One More Lane

Communist Capi ☭ 🇵🇸 🏳️‍🌈 to – 947 points –

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Not pictured: the aircraft that can transport this to any conflict zone in the world on short notice, to demonstrate dominance.

l o g i s t i c s

What did canada do to deserve that?

It's not Canada as a whole, just tankies.

Is there a lot of tankies in Canada? I am still confused on why Canada specifically. I have blocked most of the tankies troll instances so don't know much about them.

I think Canada is just a placeholder to represent English speaking Tankies. Itd be a bit weird to have an America ball for the Tankies, though I have encountered the occasional Canadian Tankie who are somehow more insane than their American counterparts.

And the caterpillar road making machine that has to chop down the trees, burn them up, till, compress, mix ash with tar and gravel and level the road as it paves the way. The animals found obviously get turned into delicious burgers. Or so I've been would been told if and when that becomes a real thing one day soon.