    (if (= try length) 0 try)))
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"OK, there's no way they can tell us about their extended warranties up HERE, right?"

  1. Carefully read every Privacy Policy Update, Terms of Service, and Security Update Release Notes for the rest of your life to make sure it isn't stealth-reenabled.
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The hope is that the non-dumb people will leave for here, and that they're the ones who make quality content.

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Apparently a toaster coaster boaster poster. Roast her!

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That data they're collecting is more valuable now that it can be used to train A.I.s. A couple years from now they'll push some update that lets them exfiltrate it (or its usable features.)

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The person on the cross is Brian.

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I suspect not, but I didn't know who this person was and found out:

In high school, Sweeney was on the Robotics team and participated in the mathematics club 'Math is Cool.'[11] She studied multiple languages and graduated with top grades, making her valedictorian.[12]

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Your loss.

At each new monetization stage, we should once more advertise Lemmy.

OMG please don't have them introduce non-fungible sandwiches...

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"Dear Suzie. I swear I'm not cheating, if I am may God strike me de

In a similar vein, famed cartoonist R Crumb did a faithful adaptation of the book of Genesis, including all the sex and violence:

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Truly insane what we tore up.

Didn't know much about this so just looked it up:

OP is a subatomic particle in a physics lab.

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Too much acetaminophen can lead to liver failure, fwiw.

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Speaking to MailOnline, she confirmed that not only had she not been paid she also hadn't been briefed on what her role would involve. She explained: 'I was angry at the time because I felt like this is embarrassing for me, and I felt bad for the people coming in as well. I actually ended up shouting at the guy. I just said to him he’s a joke and this is like embarrassing, and how can we basically live with himself, doing this to people. This is really embarrassing for me. My job is teaching kids yoga and I go into schools and stuff and I do kids’ entertainment. This is none of our faults at all. We got the job and then we got given the script. By that point I’d signed a contract and they said they were going to put us £500 for the two days which is a lot of money which is a lot of money to say no to.'

I haven't flown in a while, have they already started asking us to tip flight attendants?

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"Medieval Christians would place a YOLO in their art as a reminder of inevitable death".

Yeah, you're right, they're basically synonymous.

Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

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We haven't even started memeing about the "AI-enabled menu changes".

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