
3 Post – 251 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

So to be clear you take issue with the text in the quoted paragraph? Or is the act of doing what's in the quoted paragraph cool but calling it diagnosis isn't?

If the former, what do you propose people should do who don't have the means to pursue a formal diagnosis, or are on a waiting list and suffering in the interim?

...what? I agree with you?

I even shared an anecdote about my own self diagnosis? I'm genuinely baffled that you just lash out at someone who agrees with you.

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"Diagnosing" yourself is a step along the way to finding behavioural applications that help you. I would never have even begun to start pursuing half the things that have helped me if I didn't see a bunch of people sharing their experience as autistic and go "oh shit, might I be autistic?".

What you are referring to as "telling people to diagnose themselves" is actually just encouraging people to look inward and outward, find common themes between themselves and others, and use those findings to inform what they can do to help themselves and those around them.

If, in fact, you don't take any issue with that and its instead just the word "diagnosis" that you take issue with, then I have no right to stop you from being that pedantic but there are better hills to die on.

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Starmer is a Tory in disguise, remember that

Celeste! One of the best games ever made, with a flawless Linux native version

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Can Grail elaborate on why Grail uses capitalised personal pronouns? On one hand, I want to respect Grail's pronouns and am open to the fact that maybe I am simply uninformed on the topic or something to that effect. On the other hand, I am hesitant to refer to someone with capitalised personal pronouns since that has historically only been used for deities and royalty and comes with a hefty, hefty subtext of power. Can Grail elaborate?

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Grail just linked the medium post which I already read, unfortunately. But, scrolling to the comments, I see that Grail has mentioned that Grail identifies as a divine being, a goddess. I don't think its possible for me to, at this point, understand Grail's gender identity. Out of respect for Grail I will just forego pronoun use entirely when interacting with Grail.

Sounds like the kind of idiocy a politician would suggest for sure. I fucking hate it on this terf island.

International sentiment generally negative about country actively committing genocide.

More at 11.

Jokes aside - yeah? Of course there's propaganda about China. I would wager its hard to find a big international power that doesn't have some level of propaganda being spread about it by the other big international powers. But between the propaganda you still find a bunch of real reasons to have negative views toward China's leadership and actions.

  • Uyghur genocide (ongoing)
  • authoritarian rule with huge censorship of outside media I really don't need to go on
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And it'll continue to spike up until we hit the "actual" values, when we are destigmatized and, hopefully, not oppressed by systems and people.


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The benefits it offers me in society

You know how on reddit, and many other platforms, subcommunities within those platforms have rules? Like some subreddits had a no image macros rule? If you posted an image macro to one of those subs, and get warned or your post is actioned, that entirely on you and not on the community. it doesn't matter if you're "part" of that community, you should abide by the rules of that community when you post in it.

Of course, you're welcome to wilfully ignore or go against the rules of the communities you post in, but aside from being just a generally dick move, you also put yourself in the sights of the moderation of that community.

Bitch, I'm not even part of your "community"! You chose to federate with the rest of us!

And you chose to post in this community - abide by the rules or the moderators have every right to tell you you're breaking the rules, or take action if it continues.

I think, based on the attitude you've displayed here, I can see why you were not deemed a good fit for the community when you applied.

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Idk, I appreciate the progress pride flag because it explicitly includes trans, intersex and poc. There's a decent number of people who would consider themselves part of "the community" and use the standard rainbow flag, who don't consider any identities past LGB. Its nice to be able to signal to people that you are genuinely a safe person/group/whatever who cares about the whole community and their struggles.

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I don't consider my gaming in terms of price/time because that just encourages buying games that suck away my time.

My value for gaming is less of a simple equation, but my examples of games that are "undoubtedly worth the price" are going to consist a lot more of shorter games that are absolutely spectacular for their shorter playtime with a £30ish price tag.


  • Outer Wilds
  • Tunic
  • Hollow Knight
  • Journey
  • The Witness
  • Portal (1&2)
  • Celeste
  • Undertale
  • To The Moon
  • Ori and the Blind Forest/Will o the Wisps
  • The Witcher 3

I have no strict criteria for this, but I can say I've had far, far more than my money's worth from those games in terms of the value they brought to my life.

If you do want to look purely at the number of hours you'll get out of a game vs its price, look no further than Guild Wars 2. You can get all the content for under £100 I beoieve, and I've spent 6000+ wonderful hours playing it. It's not the same kind of enjoyment though.

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In case anyone is wondering, here is the "shaming" that is done in the app. (images attached)

You're not being shamed anywhere in this text. You are being presented factual information. Any shame that you feel as a result of being faced with information is pretty much entirely on you.

