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Joined 1 years ago

Congratulations, you've successfully reinvented the Egyptian civil calendar, complete with the intercalary holidays and all. Literally the only change is to add weeks. And yes, it did work really well, especially since the feast could add or lose a day to adjust to a known reference (the rise and fall of the Nile in their case). I second this proposal to go back.

Pasta. Not spaghetti. Spaghetti is a type of pasta, as are the rest of these. But these others are not spaghetti.

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As much as I love animals (more than most people I meet), as a species we must value human life over animal life to some extent. Suffering for corporate exploitation? No, that's cruel and evil. Minimal suffering in an organism to save a human life? I wish there was a way to keep it from being sentient (so no suffering is felt), but I believe it's a fair trade for a human life. But yes, we must always strive to minimize the suffering we cause.

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That's fine for doors that unlock when you push the bumper-style handle from the inside. Some older doors without this must be unlocked to open from inside.

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I'll take that over Christ, Chastity and Concentration Camps any day.

... we will not let you go!

let me go!!!

Idk how the legal accusations stand up, as there are warnings and liability disclaimers everywhere on it...

I've eaten it, most of my friends have, and we were fine. But I've known others who reacted much more strongly to just a crumb, so I can see how with preexisting conditions that could happen.

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Idk why the heck you just got downvoted into oblivion for pointing out the irony in google calling this a "privacy feature." Good old reddit moment it seems.

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Yeah, that's the right decision here. I'm all for open forums but anti-vax stuff is likely against the terms of service (false medical advice from non-credentialed amateurs with a political agenda). YouTube is a publisher, there's no such thing as an "open forum" as any such place would be quickly overrun with racists and fascists, etc. It's simply a matter of how consistent and unimposing the rules for removal can be (like Lemmy) vs arbitrary removal for a political agenda (like a news station). And any effective rules set would remove anti-vax content.

5/10, not a sphinx...

Assuming D&D lore, polymorph fixes that problem pretty easily. A polymorphed dragon could blend into society pretty well, and if you want, you could still get a ride into international waters (to avoid setting off national airspace warnings), fly down to some random jungle tribe, and be worshipped as a god. Plus nigh immortality (assuming aging only affects your polymorphed form and you continue to age at the rate of your dragon-self).

Wugs, if its an Anglo root, unless it's derived from Latin "Wug*, wugΔ«s" in which case there are two Wugi (wΓ»g-eye). Unless its one of the random Latin words where we don't do that and it's still "wugs." Unless it's a loanword from germanic then we might anglicise it or we might say "wugar." Because eNgLIsH iS EaSY...

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I'd say say at least use a VPN. Most of the suggested security practices are easy enough there's really no reason not to...

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Vampire Trait: +2 healing per damage dealt

Throws a plucked chicken at you

I doubt they actually believe there's a chance of that. My guess is they did it for fun, the "ransom demand" is an international-terror-level joke.

Tried to be man, can confirm. (Enby raised in conservative family).

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  1. we've - contractions are still a single word
  2. improved
  3. our
  4. mobile
  5. app

5 (five) words...

Original quote was "nine" and "I'm with the government and I'm here to help."

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"But you can just choose to just not use our bricks anymore!"


Wow... this map is actually true.

Learn to take a joke.

-- Sincerely, a radical communist

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And that, in that time, he reached a distance of about 50 miles from home...

I wish I was there to remember it lol. On a different note, historians will know exactly what happened; the story is written around the stone in runes...

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Der bΓ«pen-bΓΆpenmann.

"Church's role in harming kids..."

That's a funny way to spell "church officials raping kids..."

Editorial watering down like this is disgusting. Even if it wasn't intentional, if you as the reporter aren't comfortable calling sexual abuse rape in a headline and have to water it down to "harm," that's another reason to keep it full-strength. If it makes people mad, good. The truth should make people mad in cases like this.

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You all actually get more than two parties? America's a dumpster fire at this point, I ought to jump ship soon...

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Non cogito, ergo non sum.

First of all, domes in general aren't a great idea except for maybe greenhouses - at least on planets in our system. NASA and ESA have done some cool concept experiments as to what pressurized architecture could look like, and it's a lot more like a cross between a space station module and Earth architecture.

Second - assuming we've adapted/evolved to the low gravity, skyscrapers are probably the way to go. That said, if we've adapted that heavily we probably have similar adaptations to the atmosphere etc. - in which case architecture would probably be similar to Earth architecture, but able to build higher assuming the same materials.

But if we were trying to colonize a low-gravity world, we'd have to use an orbital station with centripetal-force "gravity" and only research stations on the surface, with a science crew rotation every 6-12 ish months to prevent bone loss.

This is actually the plan for the Moon and then Mars - use Gateway as a station to resupply and host crew rotations for Moon and Mars missions, and eventually to support long-term habitation. But until such a station exists, Lunar Gateway will be used for a waystation for crew rotations between the Moon and Earth.

Space engineering is about to become a very high demand field, on the absolute frontier of human exploration...

Buddy, in America we could wait 12 hours, get a $1000 bill to look at it, then wait 12 weeks to actually get treatment if the radioactive spider bite requires referral to a specialist, followed by a $4000+ bill if the only radioarachnidologist is "out of network"...

I'm in this picture, and I don't like it..