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Joined 1 years ago

Kinky people who want 3+ people involved

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Cooking. I love to cook for my friends and family. I've been perfecting my homemade pizza for years. It's very good and I love to make it for guests.

I've had people say I should open a pizzaria, especially since the one good one in town shut down.

Fuck that.

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Idaho, the northernmost state of deep south

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We love our heat pump!

We did a DIY install a few years ago. Cost about $4500 in total for a Bosch 18k BTU unit and everything needed to install it.

We got $900 back from the state (WA USA) and $2000 back from the feds. That brought our total out of pocket down to $1600.

We had electric resistive heat and no AC previously. Our heating bill went down by $50/month in the winter. It added maybe $10/month in the summer for air conditioning.

For our area, with mild winters and low electricity costs, it's fucking amazing.

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Because prohibition doesn't work. We tried it with alcohol, it didn't work. We've tried it with most other drugs for decades, it didn't work.

Prohibition just creates a black market for whatever drug is banned. The drug will still be available. It will also be adulterated and untested for purity.

If they were banned, cigarettes would become more like modern heroin. The contents of them would be unknown. In addition to the harms of tobacco, there would be the harms of whatever adulterants the black market sellers put into them.

Instead of dying over the course of decades of consumption, the smokers of Black Market cigarettes would also potentially be dying immediately from whatever random stuff people put in the cigarettes.

Your troubleshooting skills are above average, tbh.

You've identified that there's an issue. You tried something simple to remedy. You even tried it again to make sure.

You didn't make a bunch of crazy assumptions about what the problem was. You didn't do a bunch of weird shit all at once to try to fix it. You didn't do something to make the problem worse.

You're doing great!

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This one made me really sad.

I loved his videos. I learned a lot from the disassembly videos.

Then he went all Covid denier as soon as the pandemic hit. I couldn't watch it anymore

Same, I'd just use it to kill myself.

I'm OK BTW, but do have depression. I don't think it's worth the risk.

Masturbate, play with my ass, and scroll porno on my phone. All at once!

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Agreed. It's been common throughout history for people to live on only beer and water for a few weeks at a time.

I imagine you could survive at least a few months on doppelbock if you were in good health beforehand.

Charging infrastructure is still pretty shit compared to refueling a gas car as well.

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Tbh, same

Enbies got me bi

you can get fired for not being positive enough

This is a sign of a broken organization

I've been thinking the the same thing! I'm seeing a lot more interesting content posted here

Same here. Biden has given me hope they actually will.

Instead of the usual Dem capitulation to shitty R demands, he's told them to get stuffed.

This seems unprecedented in modern history.

Reject modernity, embrace tradition

Yup, my only laptop is a 10+ year old ThinkPad. Does everything I need it to do perfectly

For real, internal combustion engines are made way better than they used to be. Both in terms of reliability and power output.

You can get a small, ICE only (non-hybrid) car that gets 40+ MPG. You can buy a new car with a warranty that makes over 800 horsepower.

The IC engine is at its peak. Electric is the future, but the current crop of ICE are incredible machines.

I love to ride and rebuild motorcycles. It's so satisfying getting a crusty old bike and making it a reliable machine again.

It does influence how I think of myself. I'm proud of being able to disassemble and reassemble an entire motorcycle.

It's an amazing feeling going down the highway on two wheels, knowing that the machine underneath me used to be a pile of parts in boxes.

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Really nice of you to offer this to the community!

an engineer, their word may be trusted enough

That's what happens here. This person was a Professional Engineer, a kind of certified engineer. Their job is to determine if stuff is safe for use.

Things like roads, bridges, pressure vessels, and apartment buildings all have a Professional Engineer (PE) look over their designs at some point. Their job is to use their expertise to determine if the thing can do it's job safely.

Existing structures are also periodically inspected by PEs. Like the above person, they determine if the thing can continue to do its job safely.

Unlike other engineers (in the USA), PEs have to attain a certification. You need to take an exam and maintain a license. It takes a lot of time and effort to obtain these things.

Shouldn’t the inspector be working off existing plans rather than being able to declare any structural element as decorative?

As someone else mentioned, the building is old enough that the initial plans likely no longer exist.

It's the job of the PE to make judgment calls like "is this column structural or decorative". This person fucked that up. Losing their license and ability to practice would be a fitting punishment.

When PEs fuck up, lots of people can die.

Stole soooo much stuff from work

It definitely makes sense to evaluate electricity costs. It's unfortunately expensive to get a heat pump in some places.

Where we live, the Seattle metro area, it was a huge cost savings to get our heat pump.

Crunch the numbers and make sure it makes financial sense.

Smelling a roll of plastic garbage bags. There's just something about that smell

Kirkland Citrus body wash and Mitchum unscented antiperspirant.

I'm a sweaty mofo and need the strong stuff.

Good for you for working on your depression!

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Glad to hear that old-school opioids are still being produced.

Damn, I can't wait til she's legal!

I had a great experience with Ubuntu as a Linux first timer. Still using it 5 years later!


To be fair, it's really hard to get your hands on a human mummy to eat nowadays.

Nice job! 💪💪💪

I am in a similar situation with my guns. I have two antique long guns. They're locked up, in the crawl space, and I don't keep any ammo in my house.

I have depression and I don't trust myself not to use my guns to kill myself. For me, the inconvenience of accessing them and obtaining ammo feels like a safe compromise.

I agree that this is an enormous problem with no easy solutions.

Any second-hand business class laptop that fits your budget, i.e. HP Elitebook/Probook/Zbook, Dell Inspiron/Latitude/XPS, or Lenovo Thinkpad.

Second this. I have a 10 year old Lenovo running Ubuntu that suits my minimal needs just fine

We had a good run

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I was thinking the same thing.

I wholeheartedly agree. They should be euthanized quickly and painlessly.

Great response!

I too will keep voting for the better choice.

We have an inequality problem masking as a gun problem. We have a mental health crisis masking as gun problem.

Hard agree. People would not be killing themselves in droves if these issues weren't present.

We have a shitload of guns in this country. Nothing is going to change that.

While I think we do need more strict gun ownership laws, they're not going to change the amount already in people's hands. Nor will they make people less miserable.

What we need are tangible improvements in people's lives. Improved wages. Lower housing costs. Affordable healthcare. Quality, free treatment for addiction.

These are the things that will keep people from killing themselves.

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