
9 Post – 146 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Hello I'm a real person. I use Firefox btw.

Determinism be like: You are safely traveling along THE ONLY WAY.

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Kissing girls is not antithetical to kissing boys.

What's up with the boomer memes recently?

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The answer should be: no. Here's the poll btw. for anyone interested.: https://www.reddit.com/poll/15c0bvr About 2.9k in favor to 900 against atm. Results may be influenced by survivorship bias.

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This would crack open any asphalt instantly.

2 > 1, unless you count Pluto as a star, because if I just want it enough then it surely counts.

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Asexual me: This hole is for me alone. Know your limitations! Play at your own risk!

Spreading disinformstion! I love my dead internet soup!

Now put the cat ears back on!

To win at minecraft

German chess association just boycotts this

For anyone willing to read the official position (you can translate it with firefox or others if you can't read german): https://www.schachbund.de/news/erklaerung-des-dsb-zur-von-der-fide-erlassenen-regelung-zur-registrierung-von-transgender-schachspieler-innen.html

15 cups of coffee

For anyone willing to give credit when sharing and too lazy to do it themself:

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American healthcare seems so fucked and so cruel. People in difficult living situations shouldn't also be bothered with financial difficulties.

VLC Media Player >>>>>>>>>

ngl I love both >:3

Andorra if it was a real country.

Honestly I already use AntennaPod from F-Droid and with youtube music revanced this might give me some new podcast recommendations.

There's not enough contrast in the picture, how do you expect me to read this?

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That's a really cute dress😊!

History of mostly Western philosophy apparently

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But Liftoff doesn't seem to be getting updates.

Ok boomer!

Source? For fact checking reasons and stuff

Who is Bladee ? (I'm an auditive learner)

Is this about sudo-nyms?

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Who makes these?

Is that a terraria crafting guide tree?

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They're all very gay!

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Fabric + Sodium is better than OptiFine (and open source)

I use Signal btw

love the ifunny watermark

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It's an old story we tell everyone who learns German. It's like really well known

Where did you get the 4% being LGBTQI number from?

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Swedish is a Germanic language tf? Just checked Wikipedia and spparently you're right

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This is your reminder to stop scrolling when it's already past midnight!