One More Lane

Communist Capi ☭ πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ to – 947 points –

The closest america will ever get to having working public transport.

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This is what the average American drives for their two hour commute.

Don't worry, next year's model will be twice the size, half the efficiency, and only 3x more expensive than last year's!

2 hours? You're funny, this is what they drive to go to the McDonald's 2 blocks away

Source: I am 'Murican

With those babies on the road, 2 hours are for waiting in perpetual traffic-jams.

Not pictured: the aircraft that can transport this to any conflict zone in the world on short notice, to demonstrate dominance.

l o g i s t i c s

What did canada do to deserve that?

It's not Canada as a whole, just tankies.

Is there a lot of tankies in Canada? I am still confused on why Canada specifically. I have blocked most of the tankies troll instances so don't know much about them.

I think Canada is just a placeholder to represent English speaking Tankies. Itd be a bit weird to have an America ball for the Tankies, though I have encountered the occasional Canadian Tankie who are somehow more insane than their American counterparts.

And the caterpillar road making machine that has to chop down the trees, burn them up, till, compress, mix ash with tar and gravel and level the road as it paves the way. The animals found obviously get turned into delicious burgers. Or so I've been would been told if and when that becomes a real thing one day soon.

My American mind can't even comprehend it. It's like a fuckin' cruise ship, but on a truck.

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May I ask where this is from?

More seriously, I believe it’s from an episode of Phineas and Ferb.

Just put it on a train instead and they'll be fine with it

Nazi Germany actually considered a 3 or 4 m gauge railway (this is the distance between the tracks; the train would be about double that). In comparison, the broadest tracks actually in use are 1.676 m wide. The plan was cancelled following WW2.

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It's a Texas thing. You wouldn't understand.

My mind doesn't need to comprehend it when I am this rock hard.

Am European, can confirm. Well, my mind CAN comprehend this monstrosity, but it REALLY doesn't want to, so I'm not gonna force it 🀷

Obviously fake. There aren't any fast food restaurants.

there is a whataburger at the top, its legit hehe

Europeans: We designed this to be deployed during disasters and states of emergencies to keep capitalism going

Is the Phineas and Ferb's no-stop truck stop?

Love the plane stuck to the aide of it. Also that the American flag isn't on top but something that probably exist or is just a glitch on the AI.

Also that the American flag isn't on top but something that probably exist or is just a glitch on the AI.

It appears to be a Texas flag.

Isn't there a movie about this exact concept?

To be considered a authentic american nonsense thing, it must be fried and stuffed with a lot of cheddar

Is this real? Basically what a yacht would look like if it was on land lol.