I have no qualms turning on sponsorblock and adblockers, I support the creators that I enjoy via other means.

If you are taking issue with the "don't freeload" then I guess you perhaps feel bad being told that you're freeloading? I won't pretend to know what's going on in your own brain. But you're posting this in a piracy community so I don't imagine it should be any surprise to you that you're freeloading, lol. If ye choose to sail the seas, do it with pride, me hearty. And support small businesses, yarr.

image 1 image 2

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This article is unintelligible. I don't see a single point being made. It's filled with whataboutism and making up arguments to debunk.

Google, apple, and Samsung are all untrustworthy. Google and apple also make some pretty good phones, albeit pricy ones.

I think some of it is sort of to make people with more than one pronoun, or neopronouns, stand out less or feel less like an "othered" group.

If people with """""normal""""" pronoun usage just list their pronoun as "she" and anyone who uses multiple has to list "she/they" or someone who uses neopronouns needs to list "ve/vir/virs", this can make those parties feel more "other", perhaps. If everyone is listing multiple pronouns, even if they're sort of repeating themselves, then it levels the playing field and makes things more inclusive. Just a thought.

The other thing that comes to mind is that some people might be cool with "she" but not with "her". By specifying "she/her" you're explicitly telling people you're cool with it all.

At the end of the day the extra 4 or 5 characters isn't particularly high effort or high cost, and it seems to be what people run with for whatever reason they do - so I guess that's just how it be!

This is always a valid reason. Annoying jk rowling is always morally correct

I've had nothing but praise in the past, but I don't really know you that way and I don't go around advertising it

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The developers finished the game out of their own pockets, the company was bankrupt. Once the game released they recouped their finances and then some, since it was a smash success and one of the best pieces of art in the games medium.

They are still making games and you're still supporting them if you buy it now :)

I appreciate you amending your post to strike through the slurs and problematic language - but maybe just remove the old words entirely and leave an edit at the bottom mentioning you removed problematic language? For many transgender folk it can be quite distressing seeing the word used

As for advice for this kind of thing, as other people mentioned there's a lot of advice if you just search for it. Shrimpteeth is a wonderful resource, they have an Instagram account with a lot of free resources too.

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Fuck this shitty terf island

Tunic is incredibly unique and I can't say I've played anything like it. On the surface it's a classic dungeon crawler zelda inspired thing, but once you play.... Really any amount of it, you start to see past the veil and the real game is revealed to you. Even after completing the entire game and all achievements, there is technically more of the game available to be explored.

Outer Wilds (not to be confused with Obsidian's Outer Worlds) will be an absolute bliss for anyone who enjoyed portal or superliminal. It may be the single greatest puzzle/exploration game ever made, with no exaggeration.

Return of the Obra Dinn was a game that I could not put down. I played it in one sitting beginning to end. I was enthralled and I felt like Sherlock fucking Holmes. It is a very unassuming game but by God, you will be gripped. It stands up there with Outer Wilds as being a game that absolutely propelled itsself up to one of the best of its genre (this one being Mystery/Puzzle)

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YouTube absolutely can see which parts of videos people are actually engaging with. So can creators. And sponsors can request engagement metrics as part of their sponsorship deals.

Advertisers care about impressions and engagement. A person simply watching a sponsored segment is an impression. If people's impression metrics for sponsored segments start dropping, they become less attractive to sponsors as they knew they're going to get fewer impressions as part of the deal.

It may, or may not, be a very small impact but it is an impact nonetheless.

If nobody is watching sponsored segments (which we've established: YouTube itsself, creators, and sponsors can track) then companies don't have any incentive to sponsor videos, and creators no longer get revenue from sponsorships. Sure, this is a very end of the line example, because there's always going to be someone who doesn't have sponsorblock installed and can't be bothered to skip the segment.

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There's no threat posed by the trans community, unless you're in the business of keeping people oppressed or unhappy. Then the trans community poses a threat, because we are going to fight to let people live their true lives! (tl;dr, no, nothing, trans people are just trans)

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I replied to another user, but I'm sharing it in a main reply to add my voice to the base level comments.

I want a safe place to be, while looking out into a wider sea of content (albeit through the filter of Beehaw’s defederation, which I really appreciate). When the trolls and the assholes get too much, I like to be able to retreat back to just Local feed setting and be safe again. If beehaw was to be a separate platform, I’d lose that.

Beehaw is a shining beacon in an ocean of content, good and bad. I’d love that beacon to remain, so more people can find safety here if they need it.

