Nonbinary vibes for nonbinary thursday [NB] to – 269 points –

Person sitting saying: "Male??", "Female??" Who knows? I love trolling!".


"so what are your prounons?"


awkward pause while confusion intensifies


Every single time. No I didn't reveal any information about what's in my pants, sorry 8D

Shouldn't people already expecting something like that if they ask you for your pronouns? Now I'm confused ๐Ÿ˜…

I figure most people are thinking in binary terms and want an indication of whether I'm a boy or a girl. And sometimes maybe "am I attracted to this person or would that make me gay?!"

at least I can pretend they are asking themselves that question, to which the answer is obviously, always YES it is gay xD

The worst is having to talk and it all falls apart ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ

i feel ya there... that's why I'm starting voice therapy, first real session tomorrow afternoon <3 hope you get to work on your voice and achieve what you're looking for!

I'm trying ๐Ÿ˜… Had 6 sessions with a vocal therapist a year ago and felt like it helped avoiding damaging strain. I hope you have positive results and have fun with the silliness ๐Ÿ’–

God I wish I could figure out how to be androgynous. Too many masc features and Iโ€™m not interested in HRTโ€ฆ.. am I?

Well damnโ€ฆ. I should look into that maybeโ€ฆ.

Ooof, I feel that. But I can't seem to consistently feel the same way about my features for more than 2 months at a time so doing anything to change feels like a gamble.

Anyone else think shape shifting is the best super power because you could just always be yourself, but with whatever bits you want that day?

Honestly shapeshifting is the dream

This image is giving me major feminine gender envy feelings

I know, I love it when people get confused because they can't tell, though I do wish I didn't also look like a kid because it's kinda embarrassing to be asked by someone if my parents know where my parents are because they think I'm 12 or 14. (Should add that's just bc of my genetics, I haven't taken anything to change my appearance).