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Joined 11 months ago

Diane Feinstein: literally dying of old age

Also Diane Feinstein: I’m still fit for office!

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Yea, I hate when opportunity cost and loss are conflated.

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Yea. This headline is rage bait trash.

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Is it really ‘pulling back’ when consumers are priced out of those things?

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Can I help? How can I help speed this up?

I feel like you can be pro-palestine without being antisemitic…

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Jesus fucking Christ finally

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Two nights ago I had a random meeting with the CEO, who I have a really good relationship with, added to my calendar. Thought nothing of it.

I entered the zoom call and said ‘so am I getting fired?’

The answer was yes.

Awkward silence ensued for a minute until they started telling me about the severance package.

Side note: I can try to negotiate that severance a bit right?

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On a completely trivial note: who the hell estimates a number that small? Approximately 4? Just count them, it’s not hard.

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They’ve believed the end is near for 2000 years.

Shit, the Bible says that the rapture would happen before a particular apostle would die. Yet, here we are without a 2000 year old apostle.

The gymnastics to make it make sense are that he had a vision of the end when he ‘wrote’ Revelations.

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Yea so I’m a driver and the characterization that it’s drivers retaliating against customers is… wrong. When we skip an order it’s because it will literally cost us money to deliver, and it’s DoorDash that we’re saying no to.

The problem isn’t the drivers, it’s DoorDash and their unwillingness to pay us appropriately. They’ve recently reduced the base payout to $2, and there’s no delivery where $2 is enough to cover costs of delivery, let alone make the extra few bucks that we’re doing this shitty job for.

DoorDash is actively disincentivizing drivers from taking orders that customers don’t tip on. Please don’t blame drivers for DoorDash’s shitty business practices.

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Idk about any woman he wanted. There are plenty of people who were never attracted to him, and he may be dysfunctional in a way that draws him to those people.

No one can ever have anyone they want. There will always be someone that says no, and if you don’t have the maturity to accept that and let go of your sense of entitlement you might wind up turning into a predator like Masterson.

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I tend to lean into accepting that ‘the US government has done some pretty horrific shit too’ camp, but I don’t do it as a way to shill for China, because fuck that authoritarian place. But it is dumb not to recognize massacres like Kent State, Tulsa, or the systematic genocides of First Nations peoples.

Tiananmen Square really isn’t the best example to use as an example of how China isn’t like the US. There’s plenty of much more insidious dystopian shit happening in China every day to use than that.

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Oh no, not on HARDCORE porn!

I mean, in front of my salad?!

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Ted Lasso

Adventure time

Steven Universe

Out Flag Means Death

The Good Place

What We Do In The Shadows

She’s calling them out on it, not accusing them of it.

I’ve set sail on the high seas again for the first time in like 15 years.

Blockchain =/= crypto

Crypto uses blockchain, but blockchain is just a different type of database that generally tracks data through a decentralized network. It has a lot of real uses beyond crypto like identity verification, transcript/records management management, and iot data sharing. It’s nothing that can’t be done in a centralized manner, it’s just a different way of going about it that, in some cases, is much more secure and/or much more easily accessible.

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I turn 40 in March and still have no idea what I’m doing. I just make it up as I go.

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I have good news! The World Wildlife Fund IS real!

Seriously thought it was the side of a knee.

I worked for sprint in a retail store for 3 years, and the number of people that handed me their phones with their own nudes as the backgrounds was shocking.

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‘Convicted’ prostitute? What the fuck is this phrasing?

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I’m more of a commenter and less of a poster, but I moved away from world as my primary instance last week. Part to spread the load, part to just be able to browse.

It’s in the newest Borat movie. It’s real and it def happened

As a cat owner, cats are nasty.

They step all over where they pee and poop and then walk all over everything, often times tracking litter with them.


That shits been dead since the 60’s at least. It had been thoroughly dragged through the streets and mutilated by the 80’s. It’s been dead long enough that it’s not even a rotting corpse anymore, it’s just bones in a pile slowly turning to dust.

In 30 years no one who was alive before it died will still be around and it will be a forgotten concept that lives on in the imagination of children as an echo of times past while they brave the streets as they’ve had to drop out of school and work alongside their parents to make sure the family has enough money to buy dinner.

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Some parents beat their children when they find out they’re queer. This forces the school to potentially out kids to their hostile parents.

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Looks like the stuff they’re talking about is going to exclude me, which is unfortunate since I could really use the relief. But I hope something goes through and everyone else can get the help. It’ll be good for the economy and I’ll survive even if it means continuing to work two jobs.

The fuck does this have to do with Apple?

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There’s always an exception to the rule.

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This image isn’t about making people equal, it’s about making systems equal…

I’m back on the high seas, but I’m worried about my ability to discover new shit or when stuff comes back. I’ve relied on my Apple TV to let me know when new seasons start for so long that I no longer have tools to keep track of shit. I literally forget the things I watch between seasons.

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Yea, this isn’t news

Don’t get too excited.

Something worse will come and fill the void.

They’re saying the same thing, just backwards.

I think there’s value for folks in the community to have the hyper-specific labels. I’m saying this as a bi person who agrees that pan, Omni, etc are sub categories of bi.

My super automatic espresso machine. Dead simple to use and so much cheaper than operating a keurig. I bought it because I’m awful at real coffee machines and need to have a single serve option. Being able to use whole beans has made it pay for itself in the 3 years I’ve had it.

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In the immortal words of Dr Ishiro Serizawa:

“Let them fight”

They really thought blimps were gonna be a thing.