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I presume they would use the remaining balance to continue to fund the beehaw project in whatever form it takes

I'm a girl, so ymmv, but I'm a huge believer in communication, enthusiastic consent in all things, and boundaries. This sort of breaks all 3 of those things, even though its fairly innocuous. I would be much more into it if there was explicit communication about it. "Could I try some of yours?" - this kinda doubles as a great way to check boundaries and consent (of you drinking from my glass), and also as a sort of double entendre if the vibe is there.

She was assigned male at birth, but whether she was born a man or a woman or neither is something only she can say.

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This makes me so happy 🥰 go queers, be open about yourself, feel free to explore!

James Acaster is the correct answer in here - he is hilariously funny and very progressive

That's such a strawman reply. Nobody in this conversation thinks it is okay to be racist. You would not be banned for being anti racist, and implying that you would be is part of what you're doing wrong here.

You're on the beehaw instance, bee nice.

It makes absolute sense that people are passionately against this game, which puts money directly in the pockets of not only a very vocal transphobe with a huge following-but one who actively finances anti-trans causes. The game itsself has its own incredibly problematic issues, but I focus on the transphobia because that's what your comment was concerned with.

Quite frankly, yes, we want acceptance. But "acceptance" of trans people as people who have human rights should be the bare minimum. That is in no way comparable to pushing back against this game, or pushing back against JKR.

Thanks for keeping beehaw a safe and friendly place <3

Never. Just vote. Be a grain of sand on the scales that keeps things from going to absolute shit. It costs you almost nothing, just a tiny amount of time.

It's good that you've acknowledged your biases. I think everyone's voice here has been pretty uninanimous: her attire isn't inherently an issue.

If it makes you uncomfortable you're fully entitled to voice that, but you should be open to the fact that the answer will probably be "that's a bit of a you problem".

Baba is You - simplistic graphically, but immensely satisfying mechanically. Amazing puzzle game.

Celeste - gorgeous graphics and buttery smooth controls, a platformer that is encouraging and supportive all the way through but ranges from "easy as pie" to "hard as nails" as you progress. One of the most satisfying games to complete every level for. One of the best soundtracks ever. Trans rights!

Fez - another simple-ish at face value platformer game, but this time with puzzles as the main thread instead of action. Super satisfying puzzles and an amazing soundtrack.

Omori - an RPG which eventually deals with some heavy subject matter but does so tastefully and maturely. It's a splendid story either way you spin it, and lots of fun.

Undertale - same as above, but shorter and more "punchy". One of the best soundtracks in gaming, and a cast of characters you'll come to feel like your family. It's quite subversive for the genre, so it's a fun experience. It has an episodic sister game Deltarune which is still in the works.

Void Stranger - a block-pushing styled game, but incredibly subversive for the genre. Gorgeous visuals, great soundtrack, and some truly mindbending puzzles. It gets super hard, but it's also super satisfying to beat.

Stardew Valley - cozy farming game, really just oozing passion and love from the developer(s). Lots to do, many unique people to meet and things to see. Pretty graphics and stunning soundtrack. Fall in love with an NPC, marry them if you want. Or don't do any of that. Make your own fun in this one, there's a bunch of aspects to get into.

Citizen Sleeper - not technically 2d but may as well be. A gripping, beautiful sci-fi story, told in a tabletop RPG style. You won't be able to help falling in love with the rag-tag character cast, and shedding a few tears along the way. It's very down to earth but makes me long for the stars at the same time.

Ori and the Blind Forest/Ori and the Will of the Wisps - a drop dead gorgeous, lovingly crafted metroidvania with one of the best soundtracks you could ever ask for. Platforming is gorgeously refined, and the sequel improves upon the first game in many ways.

Hollow Knight - I could copy paste the majority of the Ori blurb here, however this game has a deeper focus on the deep, winding, sprawling exploration, and combat aspects. Gripping soundtrack and stunning stylised visuals. You will, however, join the wait for Silksong with the rest of us, which drives many people mad!

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As someone who is very much inside the queer bubble, and who thinks pluralkit is an essential tool to have in any discord server that considers itsself accessible or queer friendly: I strongly disagree that its the feature preventing FOSS alternatives from taking off. It could be a small factor in a sea of small factors, but I'd wager over 50% of discord users have never even seen PluralKit.

Journey by thatgamecompany - it is difficult to put into words what it is exactly that I experienced, and I think every person's take away will be a bit different, but there is a profound and overwhelming experience to be had with that short but wonderful game.

Firewatch has a turning point in its story which hits like a truck, and is very grounding. It takes a story which has felt almost whimsically frightening, and brings it much closer to home emotionally.

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