Communist Capi ☭ πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

@Communist Capi ☭ πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ
131 Post – 237 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


No shit, Biden is a genocidal asshole but at least he's not trump that's the whole point of the uncommitted campaign

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Former EA CEO is the one making the unity licensing changes

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Then I guess Joe Biden better stop funding a genocide then

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People are organizing the uncommitted campaign to get Biden to stop giving billions to support an active genocide

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People out there dating amoebas

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Is a single molecule of water wet?

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As someone in this socialist queer community, I agree with you, we need a better ratio of queer memes to political one. Maybe 80% queer shitposting and 20% political shitposting

Especially once we get toward the end of the year, things are only going to get worse

That's 100% sexual assault

Obviously not as severe as Ohio or Mississippi

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Apparently the guy was too evil for EA

I yell thank you as I leave 😎

Trust me I know, having my whole family try it out and then have them pull that later was a punch in the face

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I've gone that road and I'll tell you that making a windows virtual machine is much less of a headache. I'd recommend using qemu/kvm over something like virtualbox because otherwise it won't be very usable

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I see we are aligned

you're being sarcastic right?

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I'm content knowing that my ancestors would have wanted to kill me

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There has to be a way of turning this into a copy pasta and I will do every effort to make it happen

Going only off this post for context:

I've learned that depression will make me retroactively look at my past and keep wondering if I could have done anything different, and that the fact that I didn't do things differently means that I wasted all that time. It's been an uphill battle figuring out to let go of that and acknowledge the past as it is. I know, for me at least, accepting that hasn't been easy and I still need to work on it. I can't speak to your experience nor make any judgements for it as we are obviously different people with different histories.

However, ultimate responsibility for your nephew's well-being is 99% on your brother, assuming he feels any remorse to begin with, and your nephew's mother.

You're asking what if, the next thing which you probably are already thinking of is what now? That, I have no clue, and will end up being whatever is most reasonable for you and your family. Your parents are supportive so they might be willing to discuss next steps in dealing with your brother. I think it's important to discuss with the rest of your family as well about intervening steps to cut your brother's access to the family, his children more so. Given that your nephew committed suicide already means that the home environment probably isn't ideal for the other kids and they might not have enough time between now and whenever they're 18 to keep dealing with it.

Assuming your brother isn't a lost cause it might be beneficial to have an intervention or see if you can convince him to seek psychiatric and therapeutic help.

If not, then getting him as far as possible from everyone else is probably a potential next step to minimize the amount of damage he is able to inflict.

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